The Reiki Smart Field

I was using a VPN.

I will also try with a virtual card (this one is physical), maybe that will work.

Thank You.


Use PC, MasterCard or Visa, check that your name matches exactly. VPN will be blocked almost always, I doubt you will make it work.


I use a VPN for every purchase. And use a real zip code for the country you choose


America VPN and 90210 Zipcode.
I knew watching Beverly Hills 90210 when I was younger would be beneficial some day :joy:


Gumroad blocked payment outside US. I sent an email to them, and they unblocked me.


Yep, I tried…
And I failed.
They refuse my purchase even with/while using USA I.P.

Just realized that all the blurring was not necessary…

Tomorrow I’ll try with virtual cards.


Just sent you a DM of the one I use. See if that will be of some help :crossed_fingers:t2: :pray:t3:


i can buy for you if you send the money first. I can select “Give as gift” and then enter your email


Thank You :pray:, but there is no need.
@anon77086103 already helped me, he bought it as a gift. TYSM. :pray:


Has anyone had any significant results with this field?

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Man… I looped this in all night and I feel stiff and my body feels tired in the morning. It feels like I exercised too much :slightly_smiling_face:… which is weird. I would have expected the opposite.


Question to the experienced users of this field:

What is the difference between the Reiki energy and the Force of Life field?

And how effective is Reiki healing compared to just looping Jing, Chi, Life Force etc.?

Thank you.

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I’d say they’re totally different approaches.

Reiki energy is ‘intelligent’ on its own – it has an ‘objective’ that it tries to accomplish and it does so in an extremely gentle and attentive way. When you use Reiki without directing it, it usually induces relaxation and healing to the energy and physical bodies and you’ll often notice it seeking out or ‘deciding’ what it’s going to do without any conscious direction from you.

Besides healing, Reiki energy can be used for all kinds of other things like manifestation, environmental clearing and food/beverage charging. By design, it’s non-localized and non-temporal and can be sent across both space and time like it’s no big deal. It’s a very versatile energy.

The Smart Reiki field has an additional layer of intelligence that provides additional guidance to the original Reiki energies, helping it to be even smarter and more effective (but still very gentle!). The intelligence of this field is also very high – you can interact with it to target specific problem areas, ask it for guidance or education or even ask it for a direct Attunement in Reiki itself so you can experiment with Reiki without the field playing mediator.

Additionally, the Reiki ‘source’ from this field is a much, much higher quality level than you’d normally get at your local healing circle!

Though you can for certain fill your energy centers with Reiki energy, I’m not sure under what circumstances it would do that without conscious direction. Force of Life and the related energy fields (Jing, Chi, Shen, etc) are targeted at engorging and packing you full of energy and they do this very, very effectively.

They’re complimentary, of course, but I think of Jing, Chi, Force of Life and friends as ‘fuel’ and ‘building blocks’. Reiki is active and the energy is actively seeking to do something, rather than support other ongoing activities.

In my personal experience, it’s an order of magnitude more effective at healing. It does a fantastic job of seeking out problem areas and smoothing out the energy flows that are causing the problems. It similarly does an amazing job at relaxing the recipient and easing pain – both of which are key prerequisites to true healing. It does more than that, but these effects are extremely noticeable.

Jing, Chi, Force of Life and friends can also be very effective, of course. Since sickness and disease are often expensive, energetically speaking, supplying those energies absolutely helps you recover (or feel better) more quickly. Force of Life in particular is exceptionally helpful for supporting recovery and healing.

I almost always pair them. I use Force of Life (and often Fa Jin Gong Healing) to supply a bunch of extra energy and then I use Smart Reiki to galvanize and direct that energy into action. I usually use Reiki on myself at the same time so I can be a more ‘active participant’ in the healing process.

But also, I might just be biased – I did Reiki (attuned in several various lineages) for years before I encountered Morphic Fields, so from where I’m sitting, it’s pretty ‘tried and true’. I’d love to hear alternative interpretations on the workings of Force of Life – there’s something really special about that field!


I was planning to go to a Reiki near me. If i use this field, do I still have to go?

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When I cycle Plasma flower + Reiki it gives me unexpected peace


Hi SorcerySupreme
Can you please let me no how to mack this field learn new reiki styles like if I watch a youtube reiki video I want it to learn do I have to have this playing at the same time Thank you

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I directed this field to problematic areas in my head, arms and legs. Like magic, the pain disappeared.

Incredible field for $25.


Hello @YogiCosmos!

Here are some links to help you with the forum: SapienMed FAQ Collection

Welcome KY Mountains and QP


It’s almost silly right?
This is a candidate for most underpriced field (I probably mentioned that before lol, and probably in this very thread, but it deserves repeating :100:)


Yea this is an amazing field. Been using this for a couple of days and it’s amazing that you can have reiki healing like this any time you want. Very smooth and soothing energy but at times I notice it clearing something bigger and it feels awesome. I’ve already had one or two deeper experiences with this field when something gets cleared. Would be foolish not to get this lol.