The Requests and Fields

VIP Access - This is both physical and spiritual in the sense that it provides you access to where you want to go without issues and are welcomed positively - Each person that wears this has different expectations of what they want access to. (experiences of higher realms, planes, higher consciousness, knowledge to physical access to parties, exclusive events, computer systems etc…) This field provides the user all around access to “whatever they want”.

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So like the Glory tag but instead of getting what you want, getting where you want?

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Pretty much the glory tag lol.


So the glory tag can be utilized for higher dimensional travel and enlightenment i didn’t think about that.

re: This item does exactly what the names says. It helps you to succeed in any endeavor you put your mind to as fast and as forcefully as possible.


Past life regression healing
10,000 hour rule - Reduce this amount of time to master a skill or playing the piano, it could be anything.


I had no idea that this field could be used for that, thanks.


Use the probability and luck alteration on Sapien Medicine, uploaded on sep 2. Its description fits in clearly with what you mention. All the best.


Found an interesting article proposing a differing theory for hair loss on the scalp: excessive pressure on the hair follicle due to a loss of subcutaneous fat, which normally provides cushoning from the weight of the scalp. It also suggests that the buildup of DHT is the body trying to help the hair follicle grow under these tougher conditions, not the cause for the hair loss itself.

This info could be a good addition to the Hair Loss Reversal audios.


I found that article while trying to research what I really wanted to request, a way to convert thick, dark body hair to light, translucent peach-fuzz.

I remember reading an article years ago that described a theoretical mechanism that could achieve terminal to vellus hair conversion, but now I can’t find it. Still, I think it’d make an amazing field, if a mechanism can be found, to convert all body hair below the throat from terminal hair (thick body hair) to vellus hair (peach-fuzz).


Thanks for not deleting!


Oh man, so does that mean fat to stem cells for scalp is counterintuitive?

It’s an opposing theory. Basically, we don’t know for sure the mechanism that’s causing baldness, so any tool that addresses the problem, whether traditional medicine or energetic means like morphic fields, has to take an approach based on a theory and see how it works.

What I like about this theory is the simplicity of it, and that it just makes sense when looked at in context of the body as a whole. @Captain_Nemo would have to decide if he wants to incorporate this info into his existing fields, create a new “experimental” one, or pass on this and focus on other things.


I just read the article and feel exactly the same way. It makes a lot more sense than just the body randomly depositing DHT in the scalp.

It could also explain why my scalp started feeling bruised (and still does at on and off), shortly before I started losing hair. I probably should notice if it coincides with my weight.

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Yeah, totally agreed. Interesting bit about the bruising, when you said that it reminded me of an experience of my own. There was a time a while back where me and several of the guys I work with would all get online after work and game together for hours.

After a few months of this, I started to notice the beginning stages of thinning hair on my scalp, right at the point where the big, bulky headband for my heavy gaming headset rested on my head.

It wasn’t long after I noticed this that I realized what was happening and stopped joining in the gaming sessions, and if I did, I wasn’t wearing that heavy headset.

So, now with better understanding from that article, it seems entirely plausible that the weight of the headset caused too much pressure on the hair follicles, restricting blood flow and they were slowly withering and dying. That’s why I was seeing thinning in only that one spot.

Yeah, I really like this theory. Hopefully Dreamweaver agrees.


Question -

Are there any morphic fields that have been created by Dreamweaver that address the gut flora/microbiome etc? @SammyG @uial @anon6431808

If not, then can that be on the long list of requested fields. :pray:t2:


Gut flora/microbiome fields are a great idea! :smiley:

So far Dreamweaver has created an Irritable bowel syndrome field on Patreon. It addresses Helicobacter pylori bacteria and can help normalise intestinal flora.

From the description:

Irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ) is a prevalent and debilitating gastrointestinal condition. Research has reported persistent, low-grade mucosal inflammation and significant overlaps between patients with IBS and those with dyspepsia, suggesting a possible pathogenic role of Helicobacter pylori ( H . pylori ) in IBS.

This works specifically to help heal your stomach and kill the Helicobacter bacteria.

May not help all types. But a large amount of user who had this experienced a marked reduction in problems.

Use 2- 3 times a day, longer should be fine also.


If dream ever wishes to make a field on gut bacteria, microbiome in there, this subliminal’s description should come in handy regarding the research required.


Self Love Tag - It could for example have the fields of: Become Whole: Self Acceptance/Self Love/Dissolve Insecurities, Attract Love, Unconditional You, Extreme Self Confidence/Self Esteem Boost.


The 5 Senses Audio - Infusing the senses with unconditional love and also enhancing them a little.