The Requests and Fields

U think u thought it first but really it was ur psychic brain picking up on my thoughts thinking it was of ur own so yes, yes i do thank u very much :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Need more mantra audios especially those that are for Spiritual and psychic development


Hey man, hate to break it to ya, but a month isn’t nearly long enough. You need to stick with it for months and months, and maybe longer. Twice a day, if possible. Just take it one day at a time. And support yourself in the process with some detox fields and the new lymph field. I don’t want to derail this thread, but you can PM me if you wanna chat a bit. I never had the jock-area issue but I had a major systemic fungal issue that I’ve made huge progress on. It takes time to reverse, especially when it’s gone unchecked for so long. Again, feel free to message me anytime. Wishing you the best.


ayahuasca experience if possible :heart_eyes:

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I think a field targeted towards the vestibular system would be beneficial for every single person on this forum. It determines the balance, helps dizziness/vertigo, etc. Keeps anxiety low, helps hearing, etc, better sense of your surroundings.

Hopefully we can see a Vestibular System field coming soon @Captain_Nemo, would be helpful for everyone


I am not that tall, just 6’4
but its hard to get around, the world is built for short people, you always have to be hunching or bending to fit through doors etc.
It can be quite problematic.
Especially if you go to a country where everyone has around a similar height.
Like japan.

that’s not hard to do, but the potentials for misuse are quite high.

I made this on a former car windscreen lol.
wasn’t tinted.

actually i made this a month ago, for testing, but was gonna combine it with something else to potentiate the effects (and autophagy)
(may or may not be a public field)

I should eventually add more to other organs for the channel.

Might do a russian version

you also need to sanitize everything you have been wearing, or using, pants underwear, towels, etc etc.
Add some hydrogen peroxide 3 percent to affected areas.


We would look hilarious next to each other. My best friend is 6’2 and people thought it was great. :joy:


But could be a little revolution, I mean the amount of work it takes to summon them is so much, and many methods are not even available to everyone and this audio could change all of that man… just think how many entities we can communicate with… potential is immense
But yeah it can’t be available to everyone, many will not know what they’re doing
Make it available as an album, so that it is not shown when anyone searches on YouTube, only a select few should know about it
On the side note- it is my desire that I hold a good conversation with you one day, your knowledge arouses my curiosity :eyes:

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dream catcher morphic field!



Might do a russian version

Yee, sounds good.

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Essence of the White Sage leaves and plant.

Many people burn white sage leaves for purification. (Myself, I love it. )Because of this it is now on the “Watch List” for endangered plants. I would grow my own in very large pots but don’t have the requirements for it, full sun. It would be great to have a field that was like burning white sage leaves.


Rudraksha 21 Mukhi


The HOMAN -YAGNA Releases

Are awesome !!! Star dust!!! :)

More of that would be awesome!


Green Tara ? :)


Lol yeh bro star dust! :boom: :dizzy:


A field which removes unwanted hair on for example your back xD

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Jesus Christ field to communicate with Him to help us in every need with his Power


A full body version of plasma glass ;)


Im pretty sure the one we have can achieve that over time. I just started it yesterday and im definitely going to keep an eye in my whole body.

Edit: i just read the description again, and it says it only targets face neck ears and head.


Mindfulness 2.0 would be epic dear Captain :pray:


to me the 2.0 mindfulness is the meditation Track from the course as it has : ego diss, mindfulness + theta / delta brainwaves