The Requests and Fields

An additional audio for Dragon Bone Armor would be very appreciated :pray:

Make sure it has the subcutaneous scalp fat restoration. That depletes overtime. Scalp skin gets tight without it. Blood flow goes way down to the scalp.


lengthening spine

Audio Version of the Black Sun

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Methylene Blue. Works at mitocondrial level, is an Antioxidant and Energy Producer. Help the brain ans the urinary track, is proven and very safe.



Can we please get this, from The Manifested? :heart:


That Smart Mental (Conscious and Subconscious) Limits Remover and Replacer’s e.g has it all.
eg: If we have a core belief of “I suck” lingering in our subconscious and/or conscious minds, the Smart mental (conscious and subconscious) limits removal and replacer will detect this, delete it from our entire being and replace it “I rock”.
Hopefully in the manifested public form soon. Amen.


Alchemical Revision of (Inner/Personal) Power

Might be around the same as an ‘Alchemical Revision of Knowing (who/what you are)’
or an Alchemical Revision of Self-Esteem/Worth
(I know we’ve got one for Inner Self Love, but I’m thinking… more than love)

And, since I’m here, Alchemical Revision of Heartbreak
They might all be around the same actually.



Thymic stromal lymphopoietin induces adipose loss through sebum hypersecretion

@Captain_Nemo an advanced field to restore one’s Prana, Tejas, and Ojas, distribute it harmoniously, developing our storage centers of these forces and to fill them for utilization.

Here is a source – Prana, Tejas and Ojas - Subtle Forms of Tridoshas

This would be useful too when used alongside Plasma Flaunt, as I have personally noticed the effectiveness of the audios, and especially ones dealing with bodily healing are determined by our innate life forces (prana, tejas, and ojas in the ayurveda) and if the building blocks are present, the physical nutrients (minerals elements, vitamins, and amino acids), and lastly receptivity to the fields which has to do with the energy body (aura layers/subtle bodies, and the energy centers, meridians) which are also to an extent determined and interwoven with the life forces discussed earlier and with the mind the unconscious blockages which are directly affecting the energetic layers of the body.

So all of this taken into consideration and applied properly, which I believe you have the expertise and genius for can be constructed into a field that would far outperform any current creation.

I hope this request is considered.

I would personally say the accumulation of prana, ojas, and tejas is most important as this will naturally bring in more of the Soul’s Light and get rid of mental obstructions, heal the emotional body, and clear & open pathways & energy centers. Especially if it is stored for permanent usage, and not just accumulated to be lost again. In modern society we are at a loss of storage of our vital forces which causes many diseases and illnesses–while in truth the body is a super-intelligent machine the capacity of which we have not even unlocked for a small percentage at maximum.

This will all come soon as dormant DNA strands awaken alongside the changes in the earth’s grid and galaxy to sustain this.

Woven Worlds: Smart Subconscious Limits Removal :slight_smile:


The alchemical revision of


Just the ribs

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The Alchemical Revision of Unconscious clutter,

some kind of an ultimate brainwash clearing


This Methylene Blue’s been popping up everywhere…Maybe a field (assuming this indeed has some value haha) - Or the Mitochondrial Blend probably already covers it…


Any chance of a Matchmaker update @Captain_Nemo?

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An item version of this field Negative EMF protection and conversion (energetically programmed audio) - YouTube

That we can just place in a few places around our homes so that negative emf is always harmonized into Schumann resonance

Unless this already exists and I totally
Missed it

I know we have the negative ion mandala but I think what I’m talking about is different?


I think Prestige & Grandeur is the new Enhanced Glory (Reach for the Stars)…


A portal field for the desert of Egypt in the night and then being inside the pyramids, for meditation, would be so cool, thanks.

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