The Requests and Fields

Once its past dd size it limits you in a lot of ways, like what you can wear, forget spaghetti straps because no strapless bra or stick on bra will work, it draws unnecessary attention, it affects posture, you are stuck with ugly bras that are expensive and have to be ordered and that most of the time dig in into shoulders. Unless you have custom made clothes you can find a dress that fits you in the chest and in the waist, i cant do half of floor yoga poses because i cant comfortably lay flat on my stomach. I cant run or jump unless i support my chest with my arm. Weight gain or water retention affects that area too.


A Gumroad/NFT/Patreon Premium release of “The Complete Spa”

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Access bars.

The Access Bars Therapy brings the body and mind back into harmony and release common blockages, which allow our mind new access to issues like Money, Health, Kindness, Creativity, Communication, Control, gratitude, Sexuality, joy and dreams. The treatment Brings balance to your body and mind

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There’s already fields for that, to my knowledge.

A smart time manipulation field would be very nice - giving us more time, dilating time so we have more time in the day to get things done.

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Have you checked this:

Lightning In a Bottle

Also the Negative Ions Mandala from Ig is really really good and as the time passes it grows its radio

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Lightning in a bottle I considered but it says it might harm other living things and I have pets and stuff

But I will try negative ions if that will help the air :) thank you

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May I request a de-inhabitor V2 but this time one that bypasses all ego resistance and goes deeper internally?

Sometimes certain forces can “hide” in you and trough portals etc influence you.

Perhaps a mandala version of the de-inhabitor with its ego bypassing that sort of “forces” its way trough all of you, removing all forms of inhabiting beings. From “good” to “bad” to “neutral”.

Consider the suggestion good sire.

tips hat

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And lastly,

A field to become king solomon like.

With hints of enochian magick.

To become the very force that will make demons and negative entities come to this thread and beg you to make a field to protect themselves against this terrifying enochian magician.


tanzanite field :gem:

Tanzanite comes from nature, and its natural aura is a symbol of healing, love and eternity. The ancient Celtic tribes believed that tanzanite can transcend the secular world and help the wearer to enhance understanding, enhance insight and intuition, and help the wearer to deeply understand himself. Tanzanite is also a mood stabilizer, which can eliminate sadness and depression, regulate the wearer’s mood, and dispel anger and anxiety. Tanzanite can increase the vitality of brain cells and the operation of the brain, so it can develop wisdom, concentrate thinking, and increase memory. Tanzanite is also a social stone. Wearing Tanzanite can attract fate. People who are unlucky wearing Tanzanite can meet noble people, increase wit, improve intuition and subconsciousness.



Crosses sold at the enlightenedstates website specifically geared towards entities, parasites and ETs.

When worn will do a full cleanse internally (de-inhabitor etc), but will also function as a weapon against external beings, pretty much exorcism weapon.

Alternatively can be a sigil where we put our own crosses and create the weapon ourselves

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Can we have a sigil to make this ?

Exorcism + de-inhabitor + remove all entities to make on physical item of your choice.

Then we can walk around as literal priests and actually exorcise things with a cross for example.

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Mass meditation 2.0 audio available as mp3 file.


A mandala that constantly gives you energy through out the day and stops at a certain point in the evening when you want to.


Instant/Automated LBRP and Bornless One.


  • Arzel/Raziel Intercession
  • Metatron Intercession
  • Solomonic Meditations
  • Raphael Healing Field
  • Uriel Guidance & Self-Forgiveness Field
  • Michael Banishing of Leeching and Parasitic Spirits Field
  • Gabriel Prophetic Dreams Field
  • Servitor Creation Accelerator + Servitor Nourishing Field
  • Etheric Body Recognition Field

Less technical and more generalized beneficial fields:

  • Cinnabar Vigor
  • Sap of the Dragon Blood Tree
  • A cup of Golden Milk
  • A spoonful of Rhododendron Flower Honey

De-Inhabiter Combo updated would be nice

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I love this idea! It’s like a different take on the Astral Walky Talky’ item maker (except yours would affect your Lineage. I’m already stalking the buy & sale forum for this gem :laughing:

You might want to include a link to this for research purposes. I know what access bars is, but many may not.


sure , more details from Aceess Consciousness website :