The Requests and Fields

Very good idea,I will try to listen to it in the near future while waiting as you suggest. Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts

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Can Sapien Medicine do an audio or dog tag specifically for Melasma/hyperpigmentation? I’ve tried many things but can’t remove them from my face. Thank you


I would absolutely love audio for healing and activating DNA, either as separate audios or both together in one.

Additionally, if possible, an audio that unlocks a person’s fullest genetic potential and helps them to realize that potential? Such a thing would he absolutely amazing


hey, it’d be wonderful if you could create a field for pectus carinatum. it’s a rare chest wall disorder, for me i only have it on my right breast (right breast bones are bigger than the left one). a field for it specifically or even breast bones would be amazing. i have been diagnosed w it a year ago, rn it’s moderate but it still ruins my self esteem n is my biggest insecurity. the only option i have is to get a surgery but it has some risks which is why i’m not going through it.


A field that combines the testosterone boost+dht boost+androstenol would be very powerful and time saving


So, I propose an advanced field which has two sub fields, not to say a field with two particular properties:

  • A time chamber field, that is, a field in which where 1 minute spent in the presence of this field, equals 1 month or 1 year in the real world according to our calendar.And so, all the energetic work (as well as subliminal and hypnosis) carried out in this field of temporal chamber will give results equivalent to 1 month or 1 year, after only 1 minute of work.

  • A hyperbolic chamber field is a field where when we are in his presence, there are duplications (* 2 / * 4 /…/* 10 or * 100) of ourselves, So that all that energetic work (results / effects) (even subliminal or hypnosis) is multiplied by the number of versions of ourselves that have been duplicated,And we benefit from all this cumulation.

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LoL … I know that everything I ask is completely crazy, but if only it’s possible it’s super great. What if@Dreamweaver eLoL … I know that everything I ask is completely crazy, but if only it’s possible it’s super great. What if @Dreamweaver Create this advanced field, it’s me who will go crazy …


Maybe also add in HGH booster and estrogen reducer too.


The Masculine Energy on YouTube Sapien Trust says it boosts male hormones like testosterone, hgh, etc. I would think that includes DHT, androstenol, and estrogen reduction.

@SammyG Can you confirm which hormones that audio boosts?


I’d like to request a female and/or male fertility audio. In particular, I know a lot of women struggle getting pregnant. If they could improve their chances with a field, it could be life changing for them.


I don’t see anything like that on youtube

Oh, it’s a membership

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A mindfulness mandala would be really cool if you want to make one. I also have an idea for another energetic album maybe the energy of mythical beasts? Like a phoenix, a dragon, chimera etc. Similar to what you did on dream seeds with normal animals and trees. Whatever is possible and would not overwhelm the listener lol.


I agree with Emily. In addition Feng Shui. I think a place with good energy is beneficial for a vigorous chi. As the saying goes “Human is supposed to exist with the nature and Nature is supposed to exist with Human”.


Great idea! Meanwhile, Blessings for the Hearth and Home is almost like energetic feng shui.

From the description:

This audio fills your environment/living space with the energies of abundance, positivity and good luck. It’s almost like energetic feng shui for your home. Living around this kind of energy will certainly have a transformative effect on your own energy patterns and help you begin to draw these things more consistently to your life.


There’s a dog tag for it on sapien’s store


Nah thats mixed with timelesness I want to focus on mindfulness alone and a mandala would be cool if he wants to make one. Thanks anyway

Okay, so I’d just used the slow down time perception audio and it’s amazing…it’s a godsend for savoring fun times on the weekends, special events, or just when we need to catch up with stuff…so can you please make this field into a dog tag? Thanks for your consideration!


Dream! I just listened to the “Flow of Jing” for 2 hours and I feel amazing! And now I’m listening to the “Chi Elixir” and I feel so elated and alive!(great music choices btw, I hope I can sleep tonight!) Well anyways, I’d like to make another request; how about a tag of Jing, Shen, and Chi? That’d be great! It will work wonders as well! Thanks for your consideration, keep up the great work and keep them coming Dream! :grinning:


Ancient Arts is definitely one of my favourite creations by DW. The Skeptic is also great for helping to get me going in the morning


Test, DHT, Androstenol