The Requests and Fields

The Air Revitalizer

as mandala


Agree :hugs: since theres a Negative Ions one already, just needs the latest spice lol :heart_eyes:


Yes please! :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

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How about a field to make you better at chess. Yes there are brain fields, but the top chess players have a more intuitive style of play, as in the best move just comes to their mind, something like this would be great for all chess players.

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Hmm… intuition?


Players such as Grandmaster Magnus Carlsen, They don’t even have to think much, it’s as if they just get the best move to make. For those seeking to be in competitive chess or just want to flex on their friends, this would be a cool field, I don’t know about everyone else, but destroying someone in chess is a pretty satisfying, especially if they have beaten you in the past more times than you have beat them.


Well for now… brain fields + intuition fields.

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Yes, let’s hope he may make one for chess in the future. I am using brain fields atm so that should also help.

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A deep sleep digital mandala.


Awesome, we need more like this.

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Would it be possible to have a patreon version of Agatha ?
Since the audio is short, it would be easier to listen on repeat for long periods of time like the Galactic meditations


I’m still recommending a Beard 2.0 as a request/suggestion! Haha


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I asked Sapien for an exclusive tinnitus audio some days ago.
Do you have eustachian tubes disfunction, temporomandibular disorder or an ear infection?

I don’t know what it is man. I just know there is a noise in my head which is most likely tinnitus. occasionally it sounded like 5 beams going into my head from different directions, and I don’t want that happening again. It comes in different sounds. It’s like my head is a station of broken radios which turn on and off. It started at sometime when I was listening to loud music.

Full-Body Coordination

It is caused by temporomandibular disorder I think. that might be it.

I have that too I think it is produced by my eustachian tubes disfunction.
You could try Plasma Protocol 1, joints regeneration audio and I recommend a rife audio in Youtube (Google TMD or TMJ)

cant get plasma protocol

whats the rife audio