The Requests and Fields

HI Susan, please check the video Sapien Med just launched for spine posture and atlas adjustment. It is in You Tube. This video train the muscles to hold a good posture and aligns the atlas (first vertebrae-C1). Just imagine an electric panel with a master breaker at the top and several rows of sub breakers below. If the master is pulled, all the power is cut off, so that is not good. This master breaker is the Atlas (C1) and the sub-breakers are the rest of the vertebrae discs. by focusing on the atlas your body start correcting and make the necessary changes to achieve lasting results. If the atlas is out of place, then the body has to compensate for this misalignment and this is when we start having issues with the rest of the spine. This video will help to address the root of the problem.


SM also has a video for scoliosis. What is the condition of your C1?


Dreams “Fearlessness” pendant has that field. You can find it on enlightened states :slight_smile:


Do you charge it with the field booster?

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Yes overactive bladder and hypothyroidism. It’s hard dealing with those 2…


I am actually looking for a ‘Field Connector’ sigil which would connect to the pendants I have. This would help me carrying only 1 pendant connected to many other fields(virtually) where ever I am.
The idea of how we can achieve is - something in lines of mobile connected to towers or more like ‘fields saved in the cloud’ and connect to them through programmed sigil. This is not to copy the field to another item but instead create a psychic link between items. The Sigil can be pictured like 10 circles( pendants I have) surrounded by one central circle (Pendant I carry) and a psychic link between them. Hope I am clear about the idea. Look forward Dream, thanks :) Nice forum btw :)


A field that increases the attractiveness of the user and effects them on a psychic level to permanently boost that attractiveness.


On the DreamSeeds Channel, Inner Beauty Reflected Outward.
Also available as a dogtag on TeeSpring.
Also, the “Beauty” pendant on enlightenedstates.
You could also try Facial Symmetry on Sapien Medicine.


You have something similar as dog tags “Matchmaker Enchanted” I think :thinking:
You can check out description:

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If possible would be great to have an audio that helps eliminate acid reflux. Stomach producing enough HCL, oesophagus sphincter valve opening and closing correcting. Colon healthy and functioning well etc.

Appreciate you guys.


Increased Psychic Functioning does some of what you mention. “Subconscious Bridge”.


Have you thought about putting it on the Field Booster Sigil?

Do you think his field “animal empathy/telepathy” could also achieve this “bridge to subconscious”, cause in description it said “it can develop these connections” and even you could learn conceptional thinking and in his enlightened states it’s written somewhere that conceptional thinking is necessary for communication with subconscious
Also when I asked him how can I better communicate with servitors and he answered use animal empathy field for developing conceptional thinking (where you just “know”)

It definitely sounds like it would.

I’ve been also thinking about NZT effect and Middle Brain Activation. Searched for the fields on the internet but couldn’t really find satisfying pieces. And I can’t really trust if some fields are safe to use. It would be awesome if Dreamweaver could consider creating these fields though.


Have you guys tried Super human genius?? It does make you smarter. The ultimate goal of NZT is to be genius but to immediately operate at that level, I’m not sure if the body can handle that without sufficient development.


What do y’all think the pros and cons of Angelic Vibration 2.0 are? Has anyone tried it? My goal is to increase my vibration + get better with women.


The Angelic Vibrations audio is wonderful when you are feeling helpless, at least I used it then. It helped me feel better and know that I am divine. @Atomic310 :)


What does having a base Vibration of an angel supposed to do? Does it just raise your Vibration?

Something like this would be nice since I like to carry so many Tags. I can think of 2 ways it might work. Call it the Mimic Field. It could take on the fields of all tags that are placed around it within 1 foot (or link to them), a sigil-type activation word is spoken, then after 30 minutes it’s good to go for 24 hours. Or It would be programmed to “know” which Tags you legitimately own, and link to them. Innovative and great idea Chandu. Now if we had a sigil we could trace by hand or finger tip, and say an activation word, and it would link us to all Tags that we legitimately own for 24 hours, then we could keep them in a safety deposit box.

Edit: I would need the second idea to only work with tags within a foot radius of a linking sigil because I wouldn’t want All my tags linked to me, some I like to only use on special occasions.