The Requests and Fields

Try the sigils in the book of long life and good health. They have both cleansing and regeneration sigils

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Ok Iā€™ll try.
The book is on Patreon right?

Bear with my late response :) . Here we have the Vibration of Creation, I was asking for something like this. Thanks to Dream.


I would love a field for discernment. :slightly_smiling_face: To be able to more clearly discern what kind of energies you are interacting with, and their origin. (Is it your own stuff, or are you taking on someone elses thoughts and emotions, is it spirits or thoughtforms etc, as a support in percieving psychic information) This would be helpful for empaths and provide further clarity in daliy life and human interaction. :heart:


Also, I wish for a field helping build healthy boundaries. :heart_eyes: It would be a great resource to increase further clarity around personal boundaries, and support in building and maintaining strong, healthy boundaries. Some people have very poor boundaries and need support finding and erecting those boundaries, but most people know where their boundaries are. The problem in that case is actually enforcing those boundaries, which can be really hard to do if you have spent your life being a people-pleaser. This field would probably touch on things like dissolving fear of confrontation, stop caring what other people think, and being able to clearly speak your mind in a calm state, self confidence, among other things. :pray:


Thanks man Iā€™m gonna try it.

I think it would really help to have a field to induce and prepare our bodies for Extraterrestrial Contact but also send out an invitation to benevolent Extraterrestrials whom wish to communicate.

The more of us make contact the faster as a species we will be able to allow for accelerated growth in consciousness which with it come many technological advancements and would eventually pave the way for us to join the interstellar alliance.


@Nabs101 is this because the Pentagon released that video of a UFO the other day? I was thinking the same thing! Lol wait until Mulder finds out about this


Iā€™d like to request a field for getting rid of hyperpigmentation/melasma ā€¦especially on the faceā€¦Thank you

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Yup and I highly recommend watch this documentary by Dr Steven Greer:


I hope Dream can make a field for alar base reduction. It is nose procedure, to reduce size of the wings and nostrils. I hope it is possible

Thatā€™s great request. One for constipation would be phenomenal. Iā€™m using the anti aging file and I have found that it gives me constipation for some reason. Similar thing happens to me when I use the fat to stem cells files. They work great, but the side effect seems to be constipation.

Another good request is a facial toning file, but without the facial symmetry on it. Iā€™m dying for something like that, but wonā€™t use the one available because it has symmetry on it.

You just got it! He just released an Alien Intercession.


i just learned that alzheimer patients have protein stuck in brain because the glymphatic system is clogged or compromised. Can Sapien please create audio for healthy glympathic system.
Some information on glympathic system


Hi! Where can I find this? I didnā€™t see it on Patreon. Thanks!

One for nasolabial folds. These are annoying. It could be something a lot of people could use.

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Going to try it. Thanks.

Iā€™m sure itā€™s been requested, butā€¦

No field is more paramount and so needed more than intercepting and blocking the 5G frequencies that will be soon unleashed onto humanity. Itā€™s no coincidence that 5G is being rolled out amidst this virus epidemic.

Preferably in a dog-tag so that the protection is active at all times.


Master Programmer/ Coder field :smiley:


Dream please consider making field for diabetic footšŸ™