The Requests and Fields

I was still thinking a little bit about something like this lol

It could be called “The Tinfoil Hat” and block out all the real things that people have been calling conspiracy theories lol


Cintamani stone energy, programmed.


Dear Cap,

Thank you for the absolutely amazing creations, I just wanted to check with if you, if there’s a possibility of you blessing us with the Venus, and Jupiter NFT, just like we have for The Sun, and The Saturn i.e. emblem of change with their special audios.


The Alkalined Body, Acidosis Slayer.


The Smart Inflammation Slayer.
Removing all inflammation from the body that can be played as often as we need.

Too much Inflammation and acidity are a recipe for disaster.


Updated in NFT form

  • My Personal Emotional and Mental Supporter

  • Smart Cord Cutter

a collective audio for sending love to people who are homeless, living bad, abused, animals abused etc


There are tracks here for breast enhancement. All well and good, as there are a lot of women who aren’t satisfied with bust size.

But, the reverse is true, too. There are women, like me, whose bust is too big, either by nature or a drug interaction (accelerated prepubescent growth caused by Zirontin, Ritalin and Cylert in my case).

I’ll admit, I’m not all that versed on the science behind it, so I can’t give the how of it, but is there any way to make a breast reduction track?

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Check out the gynecomastia field (the one on youtube, not patreon)

should work for women too


I wish there was a field for the Greatest Mead brewer. Mead is honey based and hopefully healthy since I’ve bought all the equipment and 18kg of honey.


And my tongue is really weird, I just hope it’s not something serious. I’ve been searching everywhere but no creator has ever made anything for the tongue, it’s as if it doesn’t excist! How about all those tongues that are swollen, teeth-marked, coated, cracked, smelly or bolted. Some might even be tattooed. We have an incredible mess on our hands, but no chance of correctifying it. It’s actually deeply distressful.

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this is one of the fluid chargers

you just play and it it charges the water inside you.

Place any drink containing water (or just plain water) and play this video, it will make the fluid high energy charged by the end of the video, you should have something that makes you feel really good when you consume it and alkalize your body, use for any situation you need extra energy in. This will also speed up any healing you need done. Also great for watering plants with after or for your pets or loved ones.


Stand-alone field of Teslas Violet Ray :crossed_fingers:t3:


Yussss :raised_hands:

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Traditional Chinese medicine has a whole diagnostic system of figuring out what’s wrong/imbalanced with you by looking at the tongue- I’ve only skimmed things but I know of you look deeper you May find out why your tongue is a certain way

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Chinese Medicine Theory! The tongue mainly presents the state of the internal organs

Maybe you should focus on your organs :slightly_smiling_face:


The Digital Vitamin

For those who can’t purchase groceries supplements food etc.

Maybe combined with hunger inhibitor etc

Anti catabolism or prevention of muscle loss and wasting.

In the same vein of Divine Ingredients or a different approach is also welcomed.


Thank you. My digestion is a horrible mess. I’m going all in, trying to correct my diet and hopefully this tongue issue.


Revision of the experience in the womb

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