The Requests and Fields

super fungi killer with Near infrared, far infrared and all the light spectrums with super freeze nitrogen field to kill off any fungus. For the zombie fungi going around.

Innovative treatment using tilapia skin as a xenograft for partial thickness burns after a gunpowder explosion


How about a combination of the soul restoration heart dantian + love + forgiveness for the ultimate peace in the heart area?

(maybe even a patreon premium release?)



(The Essence of) Tantra
or The Way of Tantra
Ā± guidance / a guide, or something like woven worlds (similar to Psychic Mastery etc.)

I canā€™t say much about it other than this little book I filled with notes that I keep coming back to.
Honestly, even just a field on the essence of the bookā€¦

similar to The Way of The Tao
but, I presume, more focused of Presence, finding delight in the elements and the ā€˜littleā€™ things, ā€˜nakednessā€™/intimacy with the Self and othersā€¦ playfulness, Listening, living

I feel obliged to tag @Maoshan_Wanderer here
should he have even a hint :slight_smile:


I have recommended him a often to people. Always a fantastic resource. His practical knowledge of Kashmir Shaivism, Chan, Dzogchen, make him a wonderful author.

He has a beautiful home on Geneva and is an amazing host too :relaxed:


Platelet Rich Beard just like Platelet Rich Hair :smiley:

Tap into the Collective Creative Consciousness

I mentioned this in the webinar, but I think a field for this would be fun. Iā€™m specifically thinking about how it would be nice to be able to get details on what artists were planning to make but didnā€™t get around to finishing before they died.

Potential spoiler for anyone who hasnā€™t read The Chronicles of Narnia

I had this idea after revisiting the Narnia books - C. S. Lewis had plans to write an eighth about how Susan eventually believed again and found her own way to Aslanā€™s Country, but he suddenly fell ill and died, so we donā€™t know what happened to her after The Last Battle. Iā€™d like to know what the rest of Susanā€™s journey was.

Since itā€™s so wildly popular and beloved, maybe the original facelift and facial toning from YouTube with the same sounds available for purchase

Maybe a track in the background of the sounds like the one from Haleakala Volcano just brainstorming

A new anti-aging field:

Nad+ is all the rage at the moment . Rightfully so.

What most people donā€™t know is that the body has a mechanism by which it continuously recycles NAD+, called the Nad salvage pathway.

One enzyme called NAMPT is the rate limiting enzyme for this pathway ,and it drastically decreases with aging.

That means if you could find a way to keep NAMPT high during aging you could keep the bodies activity of recycling as much NAD as it wants high.

Through that mechanism you let the body decide how much much NAD it needs and ,donā€™t just throw raw materials at it and hope that right amount out will be made .

There is an experimental chemical that seems to increase NAMPT reliably . It not super well researched but if dream could take a look at it and decide if itā€™s safe enough or make it even safer than it already is, then everything should be fine.

An alternative would he energetic simulant of apigenin ,which has also been shown to increase NAD and NAMPT.


In the meantime hereā€™s a list of all the foods containing apigenin



A mandala solely as the Grand Jealousy Reflecting Shield.

I dont know how exactly the reflecting in this audio works i would believe like just sending back whatever envy jealous feelings that were sent to us.

Since i work from home i barely go out peopling :grimacing:

Today was a day i went out to like 4-5 different places to get some things done for example:

The Bank
The Office Depot place i go to print my mandalas
The Supermarket (2 different ones)
Laptops repair
A Governmentā€™s Office

All places are always full, normally people is annoyed at the slow speed of the lines moving etc.

Today i experimented how the fields for luck, or glow, or i guess Karma, Angelic Intercession etc have been working for me. The employees ALL were nice and smiley and very fast to supply the service to me, like they went the extra mile for meā€¦ great it felt awesome tbh.

However in every single place i felt something so weird (not really as i think is expected, but i havenā€™t felt that) like if i was coming with my nice reality in not a bubble per se but like uhmmm :thinking: a space within the real space almost like the cards from the Corpus Tarot that are like an open window from our world to their word and from here i can tell that world is awesome, but im here in this sucky world kinda thing.

So in my space the vibration was high clean nice from like 3 mts around outwards it was dense, people were tense, in their mental troubled worlds etc, looking stressed and annoyed, almost like i could perceive the dirt attached to their aura, with no shine.

Obviously nice to realize my little reality is good and actually i finally understood how we could have a different reality and still participate in this reality and i think that was pretty awesome to witness.

However peopleā€™s face and annoyance towards my luck was not cool, it did not affect my mood or anything but, one, i felt bad for them trully. And 2 i dont know how much for how long i actually wont get affected by their kinda envy/jealousy towards me, since i dont really go out on a daily basis nor i interact with too many people, i know the Angelic Mandala protects me but stillā€¦

So thats why i would love to have that audio or concept as mandala too, but also not just reflect back what they send no, i dont want to throw back at them the dirt and further their misery.

On the contrary id love to reflect love and hope instead, so that they might get some luck and comfort sprinkled on them too.


Oh i just remembered i also have Dragon Bone armor mandala maybe thats why it didnt affect me either.

But still id love to have a mandala for just that envy and jealousy


Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

This is a very common form of vertigo that gets triggered with change in head positionā€¦ so mainly while lying down or getting up or rolling to the side while lying down triggers vertigo which lasts for 30-40 seconds.
This happens since the calcium carbonate crystals in the inner ear get dislodged and move to the inner ear canals (most commonly they get into the posterior canal). Since the ear is responsible for balance so a presence of these dislodged crystals sends confused signals to brain resulting in feeling of spinning.

This is a very common ailments that happens more in women than men statistically. Usually it gets repaired by the harmless procedure by a physical therapist, the procedure is called Epley manoeuver. It can go away in as less as a single session but may take upto 7-8 sessions if the crystals become stubborn.
But once dislodged the crystals have a tendency to get dislodged again even after being sent back to their right position by the manoeuver, this triggers the vertigo again and then again the physical therapy sessions are needed.

I have been suffering with this for past 2-3 months and my vertigo didnā€™t stop even after 8 sessions. They seem to stop for a day or two but come back again. So basically I canā€™t sleep or get up or roll to side while sleeping without experiencing spining for a minute every single time. Itā€™s not a good feeling.

So basically I am requesting a field that would put the calcium carbonate crystals in my inner ear back to their right location where they belong.

There is no medication for this condition except the manoeuver which is essentially some head movements that drive the crystals back to their place.

Is it possible that a field could detect the crystals if they are misplaced and then send them back to their right place?

(I do know that some of the servitors that you created can do this captain since they did it for me onceā€¦ unfortunately it came back in three days)


The otoconia is the calcium carbonate crystals and the posterior canal is where it mostly gets displaced as shown in above diagram


This is the epley manoeuver done by a therapist to send back the crystal to otoconia by a series of head movements

I donā€™t know if this information can be useful in creating a field or not but there is pretty much this much science available to this condition

The factors that can cause the crystal to dislodge are inflammation around ear or even mouth, there is also a correlation with stress. Even my BPPV was triggered right after a stress episode. I also read somewhere that vitamin D can help in this condition.

Hope something can be made out of this information to help people suffering from BPPV, like myself.

Thank you captain


Upgraded Butt field Version 2.0,

Including a solid glute workout,

Also reduced from the 15 minute audio ;)


Inner child healing and acceptance -

This would help many. When the roots are cleaned and watered. The house flourishes and the joys grow.

Isnā€™t that the same as Alchemical Revision of Childhood?


Im not sure tbh

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Smart and Negentropic Sunscreen :sun_with_face: :parasol_on_ground:

There could be two fields, one that fully protects you from the sun and that you would not get any browner/tanned from and one that helps you to get evenly more brown/tanned at the same time as protecting you from getting burnt/red. For example even if you wear clothes and only your arms, face and neck is exposed to the sun, the field would transfer that sun energy evenly over your whole body (the skin) so that you would get an even tan over your whole body without tan lines. It could also work after already getting burned in the sun by healing your skin and quickly transforming any burnt/red areas of your skin into brown/tanned skin. If possible, maybe a tan line eraser that would remove any tan lines that one already got.
Perhaps adding some astaxanthin also.
It could perhaps also use a similar field as The Quick and Easy Muscle Cheat (Fa jin, and lifeforce directly to muscle) but directly to all the skin instead.


Increase cellular communication, intelligence and awareness

Throughout the whole body

Sometimes disease can begin and continue not because the body doesnā€™t have the ability to fight it but because, for lack of a better phrase ā€œthe cells didnā€™t get the memoā€

So perhaps a field to raise the awareness of all the cells so they can better communicate and sort things out on a level never achieved before


Alchemy of Theives (Submitted by Brian95240)

Idea: Everyone has been wronged in some way; stolen from, or manipulated out of some sort of favorable position at some point in life. What this project aims to accomplish is to give one the ability to correct such injustices; within a higher court than ones accessible on Earth. What if all adjustments could be made through an automated process; one that sees every detail (including all actions which have robbed you + every hidden detail that only the Universe and the one(s) in the wrong are aware of)? Welcome to the Karmic Court of your dreams, where juries are unbiased, judges are perfect in judgment and payments begin immediately.

There is no need to plead your case, for it has already been swiftly, efficiently and thoroughly judged and decided; upon first review. The Akashic Records have been combed over, all witnessesā€™ Higher selves have been prompted to divulge all proof, spiritual witnesses have provided details and every possible cross-reference has been reviewed by the Supreme being of creation itself. Beings up to the 11th Dimension have come forward if your situation has been known by them. What would take us a lifetime to observe has been completed in a moment in time; on our behalf and for our highest and best good (out of love, benevolence, kindness and joyful giving). This is what we can call perfected, divine justice.

The end result is restoration on many levels, lesson learned from others and credited to your own Spiritual records. Those who have wronged you contribute heavily towards your Alignment & ascension + add further towards your pathsā€™ growth. Offendersā€™ actions turn into your blessings and curses seem to look more and more like prizes. All suffering from loss has been turned into reward. The courts have decided to make up for all that has been taken from you. Our project has just succeeded in your case. Court is adjourned. You may go and live your life in full restoration. Enjoy this ultimate Empowerment.

Number of Members: 17

Number of Copies: (depends on # of those who want to join; aiming for 9 or 18 though)

Main Function:
Supporting Field #1:

Seeker of Sorrow-

A smart field involving a servitore, which continually scans you and is activated by discovery of any cord (past, present or in progress) tied to you, involving the list below. Upon discovery, it stores the entirety of that cords energy (including all synergy + compounded negative energy) into a multidemensional energy storage with a guided release function.

Here is the list:

.Loopholes in our security
.illegal sales
.illegal sharing
.dark, negative energies, connected to the pirates involved (and attached in any way to them) to paid, energetic items, NFTs, audios, videos, courses, artifacts, lectures, all forms of media, etc.
.slander towards reputation counts as loss
.job loss due to another responsible party
.loss of joy/happiness triggered by outside sources
.loss of loved ones (due to physical, natural, energetic, spiritual and mental causes)
.loss of love or relationship(s) caused by outside sources
.any other loss that follows above concepts; caused by all outside sources (physical, natural, energetic, spiritual and mental causes).

.Theft of any physical, digital item, idea, concept, license, copywrite, energy (psychic vampirism without consent), and other unperceived or unknown things that can be stolen which affects them.

Supporting Field #2:

Gravitational pull of the Alleviated-

Servitore then commands the smart field to collect all the negative energies from those who affect you via all found:
spoken, written, audible & meditated intentions, curses and hexes put upon you

These dissolve and are added to the energy storage.

Supporting Field #3:

Alchemy of Multidimensional Energy storage-

Once collected, the smart field transmutes & purifies the energy into multi-high dimensional light + high vibrational energy.

Second Function:
Supporting Field #1:

Gifts of transmutation-

The servitor now asks for intercession from a being you chose, to assist the original owner(s), of what was stolen (plus all who were, are, and will be also affected by its loss). These parties will automatically receive equal portions of this new energy; it will bless them, raise their vibration, purge negativity from and add purified energy to their 7 bodies (as well as unperceived bodies); within their entire existence. A node/wave of Negentropy ripples to influence the atmospheres of those affected (in this matter).

Supporting Field #2:

The Advanced Hoā€™oponopono-

The servitore performs this energetically on the ones who triggered this spiritual mechanism to create healing between the victim(s) & the Offender(s). A node/wave of Negentropy ripples to influence the atmospheres of those affected (in this matter).

Supporting Field #3:

Contemplative Lesson-

The smart field ensures the Offenderā€™s higher self is presented with corrections to be made in order to better themselves. This prompts them to become a better person and helps them evolve more quickly.

Third Function:
Supporting Field #1:

Transference of Trauma

Smart field transfers any incurred trauma of the heart & mind into the multidemensional energy storage process.

Supporting Field #2:

Treasures of Judgement-

Once the process ends, the field directs all positive attributes of this process to get magnified, multiplied then amplified back to all beneficiaries of this process (including Offenderā€™s positive results via learning & lessons). A node/wave of Negentropy ripples to influence the atmospheres of those affected (in this matter).

Supporting Field #3:

You may command the servitor to direct this process at any stolen item, from the list, or at any person (by name or focused intent) on behalf of someone else.

[ie: "Cycle activate on Dan Fisher, my classmate. "] Assuming he was the cause of some loss.