I have the original lucid dreaming audio morphic field, maybe it is being reupgraded v2.0 for Youtube, but I would love to have a field item dogtag for Lucid dreaming, everyday/daily quotidian so it would be effortless much as the other fields allow for a nightwhat autopilot feeling. This would help me in lucid dreaming more of my entrepreneurial startups ideas/company satori istiqara being in the land of nod/ alam al-mithral.
So a Lucid dreaming field item on Sapien shop would make me (a) cuor contento!
Other ideas:
Brahmacharya Field Item Bundle:
*Includes - 12 years+ benefits eidetic/photographic memory
*Microcosmic Transmutation, Jing, Shen, and Qi
*Ascesis - Self-discipline to continue a celibate journey/ removes impurities, thoughts, actions, etc.
*Sub fields of glory, best path, ascendency, unlimited productivity, eternity, etc. (these are all by products of seminal retention anyway but imbued in an item would give the best bang of buck).
I think we can repopulate the Amazon forests with more items like these on sapiens shop, as more of the world is coming to actualize their divine creational energy.
If you ever do make any superhero morphic field items, I think we can then start to colonize life on Mars
Gramercy Sapien Medicine for all that you do for our universe,