The Sacred Flower

What’s the selflessness part in this?

I mean…we are just wearing the tag.

lol yes, indeed. Even DW has made the selflessness as effortless as possible.

The selflessness is buying and wearing a tag that gives no great benefit to one’s personal egoistic goals.


I haven’t noticed any change in my immediate environment. I have read the posts above but still unsure if it works like plasma flower in any way.

Are the environmental benefits that plasma flower gives a tiny part of the tag?

yes. part of it.


When will my dog ​​tag arrive?

In which century?


Finally a chance for a small review, as this hermit was forced to leave her cave.
:see_no_evil: Went out with the Sacred Flower tag today, as I had an appointment at the government clinic (not for vaccine, a personal thing). People were quite pleasant to me, I didn’t feel like an outsider, as I usually do. As an expatriate in another country, I often hit a language barrier. I get a lot of comments of “you live here, you should learn the local language(s).” I am really trying, I even took classes in university, then private weekend classes for some time, but learning foreign languages as an adult doesn’t seem to be one of my gifts, and I struggle.

The attitude here is that people will avoid speaking English if they can, even though their English is quite passable, and they prefer to use their local dialects. I usually have my partner (a native) to translate for me, but today’s procedures were quite private, so he was left outside. Well, I’m not a delicate flower, and I don’t mind sharing that it was an examination to check for any lumps in the breast (both of my grandmothers had breast cancer, and my mom has discovered some nodules recently, so I try to keep up to date with my check ups), as well as a pap smear.

Since I was forced to make do without a translator, the nurses and staff graciously conceded to speak to me in English, and they were friendly about it (I have received some condescending treatment before, but not today), and they even teased each other about it, it seemed like it was something they didn’t have to do often. I complimented them about their skill, and said, in my observation, the people here speak better English than in the neighboring state. They puffed up and were quite pleased to hear about that, as I think their education system (which differs from other parts of the country) is a matter of pride to them.

I usually don’t initiate small talk, and maybe it’s because I played Blarney Stone too on the way over, but it occurred to me to ask one of the nurses how her baby was doing. She was delighted I remembered that during my last visit (a few years ago) she was pregnant, and she pulled up some pictures of her children on her phone, and I said the usual things that they were cute. It didn’t feel forced or fake for me, even though I have a bit of an anti social personality.

So, all in all, I feel that the Plasma Flower field (“playing” from the Sacred Flower tag) helped smooth over some language and cultural differences. I felt more accepted into the community. I think I blended in a bit more, not like before I felt like people kept a slight distance because I was a foreigner. Everyone was more comfortable and at ease, myself included, which is saying something, because I was really dreading the visit today. For those who don’t know what it (a pap smear) entails, please look up a video. And I’m going to go curl up into a ball now and have a self-care day.


hey all, does the tag do a good enough job of the blueprint of life field? maybe the hidden gems or the seed of life placed in the tag has some effects that does what the BPoL does to some degree?

you got this yet?
pm me with the order number etc


Hey @Captain_Nemo You can help me with an order that hasn’t been here since November. :frowning:

Hey guys, I would love to hear about your feedback regarding the Sacred Flower.

It has been hugely beneficial the first weeks, feeling some part of my consciousness were being activated and interactions with people being surprising & positive when this is for no more than one hour.

Lately though, I am pulled to wear it less, like 30min now and then during the day, as it feels this decreases my vibration when kept for too long or makes my meditation stagnate.
Even at home, which I find very surprising.

Is anyone expericiencing something similar? I am actually surprised about it and don’t know how to operate for now.
I am processing much stuff as well, which could be a valid explanation.


I haven’t experienced this and I wear it from the time I wake up 7am till night 12 am. I do take breaks in between one or two times of 30-60min depending on my energy level.

Maybe it’s from releasing that your energy system is not able to handle everything. Or your ego playing with your mind.

Also, do you notice plasma flower audio-like effects on your environment every time you put it on?
I haven’t noticed those “sunshine and rainbow” type effects that everyone was talking about till now.


Yes perhaps. Also some blocks from my subconscious regarding the node connection I believe, let’s see if I get more data in the upcoming days.

Not all the time, but I do notice that some people get anxious (the ones repressing emotions), but mostly people opening up more easily and me being naturally more present - though it gets me tired after one hour.

I saw a couple of times some big impact on Zoom meetings with group of conscious people as well, like the whole meeting becoming a roleplay with a shitload of synchronicities and everything haha.


Following up on my last messages, I am definitely confused about the Sacred Flower…

It definitely has a positive impact when I am in public for no more than 2-3 hours.
Though again… I was in a high-vibe this morning and decided to wear it while working on meaningful projects from home, I ended up in a low-vibe in a matter of minutes and completely out of the flow.

I have become much more aware of emotions since the release of Emotional Mastering Control, perhaps it sends me back straight to working on those? Or the node connector is impacting me?

Curious about you guys feedbacks, as this is quite unclear at the moment.


How is this field different from Blueprint?

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Yes, I had a similar experience, but with the Plasma Flower audio instead of this dogtag. I had it playing on loop in my home for weeks, and as time went on I became more and more depressed each day. Eventually, I had to turn it off before things got really bad for my mental state, as I could feel it getting beyond what I could handle without considerable conscious effort.

I switched to playing the Positive Vibes Energy audio on loop in my home, and I used an Alchemy of Happiness field from another creator to transmute much of the oppressive sadness to more manageable positive energy, and felt like myself again within hours.

I’m not sure why this happened either, but I’m much more wary of the “Plasma” fields now. It could be similar to the experience I had with the Ascension dogtag, which was very strongly amplified by the tensor rings that I wear and have all over in my home.

Amplified by the rings, that tag became so strong that I basically had an episode where I was made aware of everything that was holding me down spiritually, which sounds like a nice thing but was very traumatic and I could feel myself being right at the edge of a mental & emotional break after being made overwhelmingly, undeniably, and hopelessly aware of everything that was wrong with me. Since that happened, I’ve never used the Ascension tag again in any serious manner.

So, I wonder if the negentropic properties of the “plasma” fields were similarly being amplified by the other energy tools in my home, putting them on overdrive such that they revealed too much, too quickly and I was overwhelmed. I never really thought this out until just now as I’ve been typing this response, but I’m glad you shared what you did because it allowed me the chance.

I wonder @anon32464289, what is your environment like? Do you also use other energy tools in your home or on your person? Or, are you a particularly sensitive person spiritually, or maybe you live with someone who is? I’m wondering if, like me, something around you amplified the field’s effects such that it became too much for you and you ended up with something like spiritual detox symptoms.


Thanks for taking the time to opening up man :pray:

Yeah, I have actually become increasingly sensitive those last weeks due to deep healing but also the magnificent Emotional Mastering Protocol.

I tried to wear BPiL instead today, it felt amazing for the first 20min, then I got tensed (haven’t worn it since I received the Sacred Flower a month ago).

My fiancee is completely heart-based and a healer, perhaps this could be messing up with her field & freewill.

Our environment is very healthy: close to the seaside, little neighborhood, clean house with a little garden, etc.
Though your experience reminds of a time when we were renting the apartment of a “Shaman friend” six month ago, we got bothered by his friends as our vibes were changing the fields too drastically.

My current theories are :
(1) Perhaps with this new sensitivity, I need to pace myself more and let the bodies adapt (I experienced the same state as yours the first few days of Plasma Flower).
(2) The node connector: whenever I play the regular plasma flower I am not meeting any issue (though I have used it way less lately). I feel it strange that the Sacred Flower decreases my vibration when in a high-vibe in a “safe” environment, whereas I do not feel much impact for the first hours when I am in public…

Though the second one kinda feels like Ego, as I am far from the vibe of some of the Beasts wearing it such as Om and Angel :)))

Another side note is that I’m using BoL everyday and the results are 100% positive, no backlash like the Sacred Flower.


I cordially invite you to chip in guys… Let’s figure that out! :joy:


I wonder if this is a piece of the puzzle. One of my sisters is a very talented, very heart-based healer. There’s something that both I and other members of my family that are into energy work have noticed when she’s around - our sensitivity goes way up!

There’s something about her aura that acts as a magnifier, to a lesser extent around everyone but even greater when she’s around family. Energies that were mild or barely noticeable for me on average were overwhelmingly strong and painful when I’m around her in her home.

Yeah, I’ve also have not noticed drawbacks with either The Blueprint of Life or the Plasma-charged Mitochondria audios. But, I never play those more than a few times.


Hehe yes indeed, the Heart energy won’t let us fuck around with Spiritual-Ego stuff mouhahaha

I have looped BoL quite a bit and no hard core Detox yet.

Mystery is still upon us :face_with_monocle:


I just found out today that the reason I was sometimes struggling with the Sacred Flower was because of my own thoughts (fear especially) I had encoded gradually on it unconsciously.

Removing those with some strong focus intents, and as good as new :heart_eyes:

Very very powerful & beautiful when working with groups, they benefit from it so much and I benefit from it in the long run :pray:


Another update in my scientific experiments:

My experience with groups is that it is important to pay attention to its evolving vibe.

Per instance today, I felt after 45min of wearing the Sacred Flower, the group was going from joy to confusion, then some low-vibes unconsciously.
I felt the energy was too intense for them after a while, even if most of them are unaware of it.

I took off the sacred flower for a bit and the good vibe came back gradually.
Need to respect our friends’ capacity to receive the plasma energy :slight_smile:

For 1:1 Coaching, this is easier as they only resonating with both of our energy (not the group) and are being supported by my energy field (presence).

Though I try to make sessions last no more than 1h, 1h30 max depending on the person’s capacity to receive (also mine depending on the lightness/heaviness of the topic).

Between sessions : taking off the sacred flower + listening to ojas, and I am good as new :slight_smile: