The Sapien Shop [Reworked & Open]

Upthread, it was discussed that the old credit card processor (PayPal) stopped processing The Shop’s transactions. (Read above, if you want more details.) Because of that, credit cards could not be processed (AKA were declined) during checkout in The Shop.

AFAIK, another processor has been found but there may be some glitches in making the transition at this moment.

(@CrissJ, if you’re interested)


We’re looking for an integration of NFT minting service that allows for credit card payment. Not everyone in the forum has funds in crypto.

Which it would be cool if it was just crypto :sunglasses:


I second that!

So for clarification
Which is the payment method that’s currently working?

Didn’t OpenSea wanna integrate credit cards soon or sth?

The response I got that my card was declined was from 2Checkout. It looks like it’s working all along until you submit and then you get the message that your card was declined along with wording at the top that it’s a demo.

As far as I can tell, it is the only payment system at this time and it’s not working


Yeah, I have exactly the same experience. I guess we’ll have to wait til the new payment system gives green light…


@Zen Would it be possible to include direct bank transfer for EU citizens?

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I was actually thinking of selling some crypto at this worst possible time to buy something. Looks like I’ll have to wait anyway. :)

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I just tried again, as well. Nada.


2checkout should work for EU residents.

It’s still being integrated, we’re waiting on the company to give Captain the greenlight and hopefully leave the chaos of PayPal behind.


Yeah, we just need to wait for now and hear back from Captain and Sam.


will try worldpay after depending on 2checkout feedback

(I dont think the real world works on weekends, so maybe monday I shall hear something more)

worldpay i think has direct debit, (not sure what the premium service for 2checkout offers, but i will see when / if they approve)

like 40 different payment systems.

I saw some chinese processors with banks, credit cards, gpay applepay, alipay etc, but they dont have the 3d cardinal identification (required for EU purchases)


South Africa

Payments enabled, chargebacks rates are high for this processor, some of these countries have high chargeback incidents, so dont buy if you plan to do shady stuff, you are gonna ruin it for everybody else.

waiting for the 2checkout etc replies.
but for now, i believe these countries should be supported.


when will germany be enabled? Can I pay with direct bank transfer?

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i suspect next week when the regular folk work, we shall get feedback on applications, integrations etc.


There’s a lot of folks out there envious of your accomplishments and this community.

I propose we keep these countries out the list for the time being and based on demand add them slowly.

Let’s see how things go with a new processor first?

What you think?


I’d agree too.

Shipping continues to be a mess and you shouldn’t be risking it for now.

Plus the digital (NFT) ones can be transfered through the wallets, they just need to find someone willing to help them out.

Granted the tarot cards I had ordered took close to two months to arrive, many would have jumped and asked for a refund already, it is not worth risking for now. Those who really really want the products too will use 3rd party services anyway.

There’s nothing wrong with the country itself, rather the chargeback fee that is the issue.

I don’t know if you’re been aware of what’s occurring at the moment but new solutions are being sought after, he got something partially going again and stated that if there’s a lot of refunds from said countries it could impact all purchase for everyone. I’m not debating whether it’s fair or not that everyone else losses access to purchasing from the hands of a few refunds, just looking for the best solution with what’s available.

Unless you have other solutions.


Before I try, I want to confirm the NFTs are still going through for the US, right? I might get my Dad Eternity. He has the original tag but idk how much it has done. Is the upgrade significant, @Captain_Nemo ? I feel like fields just don’t work for my dad. But with the Blueprint of Life and smart aspects added, it gives me high hopes.