The Sauvage

The Sauvage is a potion about building your charisma for maximum attractiveness, enhancing your lovemaking skills, harmonizing your mindset with your upgraded charisma, and regulating your neurotransmitters, hormones, cardiovascular and endocrine system.

1: The Charisma
The highest level of charisma, when your facial aesthetic, height, muscles, status, and wealth doesn’t matter.

A: Pheromones
Boost every male pheromones in unconditional form.
B: Dior Sauvage
Dior Sauvage fragrance smell on the entire body, even in sweat, this cover the bad smells from the pheromones.
C: Apealling Aura
Mysterious, seductive, dominant main-character aura with godlike sexual attraction.

2: The Lovemaker
This part’s details are not public, PM if interested.

3: The Supplement
It directly powers the brain’s acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin systems. Boost or regulate hormones and neurotransmitters in general (without side effects). This field plays and works together with the “Manly Man by Manhattan” field if you own it.

A: Energies
Boost your full body with, jing, qi, shen and remove all energy blockages.
B: Mindset
Removal of personal blocks towards social and romantic life + Installation of open and proactive mindset with confidence and self-love elements.
C: Dreamweaver’s addition

Audio + Mandala


I am so mad that I did not notice this when people were getting recruited for this NFT, I am so mad at myself right now!


I got it just two days ago and my scent is already very different, lol.


Very happy with this purchase so far. Such a good overall tool for men.
Balances hormones and heals endocrine system even better than I expected. Dopamine and attention span sharper and more masculine (focused). Jing, chi, shen boost is my favourite part, really potent. I needed transmutation after a long listen session I was overflowing with excess energy in the best way possible.


Adonis NFT + Sauvage NFT = get a British girlfriend


Best description for its effects would be “Vanilla-Scented Pepe Le Pew”




Regarding my personal experience so far with this NFT i must say it’s extremely hard to smell bad, i am constantly enveloped in a pleasant fragrance, even when working out. I’ve also noticed that people are more fascinated by my presence, they seek me out more often and enjoy being around me. This in turn, makes me even more comfortable in social situations with lots of people, and i find myself being more at the center of attention. Lot of extra energy throughout the day. Last week has been very rewarding. I’d say it’s an extremely powerful field for anyone working with the public, in settings where physical image and presence are highly important and for anyone with strong personal goals in the romantic sphere. This has definitely made it into my daily playlist. I’ll share more results and experiences :clinking_glasses: :fire:


why specifically a british gf :joy:


I live in a touristic city. People from different countries of the world come here for holidays. I have the opportunity to meet people from many different nationalities. The most important feature that attracts my attention in British girls is that they are extraordinarily modest, gentle and polite. Talking to them is a lesson in humility and tolerance. They have no arrogance or ungratefulness. Regardless of their intelligence and physical beauty, they display a very noble marginality here.


But Like any other nation there is also the other types of British girls….

Growing up in the north west of England has its down sides especially in the dating scene not saying all are bad but I’ve met my fair share of crazy and genuinely not nice girls but also some amazing girls like you have met (just watch out with them sometimes :rofl:)


Testimonial after 1 week of use:

Throughout my experience in this field, I have had many more interactive experiences with new people. However, I will focus mainly on the benefits that I liked the most and that I believe will be useful to anyone in the short or long term.

From the beginning, this field has greatly improved my verbal communication skills. From my point of view, I speak much better now than when I had pure influence. This improvement is not solely attributed to the persuasion skills or charisma imparted by this NFT, but rather to the confidence it instills in me. The combination of my newfound confidence, along with my existing knowledge and skills, has resulted in a significantly improved version of myself.

Additionally, I have noticed a profound shift towards positivity and optimism. These psychological changes have naturally influenced my interactions with others, allowing me to access situations that were previously inaccessible to me with my previous way of thinking. In essence, this field has achieved precisely what it set out to achieve. Honestly, I’m not sure what other possible effects will be obtained in the long term, but it definitely exceeded my initial expectations. I wholeheartedly recommend it to people who are looking for self-confidence and want to show it off to the world.