The secret purpose of the Sapien Shop Energetic Mandala

You guys may have seen this printed Sapien Shop energetic mandala, that comes with the purchase of the dog tags…

My intuition tells me that these are programed somehow to ensure a safe arrival of the respective dog tag at the planned destination.

It would be interesting to hear from @El_Capitan_Nemo himself, what these mandalas do :slight_smile:

I wonder if packages in general will arrive with a higher probability if one would add these Sapien Shop mandalas to the delivery?

I over-painted half of the mandala because I don’t know whether this mandala is allowed to be posted here or if it is only for those who have purchased a tag.
With half the mandala over-painted the energetic connection to the original is no longer there.


I had the same hunch . I still have the feeling theres something in there . But dream said theres no field ,just the sticker .


I also believe that there’s something to the stickers. I started to save mine and just stack them.


interesting observation !

Same, I kept them