The SEE System: The Sapien Medicine Edition (_OM Approved)

My bro reps NYC, respect!



Video is up. HD still rendering.

Going to eat and release the ego boost from the session for a while.

I’ll be back tonight to answer anything.


Like that haha.

Gratitude for that time Angel :pray:
Simple Efficient Effective :ok_hand:


HPP entry #0.1 (Jan 9th, 2021)

Speech Problem: My speech problem seems to be multifactorial and so my aim is to try to release each ‘issue’.

  1. Anxiety: This was unwittingly fixed in the zoom meeting today as it turned out that my anxiety with turning on my mic was in fact related to my fear of messing up while speaking. Thinking of my current situation (visually and audially) made me develop the typical anxious feeling in my abdomen. Went through ‘sorry’ and ‘forgive me’. ‘I love you’ seems to have brought out a warm feeling from the abdomen rising through the heart and going towards the neck which ultimately left my body with a calm and serene feeling. The result is that I am still (2 hours later) calm and without anxiety. I cannot summon the anxiety feeling again.

  2. Hyperfocusing on the pronunciation and not on the conversation I’m having: Okay so I thought of a memory that I imagined would help me fix this. Got some feeling (don’t know if it was related to the one I wanted to fix but that’s fine). Got this very depressed sad feeling in a very small part of my abdomen. Went through “I’m sorry” (which intensified it) and please forgive me.

When I said “I love you”, the feeling sort of ‘grew’ in area if that makes sense. What was something that occupied a tiny area now seemed to rise up and occupy my chest…until it just…stopped and didn’t rise more?
I feel more sadness now from this big feeling in my chest. Will try to release this instead…

Update: Okay, it seems I did not do the ‘forgive me’ bit properly the last time, which made me not dissociate from this feeling, so when it was rising up with “I love you”, I identified too much with the feeling and felt like I was being erased or something. But yeah, it’s sorted out now and I feel relief.

Will start the real thing on Monday like Angel said!


Great entry bro!

But we start on Monday…

Practice until then. Collapse as many topics as you like.

Yes you’ll owe me the real #1 on Monday. You can leave that one there no worries.

Also “only way out is through”, review the technique and keep trying. Follow the homework.

WRITE your topics on paper. 20+ topics.


Thanks man :slightly_smiling_face:

Btw, when updating the journal, do you want us to make a new post for every entry every single day or just edit the same post with new entries?


Where do i find the recording?


I had the same question in mind. I personally think it would be easier to follow if it was the same comment edited each day… But would make it harder for angel to notice if someone is trying to get away with missing a day.


Yeah both seem to have their pros and cons don’t they?

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oh wait nevermind found it haha

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While I love the idea of editing one post to make a massive Dew Bob (or anyone else) manifesto of energetic healing.

It’s best we make a new post everyday, it will be easier as @MonkeyOwl pointed out:

Just by the way, I’m sure there’s going to be a few “inner work” warriors in here.

If you finish your 20 topics in a day or two, aim for 200 by the end of the week :man_shrugging:t4:. Yes, it’s possible.


There are people that can confirm I’ve pulled 8-10 hour sessions of releasing and in those I can easily take care of dozens in a day.

The only cons are that you’ll be feeling so good and loopy that you won’t care about much in the world.


@anon22855873, any tips on how to ‘fix’ excessive focus based problems (when you have to take your mind off of something distracting or annoying)? Like say when you’re trying to go into sleep paralysis for astral projection and you have to stay very still but your body itches so much and you can’t stop focusing on the itches

Or (sorry to be graphic) when you’ve got a wedgie when you’re driving but can’t do anything about it except taking your mind off of it.

I hope you get the general theme of what I’m referring to.


That deals with focus, we take care of that in session 2 :upside_down_face:


Ah I’m so glad. That would fix my weird limp lips problem while speaking.


@anon22855873 I have a couple of questions. When I focus on a negative feeling, it feels like I have laser focus on a rock in a specific area in my face. As for the Hoʻoponopono sayings, I feel them all over my head and upper body when I say them. Is it suppose to be like this? In addition, when I am feeling the Hoʻoponopono sayings, I still need to focus on the negative feeling right?

I also haven’t felt any dissipation from the chest area only slight dissipation from my face area. Sometimes it feels like the rock won’t budge even after saying and feeling “I love you” after a while. Any thoughts about that?


According to my experience, as long as you’re FEELING for it and can pay attention that you feel it in your body overall, that should at least get you started in increasing your sensitivity.

You should be saying them TO THE FEELING being worked on…

Focus on the feeling.

Mind: I’m sorry.

Quiet your mind and feel the effect towards that feeling, etc.

The dissipation is TO THE FEELING being worked on.

Overall, I highly recommend you go over the whole lesson and follow along the releases. It still sounds like you’re thinking about the process too much.

“Am I doing this right?”, “Is this it?”, “I wonder if it’s working”… You can’t talk and listen at the same time. If you keep trying you’ll get it in a few hours. Your situation is not uncommon.


Thank you so much!


@anon22855873, for what it’s worth, I’ve finally been able to find an article on the most precise description of my speech problem and am very thankful for it. Every single symptom on there is something I experience (

The cause as rightly predicted was my anxiety. Although because my body has been in such a chronic anxious state, it’s apparently in a state of semi stress response readiness called stress-response stimulation, so the problem persists even when I’m not anxious. Any ideas on how to go about this? I ask because you’ve also dealt with anxiety in the past.

Sorry man, I know that I’m spamming and taking up the thread space. This will be the last time.


First, stop researching on it because more information is not really going to lead to the solution.

Find all the topics surrounding that situation and list them and release it FULLY, example:

My speech problem
Anxiety over speaking
Wanting the answer
The time I got made fun of

Focus on the solution bro.

Get to work. You’ve done enough thinking about it, how’s that working for you?

P.S you asking things is not a problem. Thinking that talking about it will lead to a solution is a problem.

“Only way out is through” do 100-200 releases on that situation (if you find that many) and let’s discuss that instead


I am feeling the same Bro to the Solar Plexus, big chunk won’t dissolve for now.

Beyond the super valuable answer from Angel above, one important thing I have retained from yesterday session is that some will take hard work (hours or days) to be treated, then it’ll get much easier.

Patience & Perseverance, we’ll all make it :muscle: