The Serpent Group

Damn, I thought I replied to your post. Sorry. Yes, that is how I see it too. That is why I’m curious how this project would be different from Cobra NFT.

It is little disappointing that some ideas can’t be repeated very easily.

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As I understood the emphasis of this project is the integration of certain qualities/properties of snake energy. Roughly speaking - a certain modification of the personality.

In the Royal Cobra project, the totemic energies of snakes are fully present, but this is not the emphasis of the project. There are many other complex properties in the project itself.

If the author of the idea would specify what exactly he is interested in these energies, and what modifications he wants to make in his energy structure - one can think how it can be done using other totemic energies.

An animal spirit contains the richest arsenal of properties that it can share with a person who has established a connection with it.

For example, the energy of snakes by definition:

*The snake is a very good helper if one needs to go through a difficult stage in life and not break down. *
The snake has long been recognized by shamans as a great healer. Its venom can kill, but it can also heal.
Totem energy gives the user a wonderful ability to see the essence of phenomena, a special insight and wisdom.
Lightning Protection
Adaptability and adaptability

and so on.

In esoteric traditions practitioners use different versions of totem energies. Some of the functions of the various totem energies are similar. All can be recreated using a different totem.

(as a solution option)


Agree, animal totem is an object just like a NFT which has imbued energy of the animal spirit. And animal spirit shares its abilities with whom it made connection rather the other way around, someone who formed connection with an animal spirit can tap into its energies.

But it is similar to a NFT, from Sammy’s posts and posts by others one can connect to a NFT and make full use of its capabilities. Is it not the case?

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there are practices for finding one’s totem
Captain’s magic optimizes delivery, and allows you to interact with this energy fully

Similar situation with deities - in real life not every deity will want to interact with a human, many devote decades to various rituals and practices to be heard

These NFTs provide a key that can be used immediately for its intended purpose

by the way, i recently heard a friend say that he is more comfortable working with totem energies than with deities

each option has its exclusive advantages :grin:


Ok then the key difference is for a totem a user has to put in a lot of effort to connect with it while for NFT it is very little?

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Some people before receiving a mere feedback from a Deity must go under months or even years sometimes of regular offerings, celebrations, rituals,
These NFTs make the process incredibly more natural and easier.

Everyone can try to contact any Deity by just meditating on their Symbol, Sigil, Concept,
But it is possible that they ignore you at first, or that they do not pay much attention to you.
But it is possible to try for everyone.

These NFTs from Captain make it so that when you do it, you have a special energy with you, forgive my bad example but in a way, it is like when you meet someone at a party or in a close event vs when you meet a complete stranger out of nowhere.
They can still choose to not talk to you but it is very different
This is what i feel

I quoted a friend of mine, this post is the full answer. This also applies to totemic energies


Thanks, very clear.


Everyone who expressed interest, please suggest ideas on how we can make this different from Royal Cobra NFT so that Captain can create it.

I really am excited about this.

@anon44876465 do you have something in mind like this for this project?

Four Methods for Working with Archetypes

Let’s review four different ways to approach archetypal psychology.

The goal of these “integrative therapies” is to liberate yourself from being dominated by archetypes and abide in the Self.

The Self is an organizing principle within our minds that maintain balance or psychic order. You can access this Self when you’re in the Center—in a state of mastery.

Method #1: Dream Work

Jung offered two tools for navigating the archetypes of the unconscious: dream work and active imagination.

Dreams are one way the unconscious speaks to us. But dreams don’t communicate in a direct, logical manner. They communicate to us in symbols. And these symbols represent archetypal forces.

In Inner Work, psychologist Robert Johnson offers four basic steps to working with dreams:

  1. Making associations from the dream images
  2. Connecting dream images to inner dynamics
  3. Interpreting these dream images
  4. Doing rituals to make the dream concrete

One way to connect to your subpersonalities is to think of each dream figure as an actual person living inside you.

“Think of each person in your dream,” Johnson writes, “as one of the autonomous personalities that coexist within your psyche and combine to make up your total self.”

The goal of Jungian psychology is to integrate certain archetypes, leading to the Archetypal Self, or God within.

Method #2: Active Imagination

Active imagination is Jung’s other way of getting to know the archetypes.

In dreams, you dialogue with your parts passively while you sleep. Active imagination, in contrast, requires your conscious participation. Here, you dialogue with the parts of your unconscious in your imagination.

Jung prescribed active imagination for people overwhelmed with too many dream images. Jungians also use it to support dream work.

The four steps of Active Imagination are:

  1. Invite a particular part within your unconscious
  2. Actively dialogue with this part
  3. Add the ethical element of values
  4. Make it concrete with physical ritual

It is best to write out the dialogue you have during active imagination as it helps to bring the unconscious material further into consciousness.

If you’re interested in a concise, detailed instruction on how to use dream work and active imagination, Robert Johnson’s Inner Work is the best and most accessible book I’ve found.

Method #3: Psychosynthesis

The founder of psychosynthesis Roberto Assagioli noted:

We are not unified; we often feel that we are, because we do not have many bodies and many limbs, and because one hand doesn’t usually hit the other. But, metaphorically, that is exactly what does happen within us. Several subpersonalities are continually scuffling: impulses, desires, principles, aspirations are engaged in an unceasing struggle.

The stages of psychosynthesis are similar to active imagination:

  1. Recognition: A subpersonality emerges through some inner conflict or dream image.
  2. Acceptance: You have a willingness to work with this subpersonality.
  3. Coordination: You manage the relationship between multiple subpersonalities.
  4. Integration: You resolve the conflict between the subpersonalities, establishing cohesion.
  5. Synthesis: You discover of the Transpersonal Self beyond the subpersonalities.

As in Jung’s inner work, the goal of psychosynthesis is unity consciousness in contrast to a family of disjointed subpersonalities.