The Shadow Worker

Depends on you there’s no specifics.

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Will try it every few days to come back and review if something shifts in me.

Thank you for your fast response


I tried it today with ‘Why have I been feeling tired?’ – I quickly felt my heart beating and started to feel more awake in the process.
I had a difficult time finding a solution to help me feel more awake, and I have been suspecting that regardless of physicality, a lot of it might have its roots or counterpart in the mind or the heart.
I appreciate the ‘direct’ approach, it’s easier to notice it in between whatever else might arise in the mind. Fortunately, I got more used to being calm in the face of light.
That being said, I said ‘delete’ to pretty much whatever arose :stuck_out_tongue:
I tried to not pay too much attention, as my mind has been in the habit of being a bit noisy… But it seemed like it targeted multiple (pinpointed) ‘answers’/factors one after the other (?)
Another interesting thing is that I’ve felt stuff in various locations of the body, which I would not necessarily relate to this process atm. Also temporary prickles on my skull.
Oh also, not sure if this would work, but, as I was trying to take a nap, I asked my soul/HS to say ‘delete’ to whatever response arises in case I’m not aware (I did not end up sleeping though).

I had an interesting time last night when I tried it with a question related to eating.

… basic things like that :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you! I’m looking forward to trying the newer versions.


I’ve been playing - or seriously - interacting with shadow worker. There’s a lot shadow to potentially work with. From my experience there are small areas that may have been overlooked i.e. shadow but had had great limitations and holding me back from possible actions/possibilities. In a way like a block, that I couldn’t see or imagine was something beyond. Subtle things.
I’m just reiterating ideas of shadow…it’s been helpful and very much of Equilibrium’s style. I think its works better with having some higher guidance or advance servitor to move through the energies.

There’s also some reminder to be further sincere and more of integrity with who I am, and how I do things. From my own experience.

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Can listen to this overnight during sleep?

If you wanna wake up feeling bad then sure up to you


That’s fine, as long as I get rid of my insecurities, no problem

Don’t do this. This is so unnecessary. Just work with it 15-20 minutes with focus. It will be way more beneficial, I believe.


True. Active use with commands is more beneficial than decades of passive use


I usually follow it up with release and some heart mending / relaxation stuff — it can increase the heart rate to say the least.

I’ve asked my soul and HS to say ‘delete’ for me when it’s time — it/they’ve been more spot on.


I just love your blunt replies, no sugar coating shit, just a slap to face, this made me laugh so hard that I legit had to get up from my seat to be able to catch my breath, in future if I am having a bad day, I will just come back to this thread to read your reply.

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agreed, I am listening to this as we speak and my heart rate is suddenly so spiked, I just asked it what is stopping me achieve success in my personal life and please highlight it.

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You mean you’ve played passively?

Can this be used on just one thing? Or somehow the field invites you to keep releasing more?

Mostly meditative-ish (laying down, eyes closed, ears open, attention to the heart, semi-attentive — trying to not get lost in it, also why I ask my soul etc.) — before ‘sleep’. In my short experience, asking 1 question seemed to open an avenue with multiple ‘delete’ opportunities as long as you keep going, deeper and deeper. I’m not sure yet if it goes down the route towards 1 root cause, or exploring the multiple items that may have contributed. But after a while I did have to take a break, return another day with the same question to explore more. I seem to get faster to it by asking it to ‘Increase intensity’, but I’d recommend you try the ‘standard’ pace first, then this, then test S2, then S3. And to really make use of them, try with ‘what does my soul…’, as described in those threads — this can really have a massive impact in a short amount of time, especially for s2 and s3.

That being said, sometimes when something is highlighted I might inquire further about it (imagine you’re traveling routes on the branches of a tree). And it seems like it does keep working — ‘inviting’ at least for as long as you keep it on, I’m not sure if it goes all the way to the root and then stops, or if it starts working on other things. For S3 it either seemed to continue beyond the 30’ throughout the night, or I just kept processing it (I had a post there but got triggered the next day and deleted it, as removing X issue sort of left my eyes and heart more open to notice and feel other things that were obfuscated before).

I also tried semi-passive (asking something and paying attention while I do other things) and passive, and even before asking a question I noticed that it immediately gets to work, so if nothing else, you can use it like that, but I wouldn’t ‘spoil’ my attempts with testing s2 and s3 like that. But I can’t speak much on passive use, most observable differences came when dealing with a specific topic.

Anyway, thank you very much @Equilibrium!


Thank you for such detailed and clear answer :bowing_man:

I won’t be using this before sleep so I’ll see how it works then xD Hope it doesn’t ruin my whole day.

Thanks again ^^

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The delete confused/concerns me? I’ve always been led to believe the idea is to integrate your shadow, not erase it? If I’m missing a concept or just being too dumb for words, please forgive me in advance :)

It’s just a command and nothing more

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Thank you, that was intense to say the least. Also, with clever questioning, I could pull on some threads to figure out when things were related xD

Are you still updating this version of the field, or just the v2 v3 stuff?

All fields receive upgrades


I was just wondering, for example, would it be right if I said this while playing, that Shadow Worked, kindly identify the reasons why xyz field is not working for me and bring it to the surface and once it is on the surface, please delete it or kindly identify the reason for my insecurities on the core/ cellular levels and bring to the surface/ identify and please delete it?