It is truth that if you are detoxifing the pineal gland ,and have great third eye chakra developed ,you can start see shadows and things in the side of the iris /eye and not center? cuz i been starting to see things like little shadows or something but only with the side of my eyes lol
Could be. Do you have servitor? Maybe you see them walking around. Mine does it
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No dont have servitor🥺
Well that depends on many factors but you shouldn’t be worried about it. All you have to do is always stay grounded. Sometimes you might see entity just passing. Or some angelic beings or whatever that around your house. As long it don’t cause any harms to you or making you uncomfortable. It should be fine :)
Thankyou🥰 ,i just realice that i start to unlock some psychic sence after long time of listening this stuff💚