The Smart Bacteria Slayer

Any bacteria in the wrong place in your body can cause problems. I was going to just leave out the stomach since it seems inordinately difficult for people to get some yogurt or something after they are better. But no, it kills all the bacteria like a course. It has to. Being selective will be problematic.
You as the bacteria host, should repopulate with the strains you wish to keep

Thank Sapien for this information, it’s worth gold.


Well this one combined with the new sinus erases the pain in my throat within 4 hours. Its really an upgrade for my previous cold/flu stack. I don t need other fields to combat these symptoms yet. Appreciated, my friends have much more symptoms and fever, as they catch the same flu at the same time, and don t believe that this could work.


Does it work for cough too?

If the cough is due to a bacterial infection, it should work, yes. It might not be as helpful to coughs due to other reasons, though.


Well just to be sure i did a covid self test, and guess what i have a slighly, but really vague positive test, but don t have much symptoms anymore, due to both bacteria slayer en the new sinus. However will do the test tomorrow again, and see how it goes. Looks like this is also a beginning covid slayer. For me its also the first time i have a positive test.
I did not have coughs, just a sore throat. In meantime just selfisolation for now.

You might want to consider adding in the COVID fields in between your two tests.

That would be a surprise from the (albeit, brief) description.

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Thanks will add the covid files as well, great idea.

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Feel better!

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After 3 days spend in bed, using both bacteria slayer, and new sinus, i can say they are good at keeping symptoms endurable. Bacteria slayer keeps my throat pain under acceptable levels, and the sinus one relieved my breathing system. I added the immune system booster from QI to the mix which helps as well. I am now out of my bed, still feeling tired, but a lot better than previous days. I read that the new premium Q10 field could help with covid infections as well. As i repeated that field several times now i can fully agree on that, that field feeels really good after a covid infection.


I was skeptical about this , but now ive tried it and I felt an instant relief in the intestine and nervous system.

And because I have ibs, that might be h.pylori bacteria dying…

But it doesnt show up on the doctors fecal sample, how can it be.



Use the slayer for a week f.ex. and then take probiotics for a while ? Or take probiotics after listening every day ?

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The Smart Bacteria Slayer is going to slay the probiotic bacteria as well as the “bad” bacteria in your gut. If you feel more comfortable taking probiotics after listening every day, then do that with the understanding that your use of the Slayer on following days will be slaying the probiotics you’re taking.


Thx, dont wanna slay my probiotics :see_no_evil:


My probiotics give me headache, nerve tension.

You’re done with the Smart Bacteria Slayer already?

No, i tried slayer and destroyer like 4 times each and then I took a probiotic to see… cause i was curios.

Will continue tomorrow :sunglasses:

Edit: I feel like the slayer is gonna help me alot.

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Do you think Flaunt can also do the same job as this, that is kill probiotic and “bad” gut bacteria?

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Off the top of my head (so I may be mistaken), I don’t recall any component of PF that would do that. If you’re concerned about it, you can go to the PF thread and look for Beltloop’s thorough list of what could be in PF. If there’s something on that list that inspired this question in you again, you can ask about it again in that thread.


How long do you think I should stick with it ? A week or two? Maybe as long as a regular anti biotic treatment…

Hello everyone.

First I want to say that I looooooove Dreams’ work! It saved my cats live and I cannot say what these fields already did for me and my life. I use them daily since last year December. Pls Captain - do not stop your wonderful fantastic work! It is a lifesaver in so many ways for me!:heart: Thank you so so so much for your incredible work! I am a new Patreon (medium) Member as well. Thank you!!! :pray:t3::sparkles::heavy_heart_exclamation:

Now to my experience/questions (?) concerning the field:
Is anyone of you out there who is allergic on amoxicillin? I am but this is the only allergy I had til now (checked last summer). I used the feeld for my cat for the last 2 days. The first day I listened more or less with her but yesterday I weared my headphones - which did allow some of the sound nevertheless.
Last night I was awake working on some stuff on my lappy and ate a raw STICKY CELERY. I love veggies but after two bites it tasted somehow bitter and after eating half of it my tongue felt deaf and furry somewhat and my lip became a bit swolen. Then I read about cross-allergies with celery. I tried to brush my theeth and tongue as I hoped it was because something was wrong with the celery itself. But afterwards my tongue started swelling lightly. So I went to hospital immediately.
It is not dramatic but is an allergic reaction and I am asked to not eat any celery for the next 7 days and then I can try a very small peace to test. Additionally, I am advised to see an allergist.
I thought over what could have been triggering this reaction and on my way home I remembered my allergy on Amoxy …

Well, my questions are:

  1. Has anyone an allergy on Amoxicillin (in medicational form) and has a cross-allergy on Celery?
  2. Has anyone experienced allergic reaction to the amoxy in the field?
  3. Does anyone now if the field triggers bacterial resistence (which would implicate the need to take it at least for a longer time)
  4. Did anyone have a similar experience to mine (me taking into consideration that the field might NOT be the trigger to this allergic reaction!!!)?
  5. Has anyone made some experience like this using another field before (i.g. Autoimmune Reversal, Induced Hepatocyte Growth Factors - which I listended before and newly, also)

Again, Captain, thank you so much for your work. this is no critizism. I just need to know as celery is in nearly everything with veggies and I am vegetarian :sob:

Ah… and can anyone recommend some fields against allergies beside autoimmune reversal?

Thx everyone in advance…

Oh. Important: it helped my cat!