The Smart Bacteria Slayer

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Thank you Tharcus :slightly_smiling_face:
I hope I did not shock everybody as discussion stays toatally still now :thinking:

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No, it is unlikely
Amoxicillin is just an extra layer on how it destroys the bacteria.

Yes I saw someone say their face got red. (lol 3 edits to fix there)
and they do have the allergy.
But i think the effects are milder.

I will try to make an amoxicillin free version.
this is just better effective.


Thank you Dream for your reply🤗…

No, it is unlikely
Amoxicillin is just an extra layer on how it destroys the bacteria.

This is great to hear❣️. I did not react on the Amoxy itself – at least I didn’t see/feel anything! I just thought it could have to do with the cross allergy. There could also be other reasons why I reacted with the allergy. I will have an allergy-test soon. There is a lot going on with my stomach and breathing system at the moment due to stress.

Yes I saw someone say their face got red. (lol 3 edits to fix there) and they do have the allergy. But i think the effects are milder.

Yes, I read this – well, I cannot confirm on my behalf. I experienced nothing like this :wink:!

Sorry. I will try to make an amoxicillin free version. this is just better effective.

Dream, this is a WONDERFUL PIECE you created here! I helps my cat with Meningitis so so much! It’s great the way it is.

I found your channel last December on YouTube and follow and listen since then. On Sylvester to New Year my sweet cutie Chandra nearly died as I found out later on Meningitis. She already had all spasmodic reactions there are typically before death. From then on we had a kind of horror-trip with medications not helping, wrong diagnosis – wrong treatment – terror for my cat - huge costs and… bless good… your frequencies which safed her life at least.
But to keep it short and not boring (its recurrent and we do not yet now the underlying course): Till the BACTERIA SLAYER I had a stack with

  • 1h of Bacteria experimental (as 3x wasn’t enough)
  • 1h Fungus experimental (3x same here)
  • Enhanced Blood Circulation
  • Blood Brain Barrier
    plus 2 fields of Good Vibes, as my cat seems to like and react positive on those to, too. (and NO, she is not wearing :headphones::grin: because they are Bi-Naural).
    Animal regeneration did not work on the Meningitis alone and when combining it was too much for my pets. Their Nick skin became visible. But 3x Bacteria Exp. Alone did not work… I tried a lot in the beginning – this worked in the end. AND NOW…

…She is listening to BACTERIA SLAYER 3x and all of them are listening to Animal 1x or whatever is needed once or twice and all are fine. And she is getting better and better, nearly normal within 1 week! This field is FANTASTIC!!! Additionally she is less aggressive and fearful – which is the best sign for the field is working!!! SO PLEASE DO NOT BOTHER❣️
I will continue for 7 days and than stop and see. The most important thing for me was that the Amoxicillin within does not lead to bacterial resistance as we all might listen to it and she will probably need to listen to it more often. Thank you therefore for your reply already!

I will have the allergy-test and comment what it states and let you all know. I guess this will be in two weeks or so. Until then we all here should be „Amoxy-free“ again :wink:. If they do not find anything I will try Celery again (small piece) and test. If it is gone I will try the field again and test celery (small piece) again and see! I will state here.
If everything stays fine I will use the field myself for a period of 7days.

I will try to make an amoxicillin free version.

Well, I think your field here is perfect!
I’d go further: as it is an overlay it might probably cure an existing allergy on Amoxicillin. This would be great to test. I will do the 7 days test m.a. But at the moment there is no indication to take antibiotics in medicational form. But this might well change because of my bronchi problems (due to reflux acid in there). We’ll see. If so and allergy risk is gone I would try – in controlled environment, of course (discussing with my family doctor first in case there might be some allergic reaction). But this would be a prolonged field experiment :wink:.

But of course, folks, do use careful if you know you do have an allergy on Amoxicillin. This statement of curing an Amoxicillin-allergy is an idea on mine and it is hypothetical!


Should Smart bacteria slayer be listened one day, 3 times on a loop, or for for a couple of days 3 times on a loop?

Thanks in advance

Should this field be listened one day, 3 times on a loop, or for for a couple of days 3 times on a loop?

Thanks in advance

Should I listen Smart bacteria slayer once a day 3 times in a loop, couple of days 3 times on a loop?

Thanks in advance

You’re welcome, you didn’t shock anybody…
Sorry for my late reply.

But you had Dream’s answer to your question, that’s most important.

I didn’t receive a notification because you didn’t tag me with the @ symbol before my username.

Welcome to the forum

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Thank You @anon33592743 ;).
Yes, Dream answered the most important thing. Rest will turn out ;).

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Hi, have you solved your foot fungus issue?
With either this field or any other?

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So, like they say, “do not fix what is not broken”… The Wise do that, not me! haha

My gut was perfectly fine, and a company, as part of PR, sent a 10 capsules pack of new strain probiotics to me claiming its anti-aging and sugar metabolism benefits. I took it 3 days and my tummy was in a terrible state.

Yesterday, played Smart Bacteria (and Gullet + Gastro Specialist to soothe) - my gut is finally back after an explosive 3-days. Sorry if this is TMIF :sweat_smile:


This one save me from very bad tooth pain ! It’s a :gem:


Amoxicillin?! That’s from the penicillin family, which I am deathly allergic to (anaphylaxis). Is this safe to use?

Honestly don’t then. There is the Bacteria Destroyer and the Fungus one and the new Smart Hulda Zapper. You have enough options.


I’ll check those. Thank you.

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If I can make a suggestion, an alternative to the amoxicillin would be tetracycline. That’s what I and others use instead of anything in the penicillin family.


If you use this field long term, overtime will it make you resistant to amoxicillin or penicillin?

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This is not a physical substance you’re ingesting, so no…

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this field is beyond impressive. A little history… every time in the last 4-5 years that an infection has ended up on my chest in any way, ive gotten very ill with phlegm deep in my lungs a nasty cough and a duration of 4-6 weeks. I picked up a bug at the end of last week and spent Sunday laid up with a "hot’ runny nose infection and bright green phlegm on my chest. I thought I was cooked and was seriously wondering about all the plans ive made for the next month.

So ive spun this field 4-6 times the last few days and today I am very nearly on top of it, just a bit of gunk left but I feel good. Not sick. I actually just did a solid 20km on the bike. Im amazed tbh, this field is legend status in my eyes


I had sore throat night and played this a few times before sleeping. Morning, I was normal.
Usually sore throat lasts a couple of days & then I start cold, cough. Sometimes it goes on to developing fever & feeling tired & sick.
Am very impressed at how effective this field is.