The Smart Bacteria Slayer

It does

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Hey Seamie, very sorry to hear that. Play also Pain control (smart field) as the way you described her tonsils she must be in high pain, although the doctor may had prescribed anti inflammatory medication and/or pain medication. Very often the medication alone barely reduces the pain (I had that experience too recently with my throat)

But all in all with the antibiotics taking action she will have relief soon. :pray:t2:

Rest and take care of yourself too.


Thanks Star. Ya she is taking Calpol and Nurofen for the pain, inflammation and high temperature that has come along with it.
I cant think of many worse feelings than seeing a child feeling so unwell, itā€™s heartbreaking.
I have Caladrius on the case also so hopefully within the next day or two she will start to feel much better :crossed_fingers:t2:

Would it be best to loop the older Bacteria Destroyer field do you think?
I done a couple of loops of Bacteria Slayer for her but when she is taking Amoxicillan already, I didnā€™t know if that would be overdoing it with the field and medication versions at the same time.
I still donā€™t really understand too well about using the Energetic versions and the medication versions of something at the same time. I presume it would be too much.


Dont forget the og Pain control.


Yes same, so I canā€™t say for certain. What I did when taking penicillin (same substance here) was only using the physical medication. My line of thought was the same of yours - not overdoing it - but ofc others might have other experiences and opinions.

Do as your intuition tells you Iā€™d say and monitor the situation closely.


Also there is energy blockage removal.

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Is this audio free to download without subscription?

it works for subscribers

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Wait. Do we have to paying the monthly tire? Because I donā€™t have access to sapien subscription on patron. But able to download this audio. Itā€™s available for free right?

This should belong to the premium membership of 22 subscriptions per month

Why Iā€™m able to download it for free :thinking:

then iā€™m not surešŸ˜…

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@Dreamweaver is this open for public without the need to pay subscription?

That should be fine! this is the full track

Iā€™m quite desperate to download this cause apparently my mom ( retired nurse) been working with someone who have miningitis. Just in case. Im saving this audio :sweat_smile:


Unfortunately Iā€™ve got MRSA which doesnā€™t respond to amoxicillin or other methicillins

can this help with tonsillitis?

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Hi - Sorry for my very late coming back to state my results so far:
I am allergic to amoxillin, too. I would be careful to use it. In my first try I had a strange cross-allergic reaction on vegetables that I did not have before - please read above. BUT this might not necessarily have to do with the audio or assumingly this was not the only trigger. I guess I became more allergic to other than amoxicillin because of corona-virus-vaccination. But the Smart Bacteria Slayer may trigger cross reactions in the beginning. So be careful.
During that first try I stopped usage and after a few weeks I used this audio for one of my cats and I personally had no problems anymore regarding allergic reactions during or near after the audio.
But - as I saidā€¦ use it with caution and read my statement above for more info on my case.

As Lady stated - I did not see a resistance until now - wether in my case nor in case of my cats. But I used it like one would use the medicine. As long as needed but at least 10 days. If this ist necessary? I donā€™t know. I just wanted to be on the safe side.

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