The Smart Bacteria Slayer

Hi everyone
This might be of interest for all pet-lovers (cats, dogs).

  1. I used this field on one cat with Meningitis - which seemed to help a lot. I used it after the normal therapy had ended and when I remarked a relapse due to her not being able (again) to focus things as normal (cats differer from human in number and position of photoreceptors (rods and cones) within the retina - so her not being able to focus anymore meant inflammation around the fovea centralis and the optic nerv.
    I used this field 10 days together with Plasma or Negentropic Animal and Animal regeneration plus I gave her 2 teaspoons of handwarm Yoghurt mixed with Vitamin B12 liquid (3 drops).
    She ist fine since that time - but I used (and do still from time to time) Brain Tumor with Animal Regeneration as this might have been the initiator for the meningitis. She ist great and back to normal since 4 Months now.

  2. My oldest cat (14 years) suffers from obesity (listened to doctors advice and gave her diet-food, which had been the worst I could have done). In addition, we lived in a smoking household for several years. Consequently she developed breathing difficulties. It became a lot better since we got out of the place but she never went back to normal. 3 weeks ago I remarked breathing difficulties at worst - sounded like bubbling and she was caughing. Additionally her heartbeats were irregular and with heavy pulsing which can be seen from outwards. Also her urin was way to much.

At first I used
-1x Plasma (Negentropic or Bioactive Beach) with

  • 2x Kidney Regeneration (which seems to be the most potent - at least for my cats), sometimes with kidney and bladder speacialist or Kidney and Adrenal
  • 2x Heart Restauration
  • 1x Heart Strenghtening
  • 2-3x Pleurisy or Sinus, Throat and upper Respiratory
    in ONE Session

Several hours later

  • 1x Negentropic Animal
  • 3x Fat to Stem Cells Animal
  • 3x Animal Regeneration
  • one in change with Liver Cirrhosis or Liver fat reducer

All became better, but she still had breathing difficulties and bubbling - fewer but still to hear.

Since 2 days I use

  • 5x Bacteria Slayer
    in one single Session or at the beginning of the Second session and supplement with Yoghurt and B12 afterwards.

Results: Bubbling became drastically better and I donā€™t hear her snorring or even breathing anymore. Her heart rythm seems nearly back to nomal but still it is pounding a bit over norm and her urin is half of the amount it was 3 weeks ago. The Kidney Regeneration works very fast - and my other two cats show also less urin.
Moreover she lost weight but I now use normal food - just for indoors instead of dietfood - wet and dry. Additionally I supplement with Gimcat Age 7+ and green-lipped mussel shell powder as she has joint problems.

At times I will use the Joints - audios as well but now this woud be too much. But even without she is doing much better and concerning pain she feels obviously better.

If you use frequencies - and especially the human ones and plasma - be advised to check your animals nictitating membrane. If my cats have too much I see the nictitating membrane becoming visible or the white of the eyes. So consider this. It should be best to start slowly. My cats are quite used to frequencies after more than 1,5 years ā€¦

Good luck to all this may serve!


Gonna be looping this and Virus Disrupter to get rid of this nasty cold/flu/bacterial (not sure which it is, thatā€™s why Iā€™m using both) infection


I used Virus Disrupter after being sick with a bad cold or something while being off 0 sleep giving me a horrible immune system.

I used that for like 3 hours, and bam, I played a whole football game the next day lol.

Hope you get well soon. Seems like a few of us got unlucky with this in the last week or so.


Yeah man itā€™s the season of hot/cold temperatures, perfect recipe for a nasty cold

Appreciate the thoughts dude

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what if i am already taking amoxicillin and clavulanic acid? should i listen to another anti bacterial field

WARNING: If you have elevated liver enzymes like I do, donā€™t use this field since both amoxicillin and clavulanic acid can affect liver enzymes. My specialist didnā€™t tell me this, a random youtube doctor did. My specialist wants to put me back on steroids without trying to figure out what is wrong and how to fix it. That is why I appreciate these fields so much, for actually healing people.

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Is it safe or not??
Sapien hopefully explain.
Does this video effect your liver??
Had a severe problem with my ear after dr.flushed it 10 times.
Feel a bit better,today after4 listening.
Might be an inflamation or water behind the eardrum.
So,so tired.Any advise??

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Many thanks.:heart:

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Thank you so much for your answers.
Iā€™ll go ahead.Its a very strang feeling.
I am here and now,totally.But really,Not.
The ears are so important.

Bongkrek Acid is a strong respiratory toxin produced by fermented grains, coconuts, edible mushrooms, etc. contaminated by Burkholderia gladioli.

This poison is a mitochondrial toxin that makes the human body unable to convert oxygen into energy, leading to symptoms such as shock and organ failure. A very small amount of 1.5 milligrams of oryzoic acid can also be fatal, with a fatality rate of more than 30%. As long as the pathogen is associated with fermented foods, it is colorless, odorless and difficult to detect.

Is this field helpful?

So Iā€™m curious, and itā€™s not critical or anything, just trying to improve my understanding of fields and Dreamā€™s methodology.

The common thought has been this is likely smart in the sense that it doesnā€™t get rid of good bacteria; Dreamā€™s reply on patreon put that thought to rest. Since thatā€™s the case, what aspect of this field is the aspect that has it labelled as Smart?


I have been thinking about this, mainly regarding the aspect of this in the Smart Slayer NFT (given it is acting on the owner at all times).

My intuition is that whilst it does kill all bacteria (good and bad) it only kills when the system is out of harmony. Ie when there is ā€˜goodā€™ bacteria in the wrong location (think sibo) or just bad bacteria present - it will go to town on all bacteria in the affected system. But otherwise not act if it is not required.

Maybe Dream can weigh in though?


Yes please @Dreamweaver :relaxed::pray:


Why is this Smart???

Could it kill sibo??

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Hi all, I used Smart Slayer for the first time yesterday, which is a combination of Smart Virus Slayer and Smart Bacteria Slayer. I used it for the Smart Virus Slayer component as a preventative after learning from a relative I was with for lunch the day prior that she may have had Covid.

When listening to Smart Slayer, most of the sensations I felt were around my head, and cheek area, with some felt in stomach. I felt ok, and without thinking too much about it, I listened for 1 hour and 10 minutes while having a big lunch. Afterwards I felt burning pains in my stomach, which as of this morning have not gone away (but are not as bad as yesterday). Also intermittent headaches.

I looked up the field description, did a search for amoxicillin, and discovered that stomach pain is a common side effect. Iā€™m wondering, has anyone else felt this? It sounds like itā€™s nothing to worry about and it will go away within a few days, but it would be reassuring to know if anyone else has experienced this with either Bacteria field. Also, since I feel stomach pain, should I avoid listening to this again?

Also, any tips on what I can do to help with the burning pain in my stomach? Should I eat something, or avoid food for now? I skipped dinner last night. I havenā€™t had a bowel movement yet. Are their any fields that might help provide relief?

Thank you friends :)

Probiotics, after bacteria slayer good

Gastrointestinal specialist for the pain if ye have

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Thanks Owl!

I had some yogurt and kefir after making the post, and listened to gastrointestinal specialist for 20 minutes. Still no change to my burning stomach (but overall itā€™s better than yesterday), bloating and some brain fog.

Iā€™ll keep feeding myself probiotics throughout the day and will try gastrointestinal again later. The bloating makes me feel like not wanting to eat anything. I read somewhere that toast could help, so right now Iā€™m eating a toasted sandwich and trying to drink water.

I have the Intestinal Cleanser, do you think that might help?

Burning stomach might be symptom of gastritis. So i wonder if bacteria slayer could triggered something

Try some fungus removal too

Plasma flaunt will help too

Cleanser too should help
But i recommend some pill form probiotic as kefir ehh doesnt help bloating :D

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Good to know!!

I have some pills, I will switch to that instead. Will try intestinal cleaner first after I squeeze a bit more water into this belly.

Never thought to use Fungus, I was exposed to very bad mold in my stuffy apartment during the pandemic, perhaps something related to that? I will try it, and yes, you are right Plasma Flaunt is a great idea!! :)

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