The Smart Bacteria Slayer

Fungus field because like if you use regular antibiotics, bigger chance of more fungus growth as antibiotics change microbiome.

Now idk if that applies to these smart bacteria fields tho lol

And now u mention mold, lymphatic effusion too after all these fields :)

Gl on speedy recovery


Oh that’s very good to know. I didn’t realize a change in microbiome could increase chance of fungus growth. Since we don’t know what aspects about the field are smart, I will listen to fungus removal to be safe, with lymphatic effusion after.

Thanks again for your help!

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This was a comment from long ago, but my answer is relevant.

Our bacterias play a role in allergic reactions. There are histamine producing bacterias. Sometimes after a round of antibiotics or killing off all bacteria’s, sensitive people can experience allergic reactions due to killing off the good bacterias keeping allergic responses in check.

In my experience, it’s temporary. With physical antibiotics, and with this field. The sensitivity dissipates as your biome settles and is restored.

I used this field this morning and shortly after became sensitive to the environment once again. Now several hours later my system is balanced and my sinuses are CLEARER than they’ve been in a looong time. My body feels internally clean and I can think again.

The directions say “As Needed,”

But what’s the official on this question?

Can we do 3-4 listens once a day (per use as stated) for 7-10 days

And then repopulate with good bacteria?

Is it safe to do so?