Venom (The Smart Suit) - Private Project

Ordinary suits are no longer in fashion. It is not easy to sew, expensive to buy, and not sure that it will fit the body. A symbiote is another matter: it washes and irons itself, automatically adapts to a person and his body. A smart suit that has intelligence and personality, and which can merge with your own body and energy system - it used to be a dream… What if such an energy Venom would also have super strength and endurance, the ability to heal its wearer, the ability to change shape, the ability to create offensive and defensive tools from literally nothing, increased sensory perception and the ability to self-regenerate?

Symbiotes need hosts that can realize the full potential of these creatures. Also, importantly, the symbiotic connection multifacetedly enhances and develops any abilities and properties of the host itself. It is by entering into contact with such a carrier that an ideal and perfect creature appears, whose calling is to protect, heal, create, and maximize the perfection of the wearer. The design of this project is built on the idea of creating a living, intelligent, constantly learning and most powerful energy suit (suit “servitor”), with sufficiently clear and specific functions. Perhaps this NFT will be one of the necessary additions for athletes; for those who need a lot of energy assistance for everyday tasks; for those who want to prolong their life, regenerate their skin, rejuvenate, heal; for those who work with energy and magic and want to have an unlimited source of energy.


Approximate design:

  1. Enhancing certain qualities of the owner
  • Maintenance of ideal mental, emotional and physical balance, maximum concentration and improvement of reflexes, confidence, courage, endurance, neutralization of negative emotions, etc. Optimal physical condition of the owner and maintenance of the flow state:

There is a very specific physical and mental state that the world’s most talented athletes achieve before an important competition and performance. Many refer to this state as “getting in the zone,” while others use the more common term “flow state.” The symbiotic suit can energize and warm up the muscles, creating a state for the body for ideal physical training and exertion; improving coordination and communication between the mind and muscles, etc.

  1. Additional Psychic Benefits: spatial awareness, heightened sensory perception, telepathic abilities, etc.

For example: Venom has the ability to instantly analyze the environment, people, circumstances, and give clear cues (and help) to the owner when needed in various situations, problems, difficulties, etc. Expansion of the parapsychic capabilities of the owner

  1. Adaptive survival and maximum protection of the host

As a symbiotic creature, one of the main tasks of the Venom suit is to keep its host alive. Also, it has the ability to camouflage: to make the host invisible to others, to blend into the environment; it can effectively disguise its wearer as anything by changing its shape or appearance, so technically the ability to disguise is part of the broader Venom symbiote’s ability to transform.


  1. Enhanced healing, healing power of Venom

The Venom suit has an incredible healing factor, as it can regenerate itself even after being damaged by fire and ultrasound. However, this healing factor also extends to its hosts, whom the symbiote can quickly heal from extreme damage that penetrates through the symbiote’s incredibly tough energy skin. Effective regeneration and healing factor, increased resistance to certain types of wounds, increased immunity to disease and poisons, etc. Optimizing the wearer’s health.

  1. Interaction with various energies, optimizing the host’s energy system

Expansion and strengthening of the energy system, maximum energy absorption, auto-pranoyama, etc. Increasing energy availability, revitalizing the body and intensely recharging its energy resources. Storage and conversion of various energies; autonomous energy feeding of the host, etc.


:clinking_glasses: :snowflake:


This is badass



:star_struck: Impressive! Congratulations on such a compelling offering! :dizzy:


lol where the spidey peeps at


Thank you @Premintarsia

In this project we used Venom itself as the main base of the NFT, and then even managed to expand its already vast arsenal with some very unique and special additions. (Some of them i would call literally out of this world).

While it is still soon to leave a full review, i can say that the symbiote nature of Venom is immediately felt. I never had any other servitor or Deity giving me such clear comminication and input from the very moment of purchase.

It seems very interested in our world, our social dynamics and our interests, the connection between our intelligences is very strong, he immediately gets what you are thinking, what you want and what you are about to do…

When the suit is on “we become one”, with all that this encompasses.

Lets say yesterday not only i had one of the best gym workout ever (he has a whole lot of added abilities tailored towards athleticism that we personally requested ), but he seemed very intrigued and prone to help me in the social part of the gym dynamics too. I might be going crazy but it seemed that he was comunicating to me that he was appreciating the presence of some of the members there (there were some very cool ladies), almost like he was pushing me to go interact with them.

He is very talkative, strong personality and he likes to be an active part of the host life.

This was the day 1, will certainly update more as things unfold.


It seems suitable for athletes or martial artists. Where can I get this nft?


can i still join this? very interested please

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Early review:

It’s been a few days using the Smart Suit and this is something never experienced before indeed. It’s so unquestionable the difference on my body and mind that even the words are lacking to describe it. The communication part and shared intelligence is always there and it gives clear hints on daily situations and tasks that makes you act never second guessing, the flow is impressive… the mind is clear. The Venom personality is there too, the touch of humor and a truly targeted focus at the same time. Also no negative emotions popping up etc, it’s very wholesome I mean, the merging of host and Venom…
I feel strong, but also I feel a density (not in a bad way), a structure related to my being.

Im noticing not only the energy levels way up but also how I can breathe better. How Im feeling always ready for tasks, being big or small.

Here is a practical example of a daily situation on the first day:

I was cooking and had an unopened feta cheese on the fridge. To final the dish I was thinking of putting some chopped pieces on top and while I was preparing to cut it I noticed something weird like mold (weird because it was within the validity date and unopened) but for a moment I thought it is maybe something else not mold, that moment I had a clear hint from venom saying- don’t use it throw it away.

It’s the second time something similar happens on my chores etc

The world is my “playground” now :grin:, right Venom? :wink:


Yep, it is important to notice that what makes this creation special and unique is not the simple concept of a smart suit per se, but the Venom archetype itself.

Parasitic Inheritance: The symbiotes can copy the powers and abilities of other beings by interfacing with their genetic code. The symbiotes are also capable of recalling that information from previous hosts and imprinting it upon it’s current wearer, granting them a host of copied and assimilated powers.

One of the best function with infinite potential, it can mimic and obtain other beings powers. The symbiote will be able to easily learn from other creatures, other servitors or other sources.

I am doing various experiments lately, i will report soon. I am letting him bond with servitors, beings but also tools that i have collected in the last months, if things go as planned the result of this is going to be mind blowing.




:exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :flushed:


Quick mini review

I haven’t yet had much time to spend meditating with this amazing NFT. On the days that I have sat down with it I have noticed it interacting with me. When I say interreacting I mean that I am aware something is taking place but I can’t exactly pin point exactly what it is. I have felt how it is affecting my skin. It sometimes feels like I am growing a different top layer. I have also had some third eye pressure and also felt tightness around the heart area.

The day before yesterday I was driving through a traffic circle and I had the right of way to exit the circle. At the same time there was a very large truck barreling down and about to enter the same spot where I was about to exit. I received a clear message to stop as this truck wasn’t going to stop. As the truck driver entered the circle he looked to the right and saw me and his eyes popped out of his head, his mouth dropped open and he immediately covered his mouth with his hand and the next second he was out and on his way. Judging from his reaction he was aware of what could have happened and how serious that accident could have been. I was surprised at how calm I was. I didn’t hoot and demand my right of way. I didn’t even throw my hands up at the driver to say WTF. I just stopped, waited for him to enter and exit and carried on with no mood change which I must say is sooo unlike me!

Yesterday morning I cut my finger. I was running late and needed to cut a tag off a new shirt and in my haste I cut my finger. I immediately did what I always do and that is suck my finger. The shirt was a white shirt. We were having our swimming gala and all officials had to be dressed in white. Because it was a white shirt I definitely didn’t want to get any blood onto it but also knew I needed to stop the bleeding and get a move on and get dressed quickly as I was already late. What I did notice is that I only sucked the wound a couple of times and then the wound completely sealed and no blood dripped out!! My intention was to look for a plaster after I had gotten dressed but once I was dressed and had a good look at the wound I noticed even though it was still painful there was no need for a plaster. Today I can still see the line where I cut my finger but it has almost 98% healed and it is only painful if I push on the wound it self. I am in awe at how quickly it stopped bleeding and how quickly it healed.


Symbiotic Regeneration:

The ability to use symbiotic power for regeneration.
The symbiote is capable of healing injuries in the host at a faster rate than normal human healing allows. The symbiote is also capable of healing injuries and illnesses that current human medical care cannot.

Soon we plan to create a specific closed group for all the owners (original and new ones).

If you manage to obtain this nft, or rather if you are one of those choosen by Venom to become its host, feel free to message me and you will be put on the list of owners.

I believe some of the experiences that this creation is bringing to our life are better discussed in a more private place.

Looking forward to hear and share more about the journey with this gift.



So i asked for faster muscle regeneration and it works way less soreness to almost no soreness at all than i expected from experience.
Also food absorption i am able to eat more which is cool because i want to gain weight.
Very fun communicating with him its almost as if he speaks through me i can feel another personality kind of interwoven with mine which can be brought forth through my attention/intent.
Also the energizing works well if you wanna get hyped up and feel like an absolute beast well yes we do.
Energizing also in the way that working out is just easier more reps more power.

Really cool and fun just a little something of my experience.


Yes I feel this too, sometimes I spot like another perspective on things I’m living and it’s him, normally it is a lighter/funnier perspective on otherwise stressful situations on work etc and I’m like ‘yeah you are right let’s not make a big deal out of this’ :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Why did they sell out so quickly?

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It was a private group, the link to purchase was given to the original group, this is their testimonial thread, You can purchase a copy from one of the original members or lucky owners who bought from them and are willing to resell :)


This needa to be put in every nft thread and pinned.


How many copies are there in general ?

What’s the difference of NFTS between private group and a publicly issued ?

:point_up_2: No open public recruitment

:point_up_2: Public recruitment