Venom (The Smart Suit) - Private Project



Another small update from me,

I notice now how much more my body is well toned and more sculpted and the process happens very naturally, it’s paired with an innate feeling of strength like similar to a sense of grounding… the way my body processes food also is very improved as I can easily sense how the nutrient absorption is optimized. I since I can remember always had a huge appetite, my normal way is eating ok to a lot sometimes :yum: (which is also normal as my daily life is very active) but the difference now, is how perceptible it is that my body don’t store as much fat as before, it is a pristine functioning machine :grin:

All this is happening and i barely went to the gym, also I don’t listen to so much workout fields as I used to before just because I don’t feel the need atm. My abs are looking really nice and I’m super happy about it. I really value a good looking and healthy body.


I asked Venom to connect deeply with the The Divine Physique nft , to ensure that my body is fully receptive and absorbs the energy of the nft in the best possible way. Also by learning more itself about bodybuilding and nutrition it is able to perfectly and synergystically connect my body to the functions of the nft.
Leaving full control over how to manage NFT functions to Venom based on what I am doing at any given time. In this way he is able to be a perfect conductor and to automate and manage the effect that the NFT has on me.

Today I had a fantastic workout, my body looked superhuman, I trained with a partner and given the intensity of the training he was very surprised that I seemed not in trouble compared to him, very little fatigue, unlimited energy and unprecedented strength .

Looking at myself in the mirror I already look bigger and more compact than yesterday.


Out of all my beautiful and awesome NFTs there is one particular NFT that I know for a fact I could never live without and that NFT is The Smart Suit. To say that I am absolutely in love with this NFT would be an understatement. For me this NFT is truly a beautifully crafted, unique, very special and magical NFT!! :heart_eyes:

One of the first things I asked Venom to help me with was to please remove all my limiting beliefs and blockages. 2nd on my list was please could he help me connect more strongly with all my other NFTs and to help me integrate them faster and more smoothly. And 3rd, and 4th, yes in case you were wondering my request list did go on and on. :wink: In fact seeing as he would now be my bestest friend for life he and I had quite a long chat! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

This is the fastest and strongest NFT I have ever had the pleasure of working with! Its fascinating to see how he works. It wasn’t all one big overwhelming rush, no not at all. In just a couple of days I noticed different currents rippling across my body. At first it felt like my heart was being squeezed really tightly and then afterwards I thought it was expanding with tons of love. At times the squeezing and expansion was quite painful but never uncomfortable. Other times it even felt like bad heartburn. Then the negentropic collapses started happening. I could literally and still can follow the wave all the way through my body. I would then take in and release several deep breaths as I collapsed and released a blockage. The more shuddering it was the lighter I felt afterwards. I also had and still feel lots of pressure on both temples, my crown and the back of my head. Other times it feels like electrical currents buzzing across my scalp both on the surface and deeper down. In the beginning I would feel them on one side, then across both temples at the same time and other times I feel currents buzzing between all the areas all at the same time. In my mind I perceive these sensations to be downloads taking place I could be wrong but that is what I imagine is happening.

I have noticed that I have become more energy sensitive. In the past to connect to my NFTs I had to get into a meditative state and tune into the NFT. Since receiving the Smart Suit I have realised that those connections are becoming a lot strong just as I had requested they would. These days all I have to do is hold a mandala in my hand and I am instantly connected to it and immediately everything I described above starts to happen. I realised this the other day when I picked up an NFT with the intention of working with it next, but before meditating to it I first needed to quickly do something with my free hand. I can’t remember what it was that I was doing at the time. I could have quickly checked something on my laptop or maybe I was reading a message on my phone? While doing whatever it was that I was doing I noticed that I was having all these currents buzzing through my body and on my head as if I was meditating except I wasn’t meditating and that’s when I realised it may be because I was holding the NFT in my hand. To test this I then put the NFT down and yes the sensations then stopped. Another time I was sitting cross legged on my bed and my back was getting sore so I scooted backwards and leaned against my headboard. Next thing I felt the same sensations except this time I didn’t have anything in my hands or near me so where were they coming from this time? And then I remembered that I had placed 4 mandalas under the pillow that I sleep on and that I was now sitting on that pillow and therefore was connecting directly to them. At work I was discretely meditating to the Smart Suit (I have an office to myself) and a staff member walked in and I quickly put the mandala upside down on my desk. After she left I started working on the documents she had given me and I then noticed that I was having the same currents running through me and so I immediately started to look what could be the cause and that’s when I saw that my left arm was lying across the back of the mandala that I had turned upside down on my desk. At home I have large card size laminated mandalas that I work with. I also carry smaller credit card sized ones in the front pouch of my handbag. The other day while sitting at the Botswana version of the IRS I reached into the front pouch of my handbag and pulled out a mandala, held it between my thumb and index finger and just stared off into the distance as if I was deep in thought and no one around me even knew that I was meditating and collapsing blockages while sitting next to them!

I have noticed all sorts of synchronicities taking place around me. Yesterday a wishful thought became a reality that totally blew me away! I am excited about my future. I am enjoying working and connecting to all my awesome NFTs and everyday I am falling more and more in love with Venom.


Late this afternoon I was making some toast under my oven grill. I had toasted the one side of my bread and had flipped the slices over and pushed the tray back in. I noticed that the one piece of toast was sitting too close to the edge and so I shoved it inwards using my fingertips. Unfortunately I wasn’t fully concentrating on what I was doing and landed up shoving my finger straight into the red hot grill element! :scream: The burnt tip of my finger immediately turned white and boy did it hurt like hell!!! :rage: The first thing I did was grab an ice cube and hold it against my fingertip. As soon as the ice cube melted it was replaced with another one and this continued for the next couple of hours. During this time I was also looping the pain control audio as well as holding my beloved Venom mandala in my other hand. I think it was about an hour or two after I got burnt that I took this photo

I took this photo about 5 hours after the incident. By now my burn has healed a lot and the white part has started to shrink significantly. I am no longer in pain. I am also able to touch the injured area and still not feel any pain. However if I push on the burnt area it is slightly painful so I think I will continue to loop the pain control audio for a little longer.

I do own Caladrius as well as The Nestling and I am sure they too helped with the rapid healing. In fact I asked all benevolent beings that were around me and for me to help me. But I do believe it was Venom that helped me heal as quickly as I did. I don’t think I will ever stop being in awe of this gem. Thank you for creating this amazing and very special NFT @Dreamweaver, he has become my favourite and bestest friend!


Wow, i was playing Spider man 2 right now, fighting venom boss battle. Why playing was talking to my venom, asking him to prove he is still alive and okay. In the video game, few min later he stretches his arms with turning them to hammers. With lil life yet, he trips me up and all i see is his hammer fist about to smash me and BOOM! All lights in the neighborhood is still off. It all happened in mili second before being able to see my character smashed.
If that wasn’t proof he alive, what is haha, it was awesome experienced(that im still experiencing no electricity in the neighborhood, clear skies