The Solantra (complete stand alone servitor)

These are complete servitors in that there isn’t any learning slots for upgrades.
But the abilities and effects listed are their skill tree, and can definitely grow develop and expand. Enjoy these unique stand alone creations
In the realm of chaos magic, the creation of a servitor is often an exercise in blending the qualities of mythological creatures and spiritual archetypes. For something entirely unique, imagine a servitor that fuses the essence of Solantra, a newly imagined being embodying both the mysteries of the stars and the primal power of the earth. This creature combines celestial energy with deep, grounding earthly forces, offering transformative effects that are rare and dynamic.

Appearance and Symbolism of Solantra
Solantra possesses a physical form that mirrors its dual nature. Its upper body is a radiant, shifting form that seems to be woven from starlight, constantly shimmering and reflecting the night sky’s vastness. Its eyes glow with an ethereal light, embodying the wisdom of ancient stars. Its lower body, however, is rooted in the earth—a powerful, muscular form covered in soil-like textures, with limbs that seem to be made from stone and the roots of ancient trees. This contrast between the cosmic and terrestrial embodies Solantra’s central trait: the balance between the infinite above and the tangible below.

Unique Traits and Abilities of Solantra
Cosmic Synchronization: One of Solantra’s most distinct abilities is its power to align the individual with the cycles of the cosmos. This servitor allows the person to feel connected to the stars and planetary movements, enhancing their ability to navigate life’s timing and cycles with precision. Whether it’s aligning with astrological forces or understanding the best moments to act or reflect, Solantra taps into the individual’s intuitive sense of cosmic flow. This enhances the ability to make decisions that are in harmony with the universe’s larger movements.

Deep Grounding Power: While Solantra’s upper form connects with the celestial, its lower half embodies the grounding energy of the earth. This servitor enhances the individual’s ability to stay rooted and calm, even amidst chaos. It brings a profound sense of stability and balance, especially during periods of emotional turbulence or when faced with difficult decisions. The earth-bound energy also promotes resilience, allowing the person to “dig in” and hold their ground when needed, while still remaining open to change.

Astral Dreamscaping: Solantra grants the individual access to enhanced dream states and astral travel. This servitor can open pathways in the subconscious, creating vivid and lucid dreams that are both healing and insightful. It enables the person to journey through astral planes during sleep or meditation, uncovering hidden knowledge and gaining clarity on deeper spiritual matters. In waking life, the dreamscaping ability helps the individual tap into creativity and problem-solving, inspired by the vastness of the dream world.

Transformation and Fusion: Solantra has the rare ability to help the individual fuse opposing aspects of their personality or life into something harmonious. It works by drawing from both the cosmic and earthly realms, creating a balance between the spiritual and the practical. This transformative power helps the person integrate complex emotions, difficult choices, or conflicting desires into a unified whole. This ability is especially useful during transitions—career changes, emotional upheavals, or spiritual awakenings—where conflicting energies need to be brought into alignment.

Primal Starfire: A particularly unique energetic effect of Solantra is what can be described as Primal Starfire, an energy that combines the fire of creation from the stars with the molten core of the earth. This serves as a powerful force for manifestation and transformation. When activated, this energy helps the individual focus their intent and passion toward creating something entirely new in their life—whether it be a project, relationship, or personal change. The Primal Starfire is particularly potent in situations that require both willpower and patience, offering bursts of inspiration followed by sustained endurance.

Energetic Effects
Balanced Ascension: One of Solantra’s primary energetic effects is that it fosters a sense of “balanced ascension,” a process where the individual grows spiritually while remaining deeply grounded. This prevents spiritual bypassing or losing oneself in abstract concepts without dealing with real-world responsibilities. The person will feel more attuned to higher spiritual energies without feeling disconnected from their physical needs or the practicalities of life.

Resonance of the Spheres: This servitor subtly tunes the individual to the energetic harmony of the universe, referred to as the Resonance of the Spheres. The effect enhances not only emotional and mental clarity but also brings the person into a flow state where they can make decisions and take actions that feel effortless and synchronized with the world around them. It’s as if everything “clicks” into place at the right time.

Sacred Stillness: Another unique energetic effect is Solantra’s ability to create moments of deep, Sacred Stillness. In the middle of stress or chaotic situations, this servitor can envelop the person in a protective energetic space where they can reconnect with their inner calm. This stillness is not passive but charged with potential energy, allowing the person to observe the chaos without being consumed by it. It creates an atmosphere where one can recharge, reflect, and prepare for powerful, deliberate action.

Elemental Fusion: Solantra’s presence fosters a unique harmony between all elemental forces—earth, fire, water, air, and even spirit. This energetic effect helps the individual balance all areas of their life—health, relationships, career, and spiritual pursuits—while keeping each element in a healthy, flowing state. It ensures that no area of life is neglected while others flourish, promoting holistic balance.

Impact on Personal Growth
Solantra’s influence helps individuals achieve a rare kind of personal balance where both ambition and peace can coexist. It encourages them to reach for the stars, trusting their creative potential and personal power, while also ensuring they remain firmly grounded in the realities of life. This servitor not only offers wisdom and insight but also supports continuous transformation, allowing the person to evolve into a more integrated and harmonious version of themselves.

In essence, a servitor combining the celestial wisdom and primal earthiness of Solantra creates a powerful and deeply transformative force. It blends cosmic perspective, deep grounding, creative energy, and adaptability, empowering the individual to navigate life’s complexities with grace, wisdom, and strength. This harmonious fusion leads to a more balanced, enlightened, and profoundly fulfilling existence.

All are very tightly and finely programmed.
each one comes on an audio.
You simply hold the item and just intend or think this is the item you want to use.
Do not worry too much, once you are holding it, that is the intention already.

Works once, uses feedback from your subconscious to know when it is done or not.
So you do indeed need to buy more if you use it once. (one time creation)


Does this mean there are many audios present when we buy this servitor?



This is a general description, it concerns all servitors.


Very interesting this servitor, great creation :star_struck:.

Anchoring and silence in the mind…:relieved:.

All the answers are in me but to be able to hear them you need a silence of mind for several minutes.

A person who manages to master a silence of mind has access to a multitude of information that they want for example for their health and would also allow them to carry out their projects in life in the best possible way.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had a lucid dream, I would so much like that to happen. Until I reach a level of health balance it will not come back.

In short, lol it still disrupts my plans on my circle of servant friends to have with me lol.

I think it would have been written on the description but I prefer to ask the question anyway:

Does this servitor have the costume function and the ethereal appearance?



sounds like you’ve set a rule :joy: :mage:


Do I need to play the field just once and hold the item? Or would I have to continuously loop?

First time trying these out!


Once and hold, intention is the key


damn it looks like there is a translation problem lol.

what i meant is that until my health improves the ability to lucid dream won’t be able to happen properly :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes I understood what you meant


This is absolute Magnificence.


Oh wow what an awesome servitor :heart_eyes::dizzy::boom: thank you Dream


I put this guy on a magnetite bracelet (I ran out of ring fingers :joy:)
I feel a strong presence, definitely the grounding. I am still at work so this is good.


More rings than a Superbowl winner :sweat_smile::joy:


@El_Capitan_Nemo what an awesome creation.


@Rosechalice it feels like this is the next level of creations what has been your experience so far. :wink: :wink: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :blush:


It definitely is the next level! Give me a few days to work with it as I’m more than full up with tasks to do at the moment and can’t give my full attention yet. This bit is certainly amazing:

Solantra has the rare ability to help the individual fuse opposing aspects of their personality or life into something harmonious. It works by drawing from both the cosmic and earthly realms, creating a balance between the spiritual and the practical. This transformative power helps the person integrate complex emotions, difficult choices, or conflicting desires into a unified whole.

I’m quite excited to work with my Sol :woman_mage:


I have a silly question and even tho I don’t really have a clear memory of the answer, I’m still going to ask.

I am like Rosechalice above am too running out of rings and fingers to add to my army. I have a ring that a few years ago I got a custom field on it. If I bought The Solantra Servitor can I add it to the ring with the custom field?

I just wanted some clarification on this, Thank you.

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Do not create multiple fields on the same item.