we’re always getting instantaneous feedback based on what vibration we’re projecting.
So the question isn’t really how long does it take to work because it’s working all the time and it’s working in real time.
the question is really how long does it take for you to get into alignment with what you want and so the thing about alignment you gotta understand like attracts like…
you have to be a match to what it is that you want to attract. Meaning you have to have it within your field of consciousness that this is something that you want and it’s also something on some level you believe is possible in your reality. You aren’t pushing against it with doubt, frustration, anxiety, or anger rather you just have this expectation that this thing is going to happen and it just happens for you.
For example:
let’s say you’re about meditating but it’s middle of the day and you for some reason start thinking about lawn mowers making noise and get worried that they might show up which is a degree of expectation that they’re gonna show up. So they had to show up because they were a perfect match for what you was projecting in that moment.
in order to speed up manifestation, remember:
insistence is resistance.
Insistence is resistance when we insist on an outcome what we’re doing in that moment is we’re projecting resistance and resistance is fear, it’s a anxiety, it’s stress.
Insistence creates resistance.
if there’s something that you do want and you’re insistent that it happens
I need to get this job
I need to get this girlfriend/boyfriend
I need for her to say yes
what you’re projecting in that moment is resistant fear that they won’t do what it is that you want them to do. When you’re projecting that the universe matches you back so the trick with really speeding up manifestation is to be mindful of insistence.
A really great thing to practice is the idea that whatever
happens it’s gonna be okay whatever
happens I’m gonna roll with it whatever
happens it’s gonna work to my benefit
Avoid being insistent because the more insistent we are the longer it will take for the wanted outcome to materialize for us. So when it comes to how long does it take to manifest xyz remember it’s happening all the tim, but in order to get something that you want that you do not have the amount of time is equivalent to how much time it takes for you to stop being insistent. So be mindful of insistence and always remember that insistence is resistance.
Now we’re working with a black hole here so why not focus on the fundamentals that can work for everyone to make it easier to manifest whatever it is each individual wants to manifest. Working on the core belief, I’m sure other members are much more capable in creating a “script” for others to work with.
so i invite you to help