I think you have to wait for one thing to manifest before you clear and move on to another
If you get your gadget on Monday, then yes, you can task your Solidifier to manifest a smartphone for you on Tuesday.
But if you haven’t yet gotten your Monday gadget, when you say “Clear” on Tuesday, you are clearing your Monday request. So then, your Solidifier will stop working on your Monday gadget and work on your Tuesday smartphone instead.
In short, you’ll be like that boss who asks you to do a task and then later comes by to ask you to drop everything to work on this new task and then on the next day, gives you a new task that must be done before anything else and so on. IME, nothing much gets accomplished in those situations, you see?
Many thanks
Blockages are disappearing on their own.
Slowly but surely
I haven’t asked for any clearing work yet
I feel I have more energy… physically and mentally
What did you ask for?
Nice , And how did you ask for it ? As in what words you said and how did you go about saying and doing it with the Soldifier ?
not for blockage removal
I asked to manifest something work related
These blockage removals may be a general side effect of the NFT
The unspoken and hard truth (at least from my perspective), with all manifestation tools and techniques, including this one, is that if the thing you are requesting is not meant for you, or it is not at the proper time then it just won’t come. There is a soul plan for anyone, an higher order to things that most of us cannot understand, as we are not meant to grasp it… if what you are asking is destined to be yours anyways then it will get to you, and tools like this will help speed up the process. Otherwise you could do all the manifestation techniques you want but either you won’t act on them when it’s needed or there will be blocks that you cannot remove no matter what you do or how hard you try. Yes, there are blockages that cannot be removed for some of us, either for karmic reasons, or soul contracts issues, or other “cosmic”/higher self stuff.
And mind you, I’m not saying this doesn’t work… it works sometimes really fast, other times it will take a lot of time and work regardless of what you ask, other times more it won’t work at all for the reason I’ve tried to explain above. I mean… think about it, think about all the negative, really bad stuff that could be conjured with a tool like this. There must be protection systems ingrained into it, not only by its creator but also from a universal stand point (as a higher law it must follow), and these protection systems are the same that won’t make you have everything you want because, sometimes, you just cannot have it. Sounds harsh? It is my truth. YMMV
Same thing applies to Woven World: Millions, I would be really curious how many really got the number with 6 zeroes in their bank account by listening to it. I’m sure some will, most won’t, because you don’t just go above your fixed karma and soul plan/issues by listening to a field. It is a blessing? Yes. Will it manifest? Another pair of shoes.
Basically because you don’t know. You have to try to understand and know your limits.
Also I don’t believe everything is predetermined, I think the path is already laid out when you are born, but how you cruise through it is a personal choice, or better, decisions that you make every day. The only thing is that if on the path there is not the thing you are looking for, you won’t be able to get to it in most cases, unless maybe a miracle or divine intervention, I don’t know. In theory you see, everything is possible as it’s all Infinite and we are inside of it, but in practice we are limited beings and our free will is also limited, as are the choices and results we can get based on individual circumstances of the 3D world and karmic propensities, and soul plan.
I believe the free will that we have (and so the amplitude of life that we can experience) depends upon our own evolution, and it is our responsibility… no one has the same amount of free will and the ability to choose and experience whatever you want would mean that you actually have total free will, meaning absolute free will, meaning you are absolute or, the Absolute… which is to say you are enlightened in the true sense of the world (Nirvikalpa Samadhi). For most of us it is not how we experience life, we have limits.
Also, the world we live in has his rules and we are bound by them…
Would a dwarf be able to manifest the height of an elf?
Would a man born without the ability to see and hear be able to manifest a successful athletic career?
Would a bear be able to jump as high as a kangaroo if he wanted to?
Maybe, I mean everything can happen and exists in some part of the multiverse, but what is the probability that it will actually happen? There are multi-casual factors that are in place all the time, and many bound you or on the contrary may help you achieve whatever you want, but most of them are not yours to decide, and you are not even aware that they are in place.
No, thank you
Man I know this would be an unpopular opinion because especially in these circles people like to think they can get everything they want, all the time, and it’s easy with tools like fields and stuff, everything is fun and immediate. But trust me, I’ve done my homework here, I have practice with this tool and many others, with the clearing of beliefs systems, of blocks, with changing my mind, meditation, yoga with indian masters, evolving my spirit, and it’s all well and good. But maybe is better sometimes to have some humility and accept that there are things you are not able or supposed to change, imho. Or maybe you can prove me wrong by manifesting everything and anything you want easily with the Solidifier.
Be honest though, if you had no limits, would you need the Solidifier to manifest?
I believe that we are all creators of our reality and advocates of our destiny, but sometimes we just need help
Why you care answering in first place then. Easy to write some words on a keyboard, and thinking “oh no, what is this guy talking about? I am unlimited!”, but have you realized that? There is mind reality and then there is day to day reality that you have to cope with, and that is not under your control all the time. This is just obvious to me, but I do not want to instill my “limited beliefs” upon others, to each their own.
That’s true.
Is gravity a limiting belief? Is inability to fly for humans physically a limiting belief? Maybe mass shared belief systems that shape and create the reality we live in, but all I’m just saying is that there are factors beyond your control, and the Solidifier won’t change that, even if you stack 30 of them if that would be even possible.
Whatever you do, don’t go see Wicked: The Musical
Why not? lol