The Soul Continuum - Psychic University

Beautiful, thank you so much for sharing your ideas and experiences 🩵 I love that you get so much guidance through your dreams- I know many people do.
I usually get it in my waking hours, I tend to sleep like a rock and don’t remember my dreams


I played Soul Continuum and Repressed Anger and Hatred Dissolver simultaneously yesterday for about an hour. My body had a very strong reaction to this combination, especially in my back.

However, today there was no reaction at all.


Question. I might be just confused on that :sweat_smile:
Any field we play combined with this (before or after it) is used by/“transmitted” to our parallel selves in the region as well?


depends on how you’re using fields, but potentially yes I think.

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The Soul Continuum doesn’t need other fields to work. It is super impactful on its own.

Some of us noticed that if you set an intention, and for example use it in combination with another field that amplifies that same intention, the impact created can be very interesting.

I could listen to TSC and bring myself into a loving vibe and just meditate with that vibration of love. Or I could intensify the vibration with Omega Love. But in the end these are all tools, the one who is doing the work and who engages with TSC is you.

We are all still experimenting and collecting experiences with this field. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


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A post was merged into an existing topic: Psychic University FAQ

Okay so here is the deal :)

Maximum Human 2.0
Divine Purge
HS Exorcism
Journey Pt. 3
Best Version Of You
HS Karma Clearing OR Karma Master System
new Soul Contract dissolution field

Seems to gradually dissolve and wipe everything that holds you down


I felt like Naga Shield is not enough all alone, so I added Divine Purge 2.0…it feels great…Im gonna use it every day


Works like a charm, yes, and mind you - Maximum Human 2.0 includes that too and imho it is even stronger there.

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not aware of this. could you link to it?

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You can try.


You gave me an idea. Going to loop this together with Miracles of Revision. Overnight.

Hope I don’t instantly ascend lol

If anything, please remember I was one of the good guys


Switched testdrive to 1-2 nights forward. Will post results. BUT.

TSC should DEFINITELY be used in conjunction with the Patreon field “Reverse the Effects of Psychic Attacks”. So. You loop TSC + Divine Purge + HS Exorcism but in the end add this and loop it for as long as you can take. Purge - rebuild - purge - rebuild, ad nauseam. Happy to report this works very well.

Basically, every time you have less nasty to kick out.


What ever you think this field does, i can 100% say it does more then that


Hey guys, I would really like to hear your feedback on this field, so I have been using this field religiously for like 32 days now, below is my stack:

Torsion x 2
TQC x 1
PONR x 1
Elixir of energy x 2
Alignment of power x 1
Maximum human x 1
The malleable ego x 2
The ultimate integration tool x 1

So what I mean to say is that it’s been a decent amount of time since I am using this and I haven’t really felt anything move around, I think the stack is quite bulletproof, I would understand if this was happening only with me but there are others who are also basically sharing the same feedback but they don’t really wish to comment anything about it as they feel that they’ll be attacked, idk why they would think that but anyhoo, would really like to know your insights on this.


I don’t feel much from Malleable Ego or SLR 3.0, recommend drastically ramping it up to 40-50 min.
JAAJ as I remember also said that TSC is quite loopable.


It´s a strong stack, humming with power.

I often use stacks like this, but not for Soul Continuum, that one I take by itself.
A large part of the field is quite subtle, with fine threads of energy.


Do you meditate? It can be helpful to meditate, silence your mind and then observe how the soul continuum interacts with you. Fields interact with us energetically and subconsciously. Many things the field does for us cannot be perceived in clear thoughts or won’t show immediately in physical form in our 3D reality.

I find it helpful to tune into fields during meditation (I‘m far away from mastering this skill, still a Padawan myself haha).
Most important though, believe that it is working! Even if you don’t “see any results“ just yet. It‘s a very powerful field that works on many levels in your subconscious!