The Soul Continuum - Psychic University

Disclaimer - This field is created by a third-party vendor and not by Sapien Medicine.

The Soul Continuum

by Psychic University


You’re a dot in the infinite.

In probability theory, the probability of any specific point in a continuous distribution is 0. This is because there are infinitely many possible values in a continuous distribution, so the probability of observing any specific value is infinitesimally small.

This is why instead of looking at the probability of a specific point, we often look at the probability over a region.

But what if you could directly influence the region around you, not only your single point?

What if you become a multidimensional being, the central point in helping your past, future, past lives, future lives, for you and your alternative selves?

This is exactly the idea behind this field. It will apply to them, in a personalized way, when help is requested, and respecting karma laws, a refined combination of the effects of the following fields:

Psychic Harassment Help (The Divine Purge)
Higher Self Exorcism
Higher Self Soul Healing
Intercession from the Divine
Road Opener
Divine Love
Blessings from the Solar System
Higher Perspectives
Consciousness Repair
Luck boost
The effects are very subjective. What I can say is that your life will improve as your region improves.

Start with twice a day.

Protected against reselling.


This field deserves its own thread.

Previous testimonials:


Just had my first listen to this powerhouse. Man, it’s like the fabric of reality shifts in an immediate, non linear way. It’s such a unique experience because you also realize that this fabric is you, changing from the core.

I felt like standing up and moving to release some contractions and felt lots of energies shifting and moving. Now I feel lighter, more free, open and expanded, and still awestruck. What a field this is, it’s unlike anything I’ve experienced before. Thank you so much :pray:t4:


Okay, here is my first testimonial after 24 hours :slightly_smiling_face:

First 4 loops yesterday:

  • Bursting out in laughter and relief
  • Suddenly very positive outlook on life

Further 4 loops today:

  • Even more optimistic outlook on life.
  • Feels like nothing can ever go wrong anymore because all potential probably future selves are brought in line for the best outcome regardsless into which direction I am going to step.
  • People on the metro starring at me why I am so happy and lightweight lol
  • This field feels like a “positive curse”, or an “anti-negativity-curse” or simply a “blessing from some higher power”, this is probably the “Blessings from the Sun” effect…
  • A feeling of like carrying a field of positively influenced probable selves in front of me as I walk through space-time.
  • Feels like like I am carrying around me a field of probable selves that are all influenced real-time into the most positive outcome as I walk through space-time. It is hard to describe a 5D effect with 3D words.
  • It feels like as I move on, the best possible future astral parallel self in front of me is being pulled to me and merged into me, right at the moment when I step into it. I made a simple graphic that may help in the understanding:


Okay, 8 loops and 2 hours later and while I am now playing some of my favorite music now, I am officially crying and laughing all at once!

And I am someone who statistically only cries once every human decade.

This level of optimism and emotional release is something I have not experienced for the last 20 years!

This is better than orgasming.

The Road Opener in this is not any road opener, but it feels like a Higher Self Road Opener.

This feels like re-incarnation with a clean paper sheet but without losing all your acquired memories and wisdom.

Childlike Wonder on steroids.

I think I am only able to describe in words what I am experiencing because of Conceptual Conglomerate.

@Gnosticmedic27 Bro, this is absolutely surreal! Thank you for your reviews on Discord about this field! You were not exaggerating!

@Psychic_University You did something absolutely crazy and beyond my comprehension here! THANK YOU SO MUCH FROM ALL OF MY HEART!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


this means the neighbourhood i live in ??

No. “Region” is a term from probability theory.
You need to read and understand the original field description please.


This seems to go hand in hand to The Best Version of You.

ok , thanks.

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This graphic explains it very well. Thank you for taking the time to do it. I was aiming for the Ultimate Integration Tool, but now with these reviews I might get this one.


Uhmmm seeeing @JAAJ this pumped about something is making me want it now :joy:

Hey but I know you have karma crucible, can you compare and contrast the energy and effects?

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They do different things.

I am pretty sure that me having Karma Crucible NFT and having listened to it for around 100+ hours now in total did a lot of invisible road block removal for me. I do not really understand at all what Karma Crucible NFT is actually doing, maybe I will soon understand more now with having Conceptual Conglomerate, but every time my Higher Self says to loop Karma Crucible it, I simply loop it :joy:

PS: If that is you in the avatar pic, you have a really beautiful maxilla.


I’m very excited! I bought this field yesterday in the sale. So far I got 6 listens in and absolutely love the positive boost it gives. I feel very content and light.

Any ideas what you want to pair this with? Have you already added it to one of your specific stacks? If yes, I love to hear what you are combining this field with.

I personally would like to combine it with the best path in life mandala (patreon premium) and some free fields like the attract your soul tribe field, plus some luck & abundance fields or guided path fields.

My current stack idea:

  • 1x energetic salt cleanse
  • 2x the malleable ego
  • 1x Vibrational Raiser
  • 3x The Soul Continuum
  • 1x unconditional you
  • 1x Attract Your Soul Tribe
  • 1x probability alteration and luck
  • 1x the guided path
  • 1x a life of magical abundance
  • 1x a life full of Wonder (PU)
  • 1x angelic intercession
  • 1x automated grounding

This could also work really nicely in combination with the quantum love album.


Okay nice to hear your thoughts. I as well have no clue what karma crucible is doing for me, I’m like you where I trust the process with it, although I have way less listening time under y belt. That’s a 1-3 plays a day one for me— it gives me physical pains with more, so I know it must be doing something. I can see how this may have some similarities and differences. Maybe I’ll have more clarity in time.

Thank you! It’s one of those AI avatars.


Wow I feel a lot of faith and hope reading your testimonies. I don’t have it yet but I need it

Could I know which is the discord group where you talk about fields? If possible I would like to join


Yes, The Best Version of You by PU

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Sorry, private group

Maybe with “Maximum Human” for manifestation focus.

1 Like when you find out lmk as well please? :orange_heart:

Edit: nevermind.

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IMPORTANT – This is all highly SUBJECTIVE and personal experiences will vary by a lot (since everyone is different and everyone’s Higher Selves have different agendas).

The Soul Continuum – Day 5 Update:

The Soul Continuum field feels like it gives me the effects that I initially wanted to experience as a “best path in life” and that I always wished the “Best Path in Life” tag would have given me.

With Soul Continuum it feels as if the best possible version of me that will happen in the next 5 minutes, is being pulled into the now and downloaded into me in the now – which results in “me doing the right thing, right in the here and now”, so that these actions done, lead to me becoming that best version of me 5 minutes from now.

With this effect, it is much easier to be become the best version of yourself in the now, because you do not need to walk in space-time TOWARDS that best version of you but instead that best version is being DOWNLOADED FROM THE FUTURE into you in the now. The best possible future comes to you, versus you having to proactively work towards it.

Thanks to Conceptual Conglomerate I was able to finally understand why I had a such a bad experience with the “Best Path in Life” tag (BPIL). With “bad experience” I mean unfullfilled expectations of my Incarnational Self and a lot of additional frustrations, some of which also came from me not properly understand what BPIL does and how it works. And an understanding of how The Soul Continuum provides me the effects that I was initially expected to experience as a “best path in life”.

Let me explain here my personal experience, conceptual understanding and comparison of how BPIL and Soul Continuum differ from each other:

I have 10 months of experience with BPIL from wearing the tag non-stop and then replacing it with the Glory tag afterwards because BPIL felt like a journey into the unknown with no end in sight and zero fullfillment on the way.

1. Whose free will is being considered and it what way?


  • Walking the “best path in life” with BPIL seems to not respect the free will choices of my current Incarnational Self and only go for what my Higher Self considers important and as the “best” path.
  • The incarnational self has still a veto right and can choose not to follow the suggested path.

Soul Continuum:

  • Walking the “best path in life” with Soul Continuum seems to always respect the free will choices of my current Incarnational Self and also actually help me with that (!).
  • This does not mean that these choices are the best path from the point of view of my Higher Self though.

2. Happiness


  • My experience with Best Path in Life tag is that I had a lot of spiritual growth but that this growth never resulted in any happiness, whether short-term or long-term.
    It was always spiritual progress regardless of what my Incarnational Self wanted or wished for.
  • The growth that I experienced from Best Path in Life came with new additional trauma of trust issues into my Higher Self, which honestly, still makes me to not want to use it again.
  • Me as my incarnational self never had the feeling of “actually being lucky” on BPIL.
  • Vaguely mentally knowing that all the spiritual progress “will pay off in the end” is not helpful in any way longterm for the incarnational self’s sense of happiness and fullfillment (!).
    Therefore, my conclusion is that the BPIL is not a proper tool for someone who has still an Inner Child to heal (99.9999% of people on earth) or who wants his Incarnational Self just to be happy.
    It is a tool for someone to use who is willing and able (!) to follow the navigation and guidance into the unknown for an indefinite amount of time (!) and until the goal is reached and without ever careing about personal happiness (!).
    It is a tool to be used only when willing to go into full long-term surrender mode to one’s own Higher Self.

Soul Continuum:

  • Soul Continuum seems to include and actually consider the free will and happiness of my current Incarnational Self.
  • Which makes it much easier moving forward in life than just to blindly accept to be dragged by my Higher Self through all types of challenges as per Best Path in Life tag.
  • With Soul Continuum I actually have the feeling that everying is going to be the fine with the best possible outcome – which means I do not need to rely on blind faith and trust into my Higher Self as it is required with the BPIL option.
  • The Road Opener in Soul Continuum seems to be powered by the Higher Self too, but in alignment with the direction that the Incarnation Self wishes to go.

3. The Guidance & Navigation:


  • PUSHES you towards your best possible path, but it DOES NOT PUT you onto this path automatically.
  • Acts more like a guide through your current set of circumstances.
  • Does NOT CHANGE YOU and they way you react to the world while walking this best possible path.
  • You still have to endure the pain of inner change and push through the resistances and road blocks by yourself.
  • The field does not do the heavy work for you, you still have to completely walk the new path alone and by yourself. Therefore, harsh things and painful changes can happen with this.
  • You are navigating through your CURRENT timeline and set of circumstances.
  • Until arriving at where you want to be, it can take a long time.
    So if you aim for happiness, BPIL being only a navigator through your current timeline, will not provide this right away, and if so, only after a long journey of navigation and working through the various topics in your life.
  • Combining with Ascension-naut can make the journey more positive, because here you will get an additional raise in vibration with all its positive side effects.

Soul Continuum:

  • Acts like an ACTUAL TIMELINE and REALITY SHIFTER based on what your current self decides.
  • Based on this decision it helps to switch to the best possible and most positive timeline that represents this choice.
  • It actually changes you and your parallel selves, so that walking the path, any path (!), becomes a positive experience.

My personal final verdict:

  • Both “best pathes” are viable and legit ways to go forward fast and efficient.

  • With Soul Continuum the journey forward may be longer (because the wishes of the incarnational self are considered) but a LOT more pleasant, less harsh and less traumatizing for the Inner Child and the current incarnated self.

  • With Best Path in Life the journey forward may be shorter (the “speedrun” of the actual Higher Self), but requires a LOT of committment to the process, requires full trust into one’s Higher Self and therefore is potentially a much bigger challenge for most here on earth.

My next task is going to be figuring out what will happen if I combine Soul Continuum with BPIL into one coherent and aligned adventure. This combo might be able to offer the best of both worlds… :v: :slightly_smiling_face: