The Sound Weave - Website

Yeah that’s the point- to print and connect with it.


Personally love the website color scheme, it’s clean, captivating, and straight to the point.

Nice choice @SammyG @Captain_Nemo


Most of Dreams NFT’s work even if they arent printed out. U just have to form a connection with them (they can be connected to while they are on your screen). U then tend to this daily, and after a while the connection will be permanent. SO then u dont have to have them on your person.


Right. I personally spend weeks with each one meditating each day while staring at it. Prob more than I need to.


i have come to understand especially with the ninja protector nft that we look at them frequently only that they can connect to us better, something like a refresh of the goals that the said nft is acomplishing for you. so you look at the picture in order for the picture to better see you and your common work.

the nft gather info on you when you look/glimpse and then corrects its service. i have felt it so today, perhaps it is subjective…


This actually sounds like a playlist for having a nice day ^^

Lol yes. I love those so much :slight_smile: it drives me insane i cant have them on my iTunes account lol
Gahh @ Paetron and their regulations hmph

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@SammyG A good friend of my is an energetic totem creator and is in my experience the best i’ve tried outside of Sapiens tags. I’m curious if there would be a potential for him to be a creator on sound-weave or if this medium is strictly for audio content? Here is his site for reference

it is for digital items

anything downloadable.

Over time, physical items can be added as well.
(making sure the digitals are running fine first)

There is a seller there, already selling.
working well so far,
So that’s awesome
Its really just up to him if he wishes to sell.


Can we assume that there’s people will work or is that our job?

What do you mean?

ahh, to check what each sells you mean?
It wont be an efficient approach.
There may be a work around solution in the future.
But anything that seems off to me, i will message the seller and we can remove or change etc.

I dont mean to police it.
But rather keep it clean and positive.


Thanks for the reply Cap.
Love the concept for this site, look forward to it growing out and being full of in tune and talented creators.


It’s no surprise u have hate so I was worried that there would be a little sabotaging by others going on that’s all. But yeah that’s fine with me.
Thank you for ur products and I can’t wait to see what new Fields come

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but they are responsible for their own choices and will deal with that themselves.

We cant stop progress, besides i launch products, items, etc etc in multiple places at a time.
which one are they gonna hate.
Just keep expanding, they will soon realize they have only hated themselves and when the horror of realization hits them, I suppose it will be too late.


Some wise words. Calmed my worry. Thank you🙌


full on ignore, dear Captain!

i have learned this using your work.

do what i want and need with the fields, build a coherent deffence, then simply ignore all that is not coherent to me…

all else is gifting energy to the not friendly …folk.

difficult to accomplish esp. for an empath or somebody righteous… but i fathom needed.




Ok so I just tried to purchase unexpected gifts, but it only gave me PayPal as an option and it didn’t say pay with card at the bottom of the page like was mentioned elsewhere. Is it because I’m on a phone?

I was thinking, what if you mark (little check mark or something) your products as official release of the sites. That way newcomers can see which is 3rd party related.

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There’s an issue with PayPal atm, please wait for the upcoming days. Captain is working on it.