The Spinal Tapper

I play the Micro-KT for at least an hr. before sleep, while laying down. Then I play the Shamanic Blend all night.
Then when I wake up I play the Crucible x1
I have been doing this since I got the Shamanic Blend a little while after it was released.

Before I started doing this I used to sleep with The Crucible playing most of the night.

UPDATED ADD: Yesterday the Spinal Tapper was released. So now instead of listening to the Shamanic Blend all night, I now split the time with playing:
Shamanic Blend-at night, a few hrs. while I sleep, then change to
Spinal Tapper a few hrs. while I sleep, until I wake up then listen to
The Crucible X1

I still listen to the Micro-KT as before.


Which livestream?

He holds a little live stream before uploading a video, itā€™s on youtube btw

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I see

really great audio
I am waiting to download it, I have been a subscriber to pateon since August, because I know that sapien must be financed, it is expensive to do research and audios, I have always had scoliosis, since the age of 16 the doctors want to operate on me, I am 54 years old and for the first time the results that I have obtained for 3 days, do not disappear, I see an improvement, I breathe better, I stand upright
where can i download it? on patreon, i canā€™t see it
thank you sapien from the bottom of my heart


It is not yet available on Patreon

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Extra ultra grateful for this field. 2,5 years ago (I think), I started having the typical symptoms of cervical hernia (left arm stuff, etc.). Once, I even thought that I was having an attack and sent my testament as a phone message to my sister (regarding the future of my cat roommate without me).

Relatives did finally push me into a hospital and after various examinations in different services, the doctor had said that it was a phantom menace of hernia. Adding that it was mostly ā€œstructuralā€ (?) or whatever and giving me proper neck exercises, while warning me about taking it easy for the next times that I would practice Michael Jacksonā€™s Thriller choreography.

Things went pretty fine since then, except a few times when I had some symptoms (probably at times when I was neglecting the exercises and posture awareness, etc.).

Iā€™m using this field since it came, 2-3 times a day. The first effect was a huge releaseā€¦ then it became a sort of ā€œinvisible puppet master pulling my stringsā€ (podium walkersā€™ not-favorite analogy)ā€¦ whereas now itā€™s quite painful (these last 2 days). Not all the time though, luckily.

Iā€™m convinced that itā€™s because the field is doing its restorative job and thus things getting back to their usual place.

Thank you Dreamweaver. And yes, this field should have been a paid one butā€¦ well. Just thank you :pray:t2:


My mother more than 15 years ago for a similar problem did a daily physiotherapy treatment, for almost 2 weeks, while you got results right away. LOL


SƬ Signore, we are outrageously lucky :clinking_glasses:


and I am profoundly happy for you :ok_hand:


Thank you my bro, Iā€™m happy too for you and your mom :)


If you went to a doctor, they could also offer you surgery, as in fact they had tried with my mother, but physiotherapy and / or osteopathic treatments brilliantly solve these problems. Now then with the fields it is really a walk, and this Spinal Tapper is really a godsend, as is microkinesi.


Yes!!! As a physio therapist myself, this seems like a great tool in my arsenal!

Need to try asap :blush:


Is this on patreon?

Not just yet

Weird tip: Iā€™m friends with the mosquito, since I gave it a name (ā€œPablitoā€. donā€™t ask me how or why), it doesnā€™t bother me anymore when the sound comes on. Now when I hear the buzzing Iā€™m like ā€œHey man, how you doing today, catch you again later alright?ā€

Listening today to ease some neck tension.


Hello! Is anyone able to recommend fields for structural alignment below the midway point? As I understand it, the Postural alignment field only goes to the mid back. I am looking for treatment of low back, knee and foot alignment to its natural place. Any advice would be welcome.


Iā€™m new to the forum, but thank you to whomever moved my request to this area, it answered all of my questions.

Thank you and I look forward to trying these out! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I had the same concern as you and I found a remedy without expressing it
one day I put the experimental scoliosis to accelerate, without realizing it, and I had a good surprise my spine recovered, and all my pain gone, the only concern is that then you I have to do it every day, I can play sports and it is much better, if you try tell me if it is better, now I listen to this one and I feel like Iā€™m normal, with the two combinations, I cycle I run, a little bodybuilding, with weights and with 2 chairs and after I, I would go to the pool, the first in accelerated and this one, it changed my life, I was fed up with being squeezed, I hope that will help you, I hope you understand what I wrote


experimental coliosis, you have to put it in a loop and accelerate 5 times, I put 1 normal track and the other by 5, I did this by chance, and I continue because it allows me to live well, I hope that 'one day it will stay well, good luck