The Spinal Tapper

Hm interesting, I used for 1.5 months before with nothing, but I’ll see again with more dedication (stretches, diet, meditation, and stuff from other creators too).

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Josh is a teenager, (still in high school), so he hasn’t finished growing yet.


Well so am I (turned 16 a couple weeks ago), but our genetics are quite similar, the tallest has been my grandfather who was 6 3, and a few uncles and cousins, but I haven’t had a growth spurt since early this year. Ig the fields will have to do the magic from here onwards

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I don’t know if it is related to the audio, but ever since I started using it I have been feeling pain and stiffness all the way from my lower back up to my neck. Anyone got an idea what might be happening?


There are several options as to why this might be happening. For example:

  1. “Crisis of healing” is an effect when, before healing occurs, there is a deterioration and exacerbation of symptoms.
  2. The sensitivity of these areas in which you are now experiencing discomfort has returned. It happens that the body gets so used to a certain state of discomfort that it ceases to feel it. During the “therapy” the body begins to heal, and the first thing sensitivity returns. And you begin to feel something that didn’t seem to be there before.
  3. Individual intolerance. Perhaps this sound is not suitable for you. This also happens, even if he helps everyone else.
  4. It may not be related to sound at all, but this discomfort is caused by something else.

There is very little information to make accurate assumptions. You’d better do your own research. Understand exactly in which cases and when discomfort occurs. How it develops. Is there a connection with listening. What happened before. Etc.


I have been listening to this field for a week and have the exact same problem. My upper back and neck hurts a lot after listening to this. I must say I have very bad posture and a few slipping disks due to hypermobility so I think the pain proves it is working. I experience a similar pain when having my spine put back in to place by my fysio.

I can sit straighter than before and it feels like everytime I bend my neck to look at my phone for too long my body corrects itself and I sort of feel forced to correct my posture.


This field remains a mystery to me, it’s exactly what I need for my scoliosis and hernia, I’ve been using it on and off (for 2-3 months) since it came out it but it doesnt work…it even causes some sort of rejection everytime I listen like it was too much for my body…maybe my scoliosis is related to some sort of energy blockage or “parasite” energy?
The same goes to the neck hump removal…no results.


Wouldnt stop listening to them, but maybe add ego Dissolution and the energy blockage removal on dream seeds too.



Im already using the ego field, I was thinking about buying the microkinesi therapist but I need to think beyond the physical causes of the problem. I’ll definitely check the major blueprint and will add the energy blockage removal to my stack.
Thank you for your insight Luna, I really appreciate it.

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oh i just copied the link of what i said regarding that on the major thread because the info related to your thing was in there, but it does not mean you have to have major. its just that the Ascension, or Kundalini completion or whatever you wanna call it from Earthy body to Astral body and further up, (which is more or less the goal of Major BoP) its easier and faster when the back bone is aligned, and those 2 points are sealed and working properly.

and you are already feeling (thinking) it is related to more than the health issue itself.

i wouldnt stop listening to those 2 fields if i was you, if there is pain and discomfort is because they are not aligned etc which is exactly what your problem is, so its 100% normal to feel that, its part of the process, maybe reduce the loops or dont do it daily?

microkinesi would be of great help too or smart reiki, some of the nerves healing etc

and definitely add the energy blockage removal to your daily listening if you arent yet



This bit always leaves me wondering if this means

a) it’s safe to loop,
b) it can be used occasionally as well for sporadic non-chronic needs,
c) both A and B, or
d) something else entirely.

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Hi, I did A, B, C and never encountered any issues so far. Usually, the “as needed” indicated for some fields gives you more liberty. So I looped it many times, perhaps not 24/7 but quite a lot and it was fine. More than fine, actually: my spinal discomfort is long gone.

Personal experience though, so may not apply to others. You may want to test it for yourself and set your own using mode.


Thanks, that helps indeed!

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For those that are here to correct bad posture, I cannot recommend enough these daily exercises:

Just 3 months ago I was a question mark. Now, between the exercises and this field, I have an almost straight back and my muscles are stronger than ever.


Why did I felt a sudden rush of energy (in forms of tinglings) in my left foot after looping this for the first time?

My main purpose of using this field is to heal my text neck and my pelvic tilt. But I see that it affects another aspect of my being.

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As you heal your conditions, won’t that healing improve your spine’s function? And isn’t one of the primary functions the conduction of neurological energy throughout the body? And tinglings a form of improved conduction of neurological energy?

IOW, maybe your conditions were impairing you in ways you hadn’t before noticed, and now you’re noticing the improvements from your field.


Good questions buddy. I let someone more experimented and knowledgeable about the nervous system answer these. But hell yeah, mind, body and soul are interconnected. 369.

Mmm, not really. I noticed my condition lately but didn’t take action to fix it until today. I had something else to improve tho.

Just for precision, this is the first time I use this field and decided to loop it. I’m impressed at how fast it started healing my back and neck. And as yoga said, the spine is known as being the center of the universe. Healing it result of a deep healing inside you in many forms and aspects.


Just saw this Spinal Tapper video got removed from Sapien’s YouTube channel. Any idea why?

when you come into the forum the info about it is right there at the top.
and in every page. right here in this one for example

please get familiar with the forum, youll find a lot of answers, check the latest threads to be up to date with the recent events etc even on the very channel under community section is explained

read FAQ, use the searching bar (magnifying glass on the upper right, type what you are looking for and read through posts, thank you)

welcome to the forum :D