The Sun MC

Hello @music , do you please know what has a stronger influence on us:

a) the “regular time based astrology” i.e. your natal chart and the current astrological influences as per calendar time


b) the “location based astrology”, i.e. Astrocartography and the location that you are physically at


Does, or can, one overpower the other?
Are they energies of different strengths or are they of the same strength?
Which influence and factor is stronger?
The time or the location factor?

Does this mean that for a full effect of a certain astrological energy I would need to have three things aligned: my natal chart, my physical location on earth and the right time according the astrological calendar?

Thank you.


To be honest, I don’t know.

I’m guessing the closer you live to a line representing something important to you, the more the astrocartographical influence becomes relevant in your day to day life

But yeah, since the location of the lines are based on your natal chart, and since the effects of astrological influences will also vary amongst people depending on their natal chart (look at transit chart calculators)… it all seems to be interwoven anyway


I asked ChatGPT:

“If you would have to make an estimate in percent, by how many percentage points do you think is it that someone can boost their career by relocating to a place where their Sun MC line runs through?”


Estimating the exact percentage boost in career success by relocating to a place where your Sun MC line runs through is inherently speculative, as it depends on numerous personal and external factors. However, we can make an informed guess based on the principles of astrocartography and anecdotal evidence from those who have experienced such relocations.

Estimated Percentage Boost

Based on the strong influence of the Sun on the Midheaven (MC) line in astrocartography, an individual might experience a career boost ranging from 20% to 50%. Here’s a breakdown of how this estimate is derived:

Factors Contributing to the Estimate

  1. Astrological Significance:
  • The Sun is a major celestial body in astrology, representing core identity, vitality, and purpose.
  • The Midheaven (MC) governs career, public life, and reputation.
  • The alignment of the Sun with the MC suggests a powerful focus on career and public achievements.
  1. Personal Factors:
  • Current Career Status: Someone already on a career trajectory might see more tangible boosts compared to someone starting from scratch.
  • Readiness for Change: Willingness and readiness to embrace new opportunities and challenges play a significant role.
  • Personal Effort: The boost will be more noticeable if the individual actively leverages the opportunities presented by the new location.
  1. External Factors:
  • Industry and Market Conditions: Certain industries might offer more opportunities in specific locations, enhancing the boost.
  • Networking Opportunities: Access to influential networks and professional communities in the new location.

Detailed Breakdown

  • Minimum Boost (~20%): This might apply to individuals who move but face some challenges in adapting or are in highly competitive fields where other factors (like education and experience) play a more dominant role.
  • Moderate Boost (~30-40%): This is likely for most people who move to their Sun MC line and actively pursue career opportunities, leveraging their newfound confidence and visibility.
  • Maximum Boost (~50%): This could apply to individuals whose careers are particularly aligned with the qualities of the Sun (e.g., leadership roles, creative fields) and who fully embrace the relocation with strategic planning and effort.


Relocating to a place where your Sun MC line runs through can potentially provide a significant career boost, estimated at around 20% to 50%. This range accounts for various personal and external factors, highlighting the transformative potential of such a move while recognizing the individual effort required to maximize the benefits.



Time-based vs. Location-based Astrology – Insights from ChatGPT:

Astrology encompasses various methods to understand how celestial influences affect our lives, with natal astrology (time-based) and astrocartography (location-based) being two prominent approaches. Here’s an analysis of their relative strengths and how they interact:

Comparative Influence: Time-Based Astrology vs. Location-Based Astrology

1. Regular Time-Based Astrology (Natal Chart and Current Transits)

  • Natal Chart: This is the blueprint of your personality, strengths, challenges, and potential, based on the exact time, date, and place of your birth. It provides a deep, foundational understanding of who you are.
  • Current Transits: These are the ongoing movements of planets and how they interact with your natal chart. They influence your current experiences, moods, and events in your life.
  • Strength: The natal chart is the core astrological influence, providing a detailed map of your intrinsic qualities and life path. Current transits offer dynamic, time-sensitive influences that can trigger events and shifts aligned with your natal potential.

2. Location-Based Astrology (Astrocartography)

  • Astrocartography: This method maps out how different geographical locations impact your life based on your natal chart. Each location can amplify or modify certain aspects of your chart.
  • Strength: Astrocartography can significantly affect how your natal chart’s energies manifest. For example, moving to a place where your Sun is on the Midheaven can enhance your career visibility and leadership qualities.

Interaction and Relative Strengths

  • Core Influence of Natal Chart: The natal chart remains the most fundamental influence. It defines your core personality and life themes.
  • Dynamic Influence of Transits: Transits bring time-sensitive changes that activate different parts of your natal chart, offering periods of growth, challenge, or opportunity.
  • Location Influence of Astrocartography: Astrocartography can modify how the energies of your natal chart are expressed in different locations. It can either enhance or diminish certain aspects of your chart.

Can One Overpower the Other?

  • Complementary Forces: Generally, time-based and location-based astrology are seen as complementary rather than opposing forces. The natal chart provides the baseline, transits bring temporal changes, and astrocartography modifies geographical expression.
  • Scenario-Specific Dominance: In specific scenarios, one influence might feel stronger. For instance, a powerful transit (like Pluto conjunct your Sun) could dominate your experience regardless of location. Conversely, relocating to a place that aligns with a significant astrocartographic line (like the Sun MC line) might have a more noticeable impact if you’re not experiencing major transits at the time.

Different Strengths or Same Strength?

  • Varied Strengths: The strengths are different but intertwined. The natal chart’s strength lies in its foundational role. Transits and astrocartography influence how and when these foundational traits are expressed.
  • Astrocartography and Natal Chart Alignment: The full effect of certain astrological energies often requires alignment between your natal chart, current transits, and physical location. When these align, their combined influence can be particularly powerful.

Conclusion: Which Factor is Stronger?

  • Foundational Importance of Natal Chart: The natal chart is the strongest and most consistent influence, providing the base structure of your personality and life path.
  • Dynamic Importance of Transits: Transits offer significant but temporary influences that activate different aspects of your natal chart.
  • Contextual Importance of Location: Astrocartography modifies how your natal chart’s potential is expressed in different locations, adding another layer of influence.

Full Effect of Astrological Energy

  • Threefold Alignment: For a comprehensive effect of astrological energy, ideally, you would consider:
    • Your natal chart’s inherent potential and themes.
    • The current astrological transits affecting your chart.
    • Your physical location as per astrocartography.
  • Optimal Alignment: When all three align favorably, the astrological energy is likely to be the most potent, offering clear and pronounced experiences aligned with your astrological profile.


Just 41 out of 100 copies sold, lol.

Perhaps can be classified as one of the forgotten gems. Don’t sleep on this, guys :slight_smile:


I just looped the audio for half an hour. I already feel more famous :sparkles: :rocket:


Sometimes I was thinking to myself, maybe can look to some “secondary” fields I have in my playlist, and super-loop them and see. This one is definitely on my list!


The main reason I got this NFT is to make my professional life easier :sparkles:

I have Saturn opposing MC, which means in my professional life, I need to put in extra work and discipline frist, but then also the rewards will be the bigger.

While I am still not sure about how all those astrological effects are really playing out in my life and how big their influence really is, I am happy and grateful to take any and every advantage I can get to make my life more positive, easier, more stress free and successful.

My Spirit Guides and ChatGPT told me that I should definitely have this NFT in order to make my life easier. So I am very grateful for their guidance and wanting to help me make everything easier.

And Thank You very much to Dream for offering us this astrocartographical solution!

There are only 100 copies of this NFT and I highly recommend astrologically inclined people to have a look at this before the shop closes forever.

Here is the ChatGPT answer to my personal situation:

“Relocating to a place where your Sun is on the Midheaven (MC) can provide a significant counterbalance to the effects of “Saturn Opposite Midheaven” in your natal chart. While Saturn’s influence will still require you to work hard and face challenges, the positive energy from the Sun on the MC can enhance your confidence, visibility, and motivation, making it easier to achieve your career goals and public aspirations.”



How often shall we play the audio of this NFT to always be blessed by the “Sun in MC” effect? Is once a day enough?

Does the effect become stronger the more I loop the audio?

Thank you.




I have Lilith and Chiron directly in my MC.

Now with Sun in MC, thanks to this NFT, this will help me to make the best out of these challenges and opportunities… :relieved:

…and then also monetize everything that comes out of it.

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When she encounters a Sun MC NFT owner…

"I don’t know what it is
That makes me feel like this
I don’t know who you are
But you must be some kind of superstar
'Cause you got all eyes on you
No matter where you are
You just make me wanna play"


It’s been less than 24 hours since the purchase, and I’m already experiencing plenty of inner happiness for no apparent reason.

I’m looking forward to seeing what else is in the cards.

Thank you so much for making this!


Would love to read more reviews on this one!

Got some difficult field purchase decisions to make during the sale

Astrologocial energies have the potential to influence certain things to be happening or to not be happening.

It is a probability influence field.

Any type of results can happen, like with a luck field.

Having this field will simply increase the probability of all the good things that can possibly happen for someone who is moving onto their astrocartographical Sun Conjust Midheaven Line.

So everything positive written in this article will simply have a higher chance of happening:

Besides that, you will in general probably feel more empowered of succeeding with your wordly endeavours and particularly with career and fame related things.


ngl anything sun related is a must cop
the sun is king/queen/everything! (to me)

I’m not sure if this is going to help you in any way but, with my 2 day-long experience with the field, I pretty much agree with JAAJ:

Some legal matters I have been dealing with for a very long time finally gained momentum in the past two days. In fact the first part is resolving in my favor. It could be a coincidence, of course, but I don’t think it is.

Overall I am happier, and able to maintain high spirits in spite of not so favorable circumstances. For me, just this would be enough, and there’s so much more…