The Swords of Adipose Annihilation

Thanks for your thorough response, as always! Aside from fatigue, what are some other signs of energy overload in your experience?


Could this be used with Plasma Protocol?

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Yeah man


A real Katana cutting your handles of love in matter of minutes

It works pretty nice , and fast . I suggest the “furnace” can go well as a pre workout , then your routine , and oxidation fat to end .

With this one ( oxidation fat) you can feel its working by that sweating feeling . Its Legendary

I been experiencing a bit of “detox effects” with the furnace , but nothing heavy or hard to handle .

3-4 seems to do the trick ( repetitions )


I’ve got a few pounds of body fat that I’d like to get rid of (what I’d really like to do is get really lean and bulk up) but this sounds like it might be overkill. Is this more for people who have a lot of fat to lose?

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Hello LiveIntheMind

The thing its that you can use the audio depending the approach you want to have .

For example it says if people have too much fat they must bee use oxidation fat first and then go to “normal” protocol .

If you want to cut and be super super shreddred The Furnace have “components” to help to reach that goal . (Tesamorelin for example )

Dont get me wrong , all the components work sinergisticallly and in a way that made him legendary , its just an example to break down and search what its the function of all the things , and then imagine how it could be if those could work at same time in a blend … :)

For a reason those are 3 Legendary :) Audios , that you can get creative with .

For sure it can work for whatever goal you have with Adipose Annihillation.


Thanks, that makes sense! I’m just struggling to choose between Androgenic Receptor Stimulation and this.


I accidentally played the oven on loop yesterday, maybe 5-7 times overall, I don’t know :grimacing:
I went to sleep earlier than usual and slept 10-11 hours and could hardly get up… lucky it’s Saturday.


I have a question :)

Is fat oxidization targeted in any way?

I’ve added breast enhancement to the stack to mitigate potential side effects (other than normal weight loss/fat loss) but it would be good to know whether that is necessary.


I am not one of those guys with a divine metabolism, like our friend @SammyG. I have to watch what I eat, work out to keep the pounds away, and keep at it all the time.

A business trip to London came up, so I jumped on it so I can visit my Mom after nearly two years. Days were busy at work and evenings were full of eating and drinking with friends and family. The 8 days I was there, my Mom fed me enough food to last two years (lol) and we ate and drank a huge amount of calories every single meal!

I did not really have much time to listen to audios and did not work out any of those days. I would listen to the Furnace audio five times in the morning and Fat Oxidation five times before going to bed. Pretty much that’s all I did.

When I came back home and stepped on the scale - I’d gained zero pounds!! Without this audio, I should have shown some weight increase after every one of those meals!!

Anyway, I am now back to working out and listening to St. Biceps again :rofl:



I’ve realized it’s better to listen to these audios like you do and not spread out throughout the day.
but I’m only at 2x each :sweat_smile: and even that feels like too much sometimes.
Its a good energy boost before working out, but I can’t listen very early in the morning - if I start it while still in bed/half asleep I seem to always start feeling sick and have to turn it (it = the furnace) off.


Instead burning WHITE FAT why don’t we convert it to BROWN FAT to have massive benifits???

White fat, or white adipose tissue (WAT), stores your energy in large fat droplets that accumulate around the body. The accumulation of fat helps keep you warm by literally providing insulation for your organs.

However, In humans, too much white fat isn’t a good thing. It leads to obesity. Too much white fat around the midsection may also create a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases.

Unlike white fat, which expands as a result of consuming more calories than we burn off, brown fat plays a different role in the body.

While white fat is mainly used to store energy, brown fat keeps the body warm by burning calories once it is activated.

Brown fat, or brown adipose tissue (BAT), stores energy in a smaller space than white fat. It’s packed with iron-rich mitochondria, which is how it gets its color. When brown fat burns, it creates heat without shivering. This process is called thermogenesis. During this process, the brown fat also burns calories.

Located in small pockets throughout the body, most mammals use brown fat (and its closely related cousin beige fat) to stay warm. In humans, if you have more brown or beige fat, you are more protected from metabolic disease.

Brown fat also improves insulin sensitivity, decreases levels of type 2 diabetes, improves glucose homeostasis, decreases the risk of hyperlipidemia while also helping to control blood sugar and increase fat-burning metabolism, and play an important role in bone health and bone density. In addition, brown fat activation is also shown to increased irisin and adiponectin which are both are hormones that centenarians seem to have abundant quantities of.

Convert white fats into brown fats in areas that will benefit the body aiming for optimal health. This will not eliminate all white fat as white fat is definitely needed and serves it purpose as it stores energy, insulates, and cushions the body in times of stress or when a fall is sustained. It also secretes important hormones and immune-modulating signals that regulate the metabolism and immune system. However, it will push to eliminate or and convert the excess white fats that are causing harm into brown fats.

also boosts Early B-Cell Factor 2 Proteins for purposes of aiming to push even more brown fat cell conversions.


Lissa, as you asked me to check that latest patreon post from QI, (that you follow) lets not ask Captain to recreate something someone else has made.

Weve seen all around how other creators copy, recreate or launch their version lol just days after he does and it looks really bad.

Captain avoids that at all cost, he doesnt need to copy others, he has his own and very powerful and unique ways to bring health and harmony to our body/life


Thank you… I got it.


Thank you for more information and clarification


Through inducing peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-gamma expression, this complex has the power to switch the lineage of specific precursor cells to brown fat cells.

Included in the Furnace and Oven is
usage of the PPAR-α peroxisome

I know i don’t write sensationalized descriptions to explain in detail what all these does.

But a little research can be beneficial.


I baught it. I have little fear to use it


Start with the tiny one :smiley:

Enjoy your new treasure , get shredred in no time!! For me this pairs well with The Intestinal Cleanser if you have a bit of detox effects ( Bathroom kind detox lol )


Lol so yet again a new thing copied from you


I dunno man!
I guess go with whatever works for them and fits their belief system.