The technology behind this

Probably next month. Taking longer than expected due to adding some stuff and also doing recordings.


i agree dreamweaver want to share this but i think was waiting till see an appropriate time and way to deliver this knowldege. many times he shared stuff with me mentally i really i appreciate this :)


Reposting this from another thread because it relates to this. This is coming from dream in relation to fields.

‘Hello all, we are working on a lot of other big things, not really on the business side of things, but we are mostly humanish, so we do have limitations.
Making fields, detailed fields are quite difficult for a lot to do, the main problem is ‘time’ and ‘energy’ . But here is an idea of how a field is made. So a monk meditates on a nice flat rock out in nature, years and years of his life is spent there, meditating. His body is unable to sustain him anymore and he dies (not on the rock, its not a macabre story). But the energetic detailing remains on the rock, in fact it becomes spiritual place, where people notice the effects of it.
Over time though it does start fading as less people visit this holy place (and there is less reinforcement of the field)
Two things, the length of time he spent there grew and reinforced the field.
The people visiting after and believing it, provided an energy source to sustain it.
In this way you can grasp what it is, and why an ‘attunement’ or other fast made things are vastly different.
also the detailing is important, remember all the spiritual experience he has had there, is minorly detailed in the field as he himself evolves.
Easily flowing into each other (the field information) as the base energy is of the monk.
This is a easy way to see how fields are made,
not quite what you may think. (but hopefully a good analogy!)’


Hello, Does the course involve all the three main steps you mentioned like Mastering Meditation, Subconscious communication and so on?


The audio’s work just like the images, but are more ‘locked’ into place.
they are as merged as the images are.
But if you are wondering how it can be removed from all audios at the same time.
Its because all of the audios are the same, or copies of the same.
It exists as one specific sequence of sound in the informational layer of the universe, even though there are many copies.


the field propagates itself to the item you are using as well, so when boosted, the effect is localized to the item. Not to all in existence.

I think in this way you are seeing a larger picture and fine points of how it all works.


For the audios, I have been using similar tones and frequencies with the songs, to keep it unique, but not as harsh sounding to your ears. I had planned to remake all the older ones also, (More pleasant visuals and nicer sounding) but now I don’t know, I realize I have been making too much audios on the channel, as I have seen people complaining about it now.


The newer audios are so much easier on the ears! Thanks
It would be great to see the older ones remade.
I’m not complaining, I get excited everytime I see “Sapien Medicine just started a Premiere”.


Thank you for the new visuals and audios! They are really great, and I’ve really appreciated how much easier on the ears and eyes they are.

I would love to see the older ones remade, too!

I feel the same way! No complaints here. :smile:


@Captain_Nemo I knew you will think in that way, cause I saw only two or three persons in comment section on some audio (I think that was Atlas one) which described you like you produce hamburgers on Mac every day and these persons compared you even in that moment with QI, like they saying Quad produce rarely audios and they are disappointed with you because you produced those days a lot fields, which obviously show you that ppl are not your supporters nor fans …and that was those days when you was on fire and I liked that, it was before 3 weeks or month, and I knew that comments will affect you as creator, I sense it somehow and after that one you started to upload not so often like previously…but please, really, we don’t complain anything about you, we are very happy as child when you upload your new fields, really…like child is happy in toy store, really

If you don’t believe that, then create poll in which you express your plans and let ppl show/decided what they think about that, then you will see if they really complain or not

And I would like like everyone here saying to remake those fields if you wish


@Captain_Nemo, it was a pleasure every week back to back you were releasing multiple audios ( i even followed that earlier u were uploading mostly on every Tuesdays and now u are doing on Sunday ) on Youtube. I always feel that even though I don’t listen to all audios but there would be someone who might eagerly need your next upload. Moreover I would love to keep up my pace to match with your uploads and unleash my potential, rather its surprising why someone says you to slow down. I think that’s when people evolve and move to next level :slight_smile:
Please don’t slow down your uploads because of some discouraging complaints.
Another suggestion - you can release to Sapien trust (later u turn this to public if there is an option) or Patreon followers first so that they can enjoy them much ahead. I believe there are no complainers in here. Thanks Dream.


A heart felt thanks for all the amazing audios and visuals. I am grateful for your work. Whenever I feel sad with what’s happening around the world, I think about you and I feel a sense of hope and happiness.

I only have praises for you and no complaints whatsoever. It fired me up whenever I saw you upload new audios and it made me work harder to keep up with your pace.
So don’t hit the brakes and drive full speed ahead, we’ll catch up somehow.
Thanks dream :pray::pray::pray:


I read somewhere that the method and technology for producing these fields was becoming quicker and more efficient, and that was also why Sapien Medicine was uploading frequently for a while.

If that’s the case, I can’t help but imagine how powerful and quickly these fields will be produced in a few years time.

What if in a few years, due to this technology being taught as a science, hundreds of people are producing super-powerful quality fields quickly and efficiently? I can’t even imagine how this would affect our world.

The Sapien Medicine Team is growing and adapting year by year. What kind of audios will there be in the near future? What kind of items will we have at our disposal?


I have made a similar comment after knowing that their methodology of creating fields has very much improved and also very effective than before. Also for your above comment regarding people creating their own fields effectively, I think there is going to be a start for it in few days. After @Captain_Nemo and @SammyG are jointly starting a course on energy sensing. Eagerly waiting for it.


@Genie There is a great technique for reaching delta state in this article on Sapien’s enlightenedstates site!

From the article:

Most people wrongly assume that Delta brainwaves only happen during deep
dreamless sleep, at least in a predominate fashion. But contrary to this incorrect
thought, you can enter a Delta brainwave state on command with just a little

All you have to do is think of nothing, say a void filled with air, inside a rubber ball
that is situated over your head.

  • Then make the ball go away, leaving only the void filled with air.
  • Then make the air in the void go away.
  • Then try to make the void vanish…

At about this point you will have dropped into a delta brainwave state. (Don’t kid
yourself though, it could take a few hours of practice to really achieve a solid delta

Now, you can also do this by sleeping (yes, this means you automatically heal
about ten times faster in our sleep than when awake.) but sleeping all the time is
not good for you. So It pays to learn alternative methods of doing this.

With a bit of practice you should be able to drop into a deep delta state within
moments of closing your eyes AND remain conscious of it.

One small side effect of this is that you may notice yourself being conscious all
night long, even though you are technically asleep. Don’t worry about it though,
this is not as boring as it sounds, you simply note what is going on passively as
you rest.

You will also tend to dream slightly more often, and remember more of what you
dreamed for a while after waking.

Another easy way of inducing delta brainwave state is by listening to dreamweaver’s delta audio which induces you into the delta brainwave state.


Thanks for the article

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What exactly is meant by “subconscious communication”?

I have also done some research regarding this topic, but what I mostly found was witchcraft, people using demons and binding them to an object, which is not what Dream is doing.
I guess I understand his problems now better, it seems like he can’t really explain it because there aren’t many people out there who do it or it isn’t actually known enough to be written a guide for.
Basically it is learning to manipulate energy and then experimenting with it


I believe the type of subconscious communication that is being referenced is explained in the link from sammyg above.


Best. Thing. Ever.

I’ve been wearing IPF for a while, hopefully this is prepping me a bit for the course. Very excited.