The thing about 'Entities' & Curses

Not at all.
I deleted it because it is not pleasantly or kindly worded
a rant really,

Not the right section even lol.
If we spill something, I think its good to try to clean it up,
The longer it is left there, the more the problem can fester.

I dont want to invite attacks from parasitic people as well.


Okay thank you, I was scared people might think i was too blame or somthing :man_shrugging:

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Because you are addressing several different layers but smushing it into one cake (i think lol)

We- as in humans- are not as grandeur like imagined
It is a subtle truth but a truth that hurts the Ego (ego as in the annon reading this; the mind, the “I”) considerably at first.
But like how we accept how we must breathe in oxygen in order to sustain life, similarly thats the same thing; it just is. If the only truth is Source, but Source is not this annon (as in the mind, the intellect) how can these high/self relevance notions hold true-
Now however man , at the same time, holds within him Source; therefore, we are also source.

So thats confusing isnt it you might say
On one hand they are saying no self importance then on another, are asserting
We are Source
but source has no attachments you see
Self importance implies “i” the ego
The source is devoid of any such things.

It is hard to conceptualize at first for the lay man because this beauty thats held within him is veiled in a a heavy mist; like clouds- but thats where the game for life comes in; its removing those clouds- when you do- i think what we are trying to explain would make more sense

So then by default you inevitably love yourself; because Source is nothing but an endless waterfall of love; so you practice love because that - its very essence is love - so then you too, and naturally resonate and remain at such a level. humble another very important trait too. Humble is when a human understand it is important to lower is self-importance, his “ego” but that is not to say that is equivalent to the notion that they feel or are unworthy; because they are worthy, of course they are, they have a sanctuary held within them!
But that sanctuary’s blessings have allowed them to understand all “this”.
Theres a saying medicine served bitter is medicine served best; because it forces you to confront the parts to yourself that need not just healing; but transforming.
And when we transform, meaning rise higher in vibration and with understanding these “conceptual realization”
whats being said on this thread sounds much less cryptic than some may at first percieve
You have to be of this world as much as you are not of this world

But again not trying to impose this upon anyone; please forgive me if it appears that I am :)

Or maybe ive read this entire convo wrong idk
If so nvm me :no_good_woman:t3:


the way you put that is very beautiful


I’ll share my take on it.

I love myself because I am myself. I don’t need a reason to love me. Love feels awesome and leads to more positive experiences. So why not love myself?

Finding myself important tends to be a way for my ego to put me above others. I don’t believe I’m above anyone. I try my best to see everyone as equal (not perfect at this).

And no I’m not 100% selfless, I certainly do things for myself and I live for myself so of course I consider myself first. But I’ve become selfless enough to put others before me if need be. To be selfless is to be believe we’re all one so why classify some people as more important than others?

That’s just me though. Of course, my logical brain will tell me that beyonce is more important than the average woman because she influences millions of women at a time. But my right brain tells me beyonce is all those women and all those women are beyonce too. They’re both the same water that flows through everything.


Thank you for the input



Exactly. We automatically label phenomena as negative or positive without even noticing. Negative can be so subjective… just the fact some people find pleasure in pain goes to show that.

But regardless of that, the whole point is to not even classify negative as positive either. The point is to not react and be able to choose how you feel about something. We don’t notice it but we rarely ever get to choose how we feel about something. Our mind already has everything labeled negative and positive, to the point that we are always automatically triggered by the world and our thoughts.

And the reason why focusing on your negative thoughts is important is because you are rejecting energy that is a part of you. Rememebr, energy cannot be created or destroyed… only transmuted. When you try to push it away with positivity or clear it off, the root cause of the energy if it hasn’t been dealt with… will return. The energy is a part of you. It’s in your memories. It’s biological at that point.

The whole point as wellbeing said, is to reintegrate that energy back into your flow. It is a blockage within. Like water that turned into rock (due to being repressed and pushed back) and that rock is now blocking the rest of your energy flow in some way. To disintegrate thar rock is to acknowledge it, accept it and reintegrate it through love, embrace, appreciation or simple observarion really. In essence, it all comes down to ‘accepting what you reject.’ That is the basis of it. It sounds complicated but it’s not.

It’s just difficult because our subconscious/ego make it very difficult to accept the things that we already built thought patterns/beliefs of rejection against. We naturly get push back. But acknowledge the pushback.

Acknowledge that it makes you uncomftorable. Acknowledge your fear. Don’t fight ans say it’s your ego making you fearful or your subconscious. Doing this continues to feed the separation between you and all the energy within. Be accountable for your energy and your feelings and slowly you may regain control over them.

Now of course, that doesn’t mean the pain is good for you. Negative can be classified as anything destructive. If something feels destructive

It is probably not best to classify a home invader neutrally. But


Do you think you could give an example of how this can be done, in our daily lives?

Let’s say we have a negative thought that we don’t like, we don’t want to focus on it because we don’t want to experience/manifest it but we don’t want to push it away either-

What does accepting it look like in practice

What do you say to yourself?

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hey i bump you! @SammyG i wanted some audios.

on the topic…i think it is per nature that we fear this what is unseen and what we cannot grasp. there can be a good point to start… accepting that there are invisible hidden energies that influence.

i for me had very heavy blockadges to accept the influence of so called dark magic and rituals.

interestingly enough with accepting enteties i had no probs, but with magic: big ones… i was too proud perhaps and waited too long before i used the Audio for it.

Great question Jen. I see wellbeing typing so I’m sure he’ll have a great answer as well. I plan to talk about this in greater detail soon enough but I’ll give a few pointers.

For one, mindfulness is key. If you don’t notice yourself reacting, this information is almost pointless. You end up remembering after the fact and never notice while you are reacting. Meditating daily is essential. It’s the only way your brain creates a pattern of consciously being awsre of the present… even if nothing is happening.

The issue with meditation is that often, the secons we try to silence our minds, we become aware of our anxiety. We get the urge to ge ton the phone. There is a discomfort that is present. And that discomfort is what we all try to escape through being on the phone, thinking of random things, ext… when you feel that uncomfotrable feeling… confront it.

Feel it. Acknowledge you feel it. That it comes from you. Why do you feel it? Really answer that for yourself in your mind. Accept that you feel it
Don’t fight it. Acknowledge it. By acknowledge, I mean take responsibility for feeling it. By doing so, you are reasserting yourself as the thinker. Now let me give an example.

Let’s say you are extremely insecure of your jawline. There is a party coming up that you already said yes to. You want to go but at the same time… you don’t want to go. Thinking about the party makes you anxious so you keep distracting yourself with other things. So… you decide to meditate.

You feel this discomfort heavily. You decise to confront it and accept the discomfort. Welcome it. And think to yourself, why am i feeling this way. You probably already know why but you start thinking of how you get uncomftorable around groups of people. And then you accept the feeling that comes with that. You acknowledge that you have social anxiety. You accept that you have it. Then you ask yourself why do you get uncomftorable, then your jaw insecurity comes up. You reject your jaw. A part of your physicality. This rejection represses your personality and whole beingness from being free with itself. But you don’t fight the rejection. You acknowledge that you don’t like your jaw and think its ugly. You acknowlwdge your feelings about it. You own these thoughts. They don’t own you.

And then, as you are at the root. You aren’t fighting with your thoughts or insecurities. You can choose now. There is no duality. There just is at this point. Choose to accept your jaw as it is. Accpept it may not look as amazing as it could but that it is your jaw. You are it. It’s a part of you and you embrace it just cause.

And often, your subconscious will continue giving your rationalizations of why your jaw is atill ugly and can’t be accepted. Especially when you see sexy jaws lol. But as those thoghts flow, they won’t bother you if acknowledge yourself thinking them and you accepting you are thinking. And at the same time, accepting the u comftorable feeling. Becauae that is the essence of it.

How you feel about yourself in that regard is the discomfort and when you accept that discomfort. When you consciously allow it, it dissipates and isn’t a repressive force pushing on you anymore. Your subconscious/ego shuts up about iit finally.

Easier said than done obviously. I would recommend listening to Ego dissolution, then trauma release or stress release or even forgiveness. Whatever field that can help bring whatever you want to work on to the surface. Focus on what is making you uncomfyorable. Feel that discomfort. Confront your feelings. You are in control of your mind. You are all of your mind. Your body. Your spirit. The faster you believe this, the faster you attain that control that you already innately have.

Then listen to higher self, any of our higher vibe fields or even love gratitude appreciation (classic right there). And while listening, accept rhe discomfort. Accept that ‘negative’ energy until you just percieve it as ‘is’. Not negative, not positive. Just is. To allow it to flow back into your whole energy flow. You can consciously love the energy after accepting it to more quickly reintegrate.

When life happens, it is hard to gain control over our emotions in the way that I’m saying. But that part takes time. It takes gaining mindfulness and building resilience. I meditate every morning during a cold shower. Cold shower to prep me to be accepting of discomfort and I just accept whatever that cold feeling gives me. And always, it just doesn’t become cold/negative anymore. It just becomes water. It’s really the same with day to day life.


I tried to explain it as best I could but I know it still might not click. Hard to put it into words but if you have questions. Ask away.

As it will help me find better ways of explaining it.


Thank you for that. You explained it well.

You’re saying even if we don’t accept the “thing” right now whatever it may be, we can accept the part of ourselves who won’t accept it.

(And I didn’t miss the fact that mindfulness and meditation is everything, but the above stuck out for me as well)

Do I have that right?


should i wait or should i go to bed…

Did you use the glory tag for this thread? :grin:

Incredible streak of posts man. I think you should write a blog. Maybe something on the Enlightened States website even, like a personal blog attached to your profile. Would be very cool.


Yes! That’s a great way of rephrasing it :slight_smile:


Lol haha nah. I just felt compelled to write these things cause of personal experiences. I also found a way to describe things I hadn’t quite been able to put into words yet.

But I don’t think what I am saying is new at all either.

There have been others that have said the same in different ways as well. I just never quite understood those things as clearly as I have recently.


Won’t be able to do that pop up webinar thingy :confused: Oh well, it’s for the best. This way I can plan it better so more people can go when I get back.


This is such a great post, thank you.

[quote=“Captain_Nemo, post:74, topic:39727”]
we live in this world… it is very real. (where these things are very solid)
Anyone saved this post? I missed it.