The Ultimate Being NFT Project [CLOSED]

Interested as well :slight_smile:


Super Human Series , I’m interested.

One such idea i posted earlier years back , that can be included into this


Some genes may not be compossible with the “human experience” (such as the one above maybe) but alternatives will be churned out and we can still work around the trade offs and get the best from it.

No worries will all be dealt with when layed out with the team in the perfect way!

Let’s get it!

So much to add with vision alone - Moken tribe underwater vision etc.



Would also like to join after some meditation :)

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:heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :white_heart:

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I would be interested.

If I dont get included,
if someone drops out, consider me.


I am interested too…hope I can be included!

I’m interested :relaxed:

Love the idea, count me in.

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Okay everyone wrapping this up and closing the thread Wednesday night.

Time to hop on board, ship is sailing soon! :sailboat:


Just saw this. Very interested if you’re still taking people.

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Yeah people will have till Wednesday night.


May I join this group?(=

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Turning in my application for this project :page_facing_up:
Interested in the potential possibilities :brain: :muscle: :leg: :eye: :ear:

Realizing that being human is super! :white_heart:

As human beings physically we have evolved to a point that further evolution is not possible unless some dramatic changes happen in the solar system. Human brain can not evolve further, we can learn to use it better but that’s about it. The only way we can evolve is to increase the size of neuron to become more capable or we have to increase the number of neurons. If we increase the number of neurons all clarity will be lost even though we will sparkle with brilliance. If we increase the size of the neuron the energy that the brain consumes is too much, the volume of the energy will become too much for the body to sustain. The brain can not evolve further cause the physical laws will not allow it. But if we strive we can evolve and break the bounderies that nature has laid upon us and become ‘the ultimate possibility’! :raised_hands:

The last of the avatars is supposed to be a ‘Mystical Being’. :pray:

It’s called mutating my dear
Lmao!!! :rofl::joy::rofl:

Am I right in thinking there will be a Superman/Kryptonian theme here?

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I would like to join

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Hey everyone ships sails tonight at 11:59PM Eastern Time (EST)

Here is to you my fellow Sapien Heroes