The Requests and Fields

This isnā€™t for growth too is it? Is it just for longevity?

What Iā€™ve found itā€™s for recovery so to speak of the penile tissues n for ultimate boost of stamina n rock hard erections. I donā€™t think this one targets the growth specifically no.

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Tap into the Collective Consciousness field now avaiable! :smile:


I feel your work lately has provided us with the most empowering things I have seen so far, from both of your channels and Energetic Alchemy.

There is only one more very empowering thing that I can see a need for. I.m.h.o

ā€œSoul Fragment Retrievalā€

There is plenty of information from many different sources to be found by google searching ā€œSoul Fragment Retrievalā€. It is a shamanic practice.


@Philip_Weiss @This_Boy_Here Yes, Dream has been creating some amazing fields! The knowledge fields are great. :smile:


Hi Dream, In extension to Super Human series, how about exploring the possibility If we can have super human vision :sunglasses:

Something like eagle or hawks eye field to have 20/5 vision,
Ability to see more than the normal light spectrum including ultraviolet range like Tetrachromats
Acute color differentiation and ability to see different colors
Zooming capacity for a human eye (not sure if thats at all possible bcz of fixed eye position to the socket)
Added rods and cones along with improved night vision like owls
faster reflexes of the eyes

Aboriginal group in Australia are blessed with 4x times better than other non-Indigenous people.

There seems to be few people who have the super human vision in the world.
I am sure there is lot of anatomy,genetic and physiology involved and effects studied here but would be great to explore this possibility or maybe you already made this possible :thinking: :) Thanks


It should do, yes, bc it causes permanent change.

Thank you for this infoā€¦

Hi Susan, which audio is that? I have horrible GERD/acid refluxā€¦

@Wendy Here is the audio:

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Wendy the stomach audio has seemed to help as the gerd problem is with the digestion and stomach. Iā€™d like to see Sapien do one especially for acid reflux/gerd and the oesophagus. Maybe he has one but Ive not seen it.

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Thank you! I have no idea how Iā€™ve missed this one!

A field to supplement the body with Diamine Oxidase, the enzyme in the body responsible for neutralizing histamine. Too much histamime in the body is responsible for allergies, hives, Runnerā€™s Itch, many other problems.


Eye color is created because of the amount of melanin (eumelanin/pheomelanin) in a particular layer in the iris. I was thinking of either:

  1. Turning eumelanin to pheomelanin. Eumelanin makes eyes brown or blue depending on the amount, and pheomelanin makes eyes green, which is really a yellow layer on top of the blue.

  2. Create less eumelanin using the OCA2 gene. It is possible, there are some people who have had complete eye color changes on detoxes and such. And there are of course people, who have eye color changes throughout their life for unknown reasons.


As someone who has worked on a crisis line for years as well as now is currently a therapist: I think the following requests would truly help people that are fighting mental health issues. I will explain my rational below. Thank you for allowing me to post my requests.

1-Healthier Relationships/Dealing with Toxic People
-Unsure if this is already out there but would particularly like to see SM address this with an audio one that people can easily listen to on Youtube.
-Almost 70% of my work (clients complain of this) and my own personal life is dealing with very toxic individuals. If we could have a way to help them learn to keep their own peace, not get mentally engaged with these negative conversations with those people it would be so helpful.

For example- they are vying for the affections of a parent who constantly puts them down. If the audio would help this person see that they are worthy and deserve to be around those that love/respect them. If someone is treating them disrespectfully then they are allowed to/should disengage. If it is not possible to stop communications then they are able to build healthy limits. In my examples case, perhaps they are able to feel grounded around that person so they donā€™t get drawn into the taunts.

-I know firsthand that when we feel inferior because of a toxic person then we may get depressed, anxious, begin seeking bad coping habits such as drugs/bad social groups or even be okay with others treating us like this. We also are at risk for suicide if it gets too much for us to cope.

2-Identifying who is true sincere for us and who is not and being able to protect ourselves

This is so vital as so many of us form relationships with those we think are good for us but later learn the hard way through cheating, stealing, manipulations,etc. If you think about it, how many missing children/adults do we hear about on a yearly basis? If they were able to identify what was safe/unsafe then they could avoid it or atleast speak up to their parents/caregivers when something is suspicious.

Affirmations such as
-I know my worth
-I have a strong sense of knowing what is right for me and what is wrong
-I am able to articulate how I feel
-I deserve respect
-I use sound judgment when making decisions
-Others opinions do not influence me
-I have a strong sense of self and protect myself
-I am not one to be manipulated (in a non negative way to say it!)

3- I want to be kind and openminded to others

Unsure if this is out there but this would be a lifechanger for me. I think that there are far too many in this world/in my own life that do not care about being kind. They react and defend themselves and donā€™t worry who it offends. If there was a way to play this in audio that is fun to hear (ie a popular song like a Christmas Carol or top hits song) then groups could listen to this together without it being weird and it can help them. Would love to play this for my family and hope it takes effects.

Think of the crimes that being kind could preventā€¦

-hate crimes
-sex crimes
-less fights
-less crime
-less cheating/infidelity
-less depression/anxiety/suicide rates based on others treating these individuals better.

It could help oneā€¦

-have more faith/hope
-listen to others opinions
-agree to disagree
-not take it personal
-be more forgiving
-donate more (time/money, supplies)
-govt might take our needs more seriously in some cases they donā€™t care about as much
-it might help bystanders be advocates for others
-people would be less willing to be confrontational and aggressive
-better parents
-better kids
-better spouses
-feel safer
-respectful to authority and respected by them

Please like my comment if you think it could help you/your loved ones or those around you in any way by these types of audios. Thanks in advance.


Hi @curvygirly, welcome to the forum!

There are many audios Sapien has created which may help with the things you listed that one can try.

Here are a few:

Become Whole: Self Acceptance/Self Love/Dissolve Insecurities
Extreme Self Confidence
Become a Kinder, more Patient person in all ways
Justice For All
Emotional Release
Self Healing and Acceptance
Hope and Happiness
Love, Gratitude and Appreciation
Unconditional Love
Alchemy of Love album
Depression/Stress/Anxiety Relief
Dopamine Receptor Repair
Trauma Release and Healing
Forgiveness and Release
Automated Grounding
Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleansing (This is best played before other audios or 3 hours afterwards so that it doesnā€™t clear the other energies.)
Disconnect From Negative Energy in Your Life
Clear All Negative Energy
Uplift Yourself, People You Meet and the world
Powerful Positive Vibe Energy
Atmospheric Vibration Raiser

From Gumroad:
Advanced Healing
Vibration of Creation
Vibration of Divine Love

The tips and audios in the Point of No Return article are also quite helpful for many of these things.

Emotional Release, Atmospheric Vibration Raiser and Hope and Happiness are available for free on Gumroad.

Some of these audios such as Atmospheric Vibration Raiser and Powerful Positive Vibe Energy and Uplift Yourself, people you meet and the world may be helpful for you to play to help uplift the atmosphere of the environment where you talk to people as a therapist.

You may find some of the audios help you clear negative energies and stay grounded as well, as we all collect some emotional residue energies and junk energies as we interact with the world around us.


Plants have wide effects on neurological systems, how about something similiar to Bach Florals?

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Hi curvygirly

In your line of work dealing with toxic people and environments, negativity and for your protection, Sapien also has a powerful advanced audio field, Auric Cleansing which you can download for free here:

You may find this useful and you can play it anywhere, anytime with your device.


Just in connection to ā€˜Etheric Cord Cutterā€™, how about a field opposite to that, meaning we encounter our best mates, life partner (many call them as Soul mate, twin flame etc. ), spiritual guides,places and experiences which are ā€˜onlyā€™ beneficial for us in the life journey.