The Upcoming Course

I have already read it, but I will read it again, thanks for knowing


Hi @SammyG ! I’m excited that this course is almost ready! What’s the cost of the course? I really hope that it’s affordable. My first healing subject will be my dog. :purple_heart:


I think he said it would cost $125


I feel that these two sentences seem to contradict themselves. Can you please clarify. If we are to become more energy sensitive (which to me means feeling more), then why would we feel less over time?

Thank you for replying, @Linux

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Before this course, I recommend to read this blog. (Its a small article, maybe there are more things to be said, but still deep)


As I see, there are 2 parts to it.

One is Information and the Other is Energy. of course, they are together always.

Information imbuing into us (that’s what fields do) faster depends on what our current belief systems are, rather than how much energy sensitive we are to the field. We might feel the energy but that doesn’t help us to imbue the field If there are opposing beliefs to the fields.

For example, it’s like a TV with antenna, electricity ( Energy ) and the other part is which channel frequency ( Information ) we operate at. One is energy and the other is the information here!

Even though let’s say the TV has a powerful antenna (energy sensitivity), it depends on us to see which channel we are now (current beliefs) and which channel we want to connect to (Morphic Fields).

The picture on the TV (manifestation) depends on which channel we attune to irrespective of the amount of electricity. Of course, the stronger antenna helps to receive the signal but which signal depends on us.

Energy sensitivity can achieve faster results if we are able to resonate well with the information in the fields. Over time, of course we acclimatize to it since we already expanded and used to it. That’s what is all ‘habits’ about for any thing (Physical/Mental/Emotional etc.) - we acclimatize at the end (irrespective of good or bad).

Hope its meaningful explanation!


wow … very well explained, the examples are well chosen to clarify the understanding.thanks to you and everyone else I have the answer to my misunderstanding, thank you very much for taking the time to explain myself well.


because it will become a part of you, so the feeling will substitute meaning that this what you have in that moment is your normal. so with time you will need to expand your energy system to more.


Thank you @Philip_Weiss and @Psimindset for your detailed answers.

I still am getting stuck on this. There seem to be 2 things to consider. One is the capacity… the additional energy that I would be taking on… so making room for more energy which would lead to normalization. I believe that is the part that you guys are saying I would stop noticing.

The other part that I’m stuck on is the sensitivity piece. How would that work if the additional energy has been normalized to my current state? What does sensitivity to energy look like? Some examples would be helpful.

Sorry, I hope that made sense. I’m not sure how to explain what I’m trying to say. :anguished:

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Ahhh…NOW I get this. :bulb: Thank you so much for explaining it in layman’s terms. This is making more sense to me. I appreciate it!

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I’ve always wondered about healers and how they did what they did. Perhaps there were also tapping and reading the energy also?

If I can get my energy sensitive enough to just do the above, that in itself would be incredible.


Thanks so much for explaining it to me. I can’t wait for the course and get started.

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the hype train is getting closer to the destination


Tomorrow all our lives will change for the better!!


For better? are you sure ? :wink: sometime energy sensitivity is no fun :angel:

Just kidding…



This has some kernel of truth though lol




I am looking forward to enjoy this course so much.