The Virtuous Voyage Review

That was… quite a phenomenal journey. I can barely believe it all happened and especially how it all flowed as beautifully it did. The people I met are amazing and I felt so honored to get to know everyone. And I didn’t expect to laugh as much as I did either. You were all so hilarious.

The retreat was also a very spiritual experience for me. Felt like I leveled up and have opened up a lot more possibilities in life. Don’t 100% know what they are but the future feels bright.

Thanks to all those who came and a big thanks to Dream for the incredible accomdations. The food… I already miss the food. The energy work all throughout, gifts and just your presence. It was awesome for people to see that you are certainly a reflection of your work. You don’t just talk the talk. You walk it. So thanks, as none of this would have been possible without you.

And well, the whole experience… became part of the field. The field itself is very heavy as it brings out so much junk and so there was definitely diffiuclty throughout. It was very draining work at timew(especially for dream) but… we were all there cause we had to be there at that point in time. It all alligned that way cause it had to. And although the original plan was to sell the field, we had no idea how much the event would become a part of the field as well. There really is no separating the two. And this is why we can’t quite sell the field.

So I know saying all this and whatnot can induce heavy FOMO but it shouldn’t. You had your reasons for not being able to be there so don’t beat yourself up about it. Be happy that the people around you have grown and are pushing further in the path and by extension of you being around us, you will grow as well. This wasn’t the end of Sapienmed. It was just another peak that Sapienmed has reached.

And there will be more peaks. More growth and by being here with us, you will be a part of that. So this going as well as it did is a testament to the work. It’s a reflection of the expansive energy here and there will be more expansion to come. Perhaps there won’t be another retreat but I don’t see why there shouldn’t be more opportunities for us to get together in the future. Much love to you all :heart:


Can’t wait to see what comes out of it! Glad you all got to have a wonderful time together. If there’s another one in the future, I would most definitely like to meet the Dream team.


Graduated :rofl::innocent:


Its hard to put into words the whole experience of retreat. The people I met felt like a close friends and the energy was just flowing perfectly. Everything was supposed to happen. We had fun, we ate delicious food, we learned, we cleansed, we bonded… WE GROW (grew? haha) so much over the time at Glastonbury.

I came back home a completely different person. New perspectives, my reality completely shifted.

I have seen more growth in these 4 days than in my almost 8 years of daily spiritual work (meditation, healthy food, discipline, exercise, self improvement, etc…) BUT my previous routine and daily work helped a ton to connect all the pieces together. My software became upgraded.

The seed was planted and with continuous work it will grow into beacon for people around me. Around the world. Becoming the change we want to see in the world.

@Dreamweaver and @SammyG my gratitude. The student was ready and teachers appeared.


:heartpulse: This sounds like it was such a phenomenal experience… these types of things don’t come by easily, perhaps beautifully fated.


(play while reading)

JAAJ’s Virtuos Voyage Review :sparkler:

First of all, let me start by saying that this has been literally a ONCE IN A LIFETIME EVENT!

Completely unique, with so many crazy synchronicities coming together in one particular week of time-space and at one particular place in space-time.

Everything that has happened there was aligned by divine order :pray:

An event, so SPECIAL, that not even Giovanni himself was able to join.

Dreamweaver’s astral school for souls who want to grow finally materialized in physical matter as well.

During all 4 days of the event, we spend many hours with special mediations while using special fields.

My Crown Chakra has been the most active since the Chakra itself was invented lol.

Especially when we were visiting the Glastonbury Abbey grounds.

I had my Arc Light NFT and Arcturian Intercession tag on me at all times.

Something was going on there and clicked in perfect synchronicity and aligment with what we did at the retreat center during the meditaiton.

Everything that was going on there was aligned with each other.

No visit of any place was “just a random sightseeing” or anything like that.

:zap: :arrow_double_down: :brain:

The amount of downloads from the fields, from the people in the room and the location has been absolutely insane!

If I wouldn’t have prepared for many years before that with Conceptual Realizations and Conceptual Conglomerate, I wouldn’t have been able to absorb most of the presented concepts :exploding_head:

Looping a grounding field from my phone has been absolutely necessary as I literally had Chi overload in my head on the third retreat day :zap:

Meeting all those people from the forum in real life has been absolutely amazing and such a blessing.

Everyone is indeed much cooler in real life than on the forum :hugs:
I have made many new friends for life. And so have others too.

It was funny to see people’s reactions to how I am naturally and without censoring myself for the internet rofl.

There were no snowflakes at the event and I felt like I was able to express myself freely and just by myself all of the time.

Thank you very much everyone!

There was so much love mirrored back and forth between the attendees.
I felt very appreciated and loved at all times.

Thank you everyone for sending me your love and mirroring my own love back to me :heart:

Mirroring was an important topic at the event.

Man you did such a great job with how authentic and soulful you presented the content. Speaking for so many hours, every single day, with so much heart and dedication, it felt all real! Thank you very much bro! :hugs:

If you people know how well Sammy conveys ideas in the online webinars, imagine this live in person with the grounded body language of a professional speaker and the authenticity of your older brother explaining you the world.
This is the impact of SammyG teaching you his wisdom.

One of the personal stories Sammy shared with us literally put me to tears (and I usually only cry during watching Titanic).

Sammy, thank you also for all your personal advice you gave me during the car ride!

And also, we definitely need to get you and @King_A and the other retreat rappers onto YouTube and spam some 10th House booster astrological fields to get you all famous and stuff!

Now let’s speak about THE ONE who made it all possible:


I am eternally grateful for everything that you have done for me and the others and finally meeting you in person, I felt like an excited teenager meeting their favorite celebrity :white_heart:

The Man.

The Legend.

The Vibration Increase field in persona.

Being in the presence of Dream feels just awesome.

A man who never judges you or your dark sides, but instead, embraces you with unconditional love and understanding.

I was really able to feel it :relaxed:

Thanks a lot brother!


During the meditation and other times that most of us were not consciously aware of, Dream has worked on each of us individually.

Dreamweaver doesn’t just saves lives, no, he saves whole incarnations.

And just being in the room with him I literally felt how my Subconscious Mind was downloading wisdom and conceptual realizations from him – something that can only happen live in person and that cannot be replaced by fields :pray:

The man is radiating conceptual wisdom for everyone to download for free who enters his aura and who is open enough to make the next step forward on their spiritual journey.

At times, I was not sure whether it was the Glastonbury place lifting us up or Dreamweaver’s presence lifting up Glastonbury :joy:

Dream also blessed us with additional individual gifts:

Powerful fielded items from ancient times :gem:, tailored to the individual’s needs.

What these fielded items are will however remain an eternal secret and mystery :zipper_mouth_face:

:sparkles: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :sparkles:

And yes, the Archangels themselves showed up in the meditation room as well and worked with all of us too.

Yeah, you’ve read correctly: not just the “regular” Angels, but the Angels’s Higher Selves, the Archangels themselves!

This was so magical and that magic has continue to accompany each of us since we left the retreat back into our daily lives.

:sparkles: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :sparkles:

At the Glastonbury Abbey we received a guided tour from one of Dream’s local friends, who was sharing hermetic wisdom with us and showing us the secret energy spots on the ground and on the walls of the ruins.

At the magical retreat place we also received amazing food and caterig from the retreat’s personal cooking service:

Two lovely girls with super positive energy, filled with love and dedication for the art of food preparation served us super delicious veggie dishes twice a day.

I think even the meat eaters didn’t miss their usual stuff because it was all so delicious and prepared with love and heart.

These two girls are the embodiement of the Culinary Magician NFT.

And then there was also the secret Skooma potion that we were all drinking.
Because it is secret, I can not share anything on this.
Sorry guys, but that is the nature of secrets… :man_shrugging:

Oh, and did I mention that we also had a real camp fire there? :slightly_smiling_face: :fire:

For none of us, anything will be like it was ever before.

The other retreat members are already discussing in private groups how their perception of the whole world around them has completely shifted.

Some people see the world without time now.

Some see with 20 new perspective at once.

Some, or probably all lol, are on completely different timelimes now.

I also know that most of the people at the retreat, myself included, made many new friends.

Friends for life.

It is a whole new level of trust and care for each other when you meet these people in person and get to know their souls than just their forum personalities.

We are already considering coming together soon again, even if there won’t be another retreat ever happening again.

THANK YOU for everything @Dreamweaver , @SammyG and Everyone who was there with me :white_heart: :purple_heart: :heart:

Now play this and feel the beauty of everything:


Awesome! I’m happy that all of you were able to meet and have such a wonderful time! Super cool! :D There are probably not enough words to describe how amazing it must have been! :D


I will tell you everything in person brother :v:


Thx for the reviews guys ;)
And the pic :pray: (that I wanted/manifested :grin:)

When I saw the pic, I felt a lot of love for all of you.

In fact, I think it was probably retreat day number 2 or 3, I felt a profound radiance of love when tuning into the area of the retreat. I could feel that from thousands of kilometers away, so I can only imagine how it felt being in the epicenter.


Let the stories unfold…


Review huh?..

I think I’ll do this a little more free form and possibly not all that coherent. I’m recovering physically from the trip and travels, and also so much more.

I’m imagining people are wondering what it was like, who people are like, what happened, what epic events unfolded, and what actually was the theme or meaning of it.
But like the forum, can create these spaces of potential existence, filling or coloring them as you like, unless the physical, sensual reality meets, and tells you otherwise.

I really enjoyed meeting people in person. Getting to know and understand them a little better. Seeing them simply as they are.

Food was good. Cooks were great and lovely people.

There was a guy that gave us a tour. His passion and presence of his interest was apparent. An example of loving how you live and what you choose to spend your time on.
He also shared lots of historical and esoteric knowledge.

I’m not sure what else to write or share…I’m very grateful. I guess I can say that Dreamweaver did a lot before, especially during, and even after the event. I can only tell of a small fraction of what he was doing, but his care and generosity is quite noticeable. Sammy did a lot of research and preparation as well. Dropped a lot of knowledge on us, and wanting to share of his learnings. Was particularly good at getting the essence of core ideas and translating them vocally and with his physical presence.

I’m also really impressed by some of the subtle (and even not subtle) qualities I experienced from some of the members. Like you get to see parts of who they naturally and inherently are. Stuff that might even seem very normal in their daily existence, but is different or even at times unique from how one personally experiences reality. …reflections of one another.

A lot of love and gratitude.


Like many of us at that retreat, when the tickets were released, I jumped on them like we used to during the beginning of the NFT era.

Not from an intent of getting something from my own gain, but rather being able to meet the two beings that brought this all together, and literally saved my life. And an intent of healing, after all we’ve been through as a community those last years.

This lifetime has had its share of highs & lows, and this event is among the top experience I have ever had. With a new timeline being opened for all of us, as a community.

Despite initial signs and a purge starting days before, I came with a slight fear of being disappointed.

I left being more Me.
Feeling immense love, appreciation and respect for everyone present.

And as the post-retreat / back-to-our-modern-reality detox slowly diminishes, I feel it slowly expanding towards my larger reality and everyone I meet (which does not come without challenges).

Once the initial purge ended, I barely experienced some of the fancy stuff one imagines, but rather a simple beauty pervading all of it - the joy of meeting old friends and of learning from them.

Sammy truly embodies the virtues we all see during our live webinars, along with an inner fortitude that was really cool to see. The man literally went through three sleepless nights, with a healthy dose of jet lag, and was still able to perform and be present for our needs.

Dream, on his end, is probably the loveliest & humblest being I have ever met.
A leader I’m extremely grateful to be merging paths with.
And the kind of friend we all wish to have.
100% Jinn-free. 100% Love-full.

My trust in him shifted so much, I’ve noticed I get better field results from it.
My appreciation grew so much, a part of me is considering to let go of most things to live near him.

The work he did on each one of us and this reality is massive, and I can’t wait to be out of detox, so I can approach “similar” levels of service.

I can assure you, retreat or no retreat, this community is blessed.

Hopefully, those that joined us over the Mass Meditation at the Tor Tower felt it too.

Much love to all of you.


I think Dream and Sammy are lying when they say this is their first retreat, because absolutely everything was perfect. From the location to the teachings, I can’t imagine how it could have gone any better.

And the results speak for themselves. I feel completely transformed. I’ve become the observer of my life, and to have that happen in just 4 days is incredible. I haven’t even used the new field since leaving the retreat, and so when Dream said we reached a new checkpoint he was absolutely spot on. This is now my new baseline.

Every single person I met was amazing and had so much love to give, I’m grateful to have shared this journey with you. You are all my family for life.

A massive thank you to Dream and Sammy for making sure everyone was comfortable and having a good time. The way they work together is beautiful, with Sammy bringing certain energies to the surface and Dream clearing them. Sammy did a great job of keeping everyone engaged, which isn’t easy when there’s kittens running around the room.

Dream, your generosity knows no bounds. Thank you for providing such amazing food for us to eat. Thank you for booking extra nights at the retreat so we could arrive and leave peacefully. And thank you for turning up like santa with a big bag of gifts for everyone. I truly appreciate everything.

This was one of the greatest moments of my life and I feel so blessed to be a part of this wonderful community.


Man, this sounds AWESOME!!

I’m kinda envious…
You guys had such a Blast.


although i promised myself to keep my distance from the forum until i can asimilate and stomach or as we say in this community …integrate…what happened there in Glastonbury …i feel i am ready to post some thoughts with hope that my words as always will serve the interested somehow.

mostly out of respect to Dreamweaver and his gihantic feat i decided to write here abit…more like flashes and glimpses and ofc not a coherent review because this summit was also for the most part incoherent in human terms and was made to be experienced, made to be a part of.

so…let me try…

  1. background till summit:

– maybe from March 2024 knowing i may be visiting UK in middle of this year i prepaired my Paasport, till this year since ages i had only my ID.

– following months were of hard labour in my job gathering funds and also hard work with almost all NFTs i have and the beloved Chat GPT Tarot reader.

– when summit was annonced i couldnot buy the ticket i wanted to, both the 350 € and then looked for hotel and plane tickets.

  • after buying the plane tickets and hotel i cancelled and devoted next 24 wandering if i should go.

– managed to get vaccation from work for those days in Aug/Sept.

–decided finally to go at all costs.

– following months of personal and profecional cryses and growth. much uncertainty.


2 flights in direction Bristol, taxi to Glastonbury for 75 Pounds to hotel in Wells.

first glimpses of nature and people there: crisp air,very very helpful and pollite people, even the homeless. i mean very. couldnot manage without help of those.

later this day i met with Dream, Sammy and many of the participants.

i was in total social and whatnot shock (more positive than negative), though the whole time i acted as i total sociopath. i was indeed overwhelmed. from the way the cars move, to ways of transportation, food all was new to me.

the days of the summit werw dedicated to our growth as a group, where Dreamweaver helped to extremes.

there was Sightseeing tours each day all connected to what we studied on the summit.

i find the whole Glastonbury a place of real magic and healing in all imaginable ways.

i see me going there as one of the most important right decisions if not the most important right decision in my life and am glad i recueved so much love and support from all there!

i learned more for four days than in a lifetime before those four days.

Deep and humble Gratitude to Dreamweaver, SammyG and all participants for their patientce and support!

it was indeed an Event!


I could see myself reflected there but I wouldn’t have gone. Congrats for the courage man, it paid off. And congrats for that experience and growth.

Thanks for sharing too.


Somehow, reading your testimony/review, I received a profound inner peace (I still have it atm), perhaps just a tiny glimpse of the Awesome Mystical Experience that You Had (perhaps still present? In your soul).

Thanks for Sharing.


If you guys wanna have a taste of it, try meditating with Plasma Flower Node Point Connector, or the Mass Med field.

Those are connected to the Tor Tower, hence Glastonbury and the Virtuous Voyage.

Should be fun, with loads of blessings.


i didn’t know!
i will play the Plasma Node just now.


Sapien Tour

Day 1.

Arrived to Bristol airport.

Converted 100 eur to 55 pounds in cash, in case I needed it. I felt like it easnt the most fair exchange but hey if they are thirsty for money so much, then let them have it.

Then there was a bus to Bristol Centre.

I wasn’t sure if it actually was bus to Bristol Centre.

So it left without me.

I waited for another one.
It arrived after 15 minites.

“To Bristol Bus Station” I said. And Bus driver’s little helper gave me a bus ticket for Temple Meads. It was around 9-11 pounds. I could pay with a card.

I was happy I bought it from that bus driver and his little helper. Than those guys that left without me.

About 30 minutes in and i was in Bristol, but i had no idea where the central bus station was.

As the last people left the bus, i asked the bus driver whether we have passed it or not.

“It will be that last stop” he said and continued driving.

Then I arrived to the central Bristol bus station and searched for a bus to Glastonbury.

I didnt see any.

So i walked up and down then asked in information centre.

“Is there any bus to Glastonbury? Yes, bus 23, on parking slot 9.

So i went there.

There was no one on the bus or near bus.

But then all of a sudden an elderky woman came from the inside and said “hey don’t oush in, I am watching you!”

So i went inside and, didnt get it why would she say that.

But she seeme very fun person so i started small talk by asking when does it leave.

She said something but im not sure whether she said 6 or 9 min.

We exchanged few words such as where we are from and where we are going, she is from Wells. She had 2 elderly friends with her, they were from Bristol.

On the Bench, there was an old guy, he was showing me his bus card. And asked if i have it.

I said “no, but i can buy it on the bus right?” And he replied yes but you will have to pay.

The Wells lady said mto him, ohh you showing off bus card old man.

Then eventually a bus driver was arriving, and the Wells lady said, oh no, hope its noy him. He wasn’t, thank god she said.

Then another one came, she asked if he is the ours, he said no, but grabbed her and tried to take her on his bus as a joke haha.

Anyways eventually our bus driver arrived and went into bus.
I did think he was in bus, but Wells lady said that he hasn’t arrived and that he is late.

Only couple minutes later she realized that the driver is inside, so we all went to the bus.

There were 2 girls going in at the same time as me, one was nicely hot, i wanted to let them go in first, but her friend insisted that i went in first.

Paid 2 pounds for the ticket to Glastonbury, i thought it was too cheap and that maybe bus driver had misheard to where i ak going.

We were driving and I was observing the people. The 2 girls eventually left the bus, and I waved at them through the window as they left. One of them saw me and smiled. (Not the hot one unfortunately).

We arrived to Wells after an hour or so, bus stopped there a bit, driver had to take a piss.

The wells lady left the bus there as well, but we managed to wave goodbyes at each other…

I felt really close to her for some reason.

Couple people joined the bus, and we headed towards Glastonbury.

Another 2 girls, cute ones, left the bus, they were farm girls, they had dropped off on some station amidst fields and a farm. So hot, imagine that… non corrupted by society in peace with nature and animals.

Anyways bus went on.

And there was Glastonbury, and I had no idea which station to leave on, so I just picked one that seemed the most in centre.

So yeh then I was heading down and looking for the Crown Hotel to spend the night in.

I was amazed upon seeing all the “magic” shops around.

Got to the hotel, but did not see the receptionist. So I asked random ladies in some room where can i find a receptionist for the room, and they said maybe try at the bar.

So I went to the bar and there was a bartender girl, Blond hair alright face. (when i say that i mean super cute)

I said I have a room reserved.
She asked for my name, I gave her my name and then.

She lead me to my room, it was named Amy Whinehouse. We were walking up the stairs and i was dragging my suitcase up, thinking how embarrassing it would be if i fell down.

At the same time i noticed that she had an amazing ass, like holy moly I thought to myself.

We went into my room, and she told me some details about the curtains, while my only wish was that she would stay with me in this room for the rest of my life. And then she left.

Just another scenario of me falling in love at first sight.

I started charging my phone in the room and then checked my phone as now i had wifi, I could see messages.
Many other people have also arrived to glastonbury.

I sent pic from my hotel room to the city centre that i arrived.

Star said they were going all for dinner, and JAAJ said to come outside the hotel.

Then I checked out the windows and recognised Luke, and then JAAJ, and then there were a few other faces I haven’t seen before.

So i hurried outside

And met 2 ladies Jenny, ABCD, and 2 gentlemen one went by the name EFGH, and the other one Saruman, also saw gentleman Polaris in the distance, but at that time didn’t know who he was.

Oh and then Sammy came as well, I was like hollyy shit he is here. Live in flesh and bones.

We were walking towards restaurant right next to my hotel, and Saruman whispered btw, EFGH is Dream.

I was even holly shit, not remembering if i even greeted him properly as my adrenaline was rushing intensely.

In the restaurant lobby there were even more people!

KING A came in and it was another holy fuck moment, him being here in front of me in flesh and bones. After years we met, and we were talking before that one day for sure we will met in person and that day we did.

Then i met Star, JAAJ and Luke, and Trinity and then we sat down, and I also met Starlight as we sat down.

The topics discussed are top secret classified informations so i hope you all understand why i am not sharing it.

But you can imagine us as knights at the round table, or us at the “Last Supper” which was actually just a first one.

It felt very interesting being around all the forum users, but now like in person, I had to get used to the feeling…

Eventually everyone paid for themselves, and i also then greeted with Polaris, who has been chilling on Skooma the whole time :laughing:.

Then we went in front of the restaurant outside of it and talked some more, nice rapport was starting to build and everything was flowing more smoothly.

Including a van who drifted onto us, almost smashing us all haha i thought, maybe its matrix trying to stop us all in whatever way they can.
Well it failed.

We won.

Thats when V33 and Quantum found us, V33 recognised Sammy and then we all greeted with them two. Another Priceless moment.

So yeah that was about a wrap. Went to my hotel room, looped slow down perception of time overnight, didnt fall asleep till 3 am, but had fun listening to people on the main street.

Then i woke up, took a shower, went down for breakfast, sat down a high chair and table and waited a bit for bartender to come eventually she did and she gave me the menu. Then i waited some time to order. Then i ordered and wated some more for food. While i was waiting, i couldn’t believe my eyes. The bartender girl from yesterday arrived and I felt blessed that I could see her again some more. All the waiting for food made it happen. Beautiful. Feeling intense positive emotions as I write this.
I looked at her whenever she passed by me.

Luke and Flower came down for breakfast, King, JAAJ, Star, Trinity and Jenny joined us as well a bit later.

And we had the traditional english breakfasts (or some other stuff, but it def were english type of breakfasts)

King went to the waitress and said his meal didn’t have any eggs, she told him that they are (they were just made in unrecognizable way haha).

I thought to myself, lucky guy got to talk to her, and was wondering was wondering whether he also notices her as so beautiful as i do. I mean she has the coolest british accent how couldn’t anyone notice that.

Anyways i got my chance to talk to her when i asked her whether i had breakfast included with my room she said yes.

Then went to my room to pickup stuff and then went back down to reception to check out, hoping she will be there. And she was, so there were a few more words and I left, forever remembering her beauty… eyes and voice and vibe.

Okay okay, so then was kinda walking towards retreat center, didn’t have google maps cuz had no wifi, but I heard its somewhere up.

So then I randomly met Polaris and V33 walking down the street, we said hellos and I asked them where is it, they gave me directions and I hoped to remember them. Up, right, 2nd left.

A funny coincidence was that we met and stopped right in front of a caffe where starlight and Sammy were eating breakfast. Polaris and V33 then joined them, while I tried to find the retreat place.

Eventually I did, somehow, at first i thought i went the wrong way, then all of a sudden there it was. And a car came at the moment as well. At first I couldn’t see who it was through the windows, then Dream came out and opened the doors for me. Nice coincidence I thought to myself haha.

Went inside and one if the kitchen ladies said i can just take whatever bed is free, so I went upstairs and went into a room.

And there was Hugoberg! We talked for like 20 min. Then we were about to go downstairs and another coincidence, Music was just coming up, so we talked with him a bit. Then Powren came and we talked with him. And yeah all conversations were mostly about fields haha. It was awesome to have Hugoberg for roomate because he has been in my projects before and he is a huge fan of Astrological Beast and Godlike Fella nft and even had a necklace of just them two.

Then we went downstairs and a whole bunch of people had already gathered in the meantime, new faces were Copycat, AvatarHao, Mehaul :heart:, Alexmage, Luis, Borisju. By now I was more used to meeting people from forum, so it felt more natural.

Before the start of the seminar, we had to build the screen for projector for the presentation, so couple of us teamed up and helped Sammy with that.

And then it began.

We were learning about the most sacred and treasured ancient knowledge the top classified secrets of the universe that only true seekers of divine wisdom can find.

Then there was dinner, i think I ate watermelons and a cake.

For the dinner Ryan has arrived, the coolest Korean guy ever, fresh from Korea.

After dinner, those of us who were staying at the center sat down in the kitchen and talked about everything that came to our mind. Like alien girlfriends.

I’m not sure if it was that day when we drank skooma fir the first time or the next. (I think it was both). Skooma deff created a really cool feeling within me, where i just was, and i was happy to just be. It was amazing.

Then a kitchen girl told us that we should switch rooms since neighbors after 9pm don’t eant noise. (Or maybe she just wanted to sleep early in her lodge haha)

We went to the seminar room, meditated and stuff, listened to mass meditation etc.
Around midnight it was time to sleep. The bed was really cozy and I fell asleep immediately.

Then woke up, Hugoberg was already awake, we had some words and went downstairs. I brought some Jaffa Cakes.

Dream, King and a few others were downstairs as well, so we all had some small talk, then he went to out clothes into the washing machine and we went to Chalice Well.

Nice place it was, there we were hanging out a bit and feeling the energies. Walking around, at one point we did a mini meditation in a circle.

There was a cute girl as well, but more of a closed type of girl. So yeah regardless now u see how i have a new crush every day.

Then we went back, there was lunch already, then the top secret seminar. Etc etc.

Then dinner.

There was also aCampfire, and we played the game Werewolf, one person is a werewolf that eats other people and people have to figure out who is the werewolf. (We were practicing shapeshifting into werewolves earlier, thats why we could play this game now, one person had some trouble getting back into human form, and eventually they made it without a tail with group effort to fix it) def not a game for vegetarians haha. Joking here a bit. Or am i…

Then remaining people left, while i think retreat stayers we were hanging in the sofa Shaolin room a bit, me and King summoned Faravahar etc, and then went to sleep

This was just day 2 of retreat, and it felt like a months worth of experiences.

A lot was also happening on energetic realms, years of otherwise energetic work. Etc

On day 3 we went to Glastonbury Abbey. To ground, learn a bit more about its symbolism and earth energies and sacred geometry and meaning of the juicy 888.
It felt super intense for me.

Jhalak has joined us then as well. Some skooma was managed to be saved for him to enjoy during the day 3 sacred seminar.

In the evening some of us were sitting at the campfire while others were freestyling in the sofa room. I think we played Shatachandi Yagna. Anyways these campfires have put me into some trans states i felt like i wasn’t really there, but i was physically, but energetically not at all, or maybe those were the unique energies there of all of us that created their own atmosphere.

I really don’t remember what was next. At this stage it felt like a year of being there. Energetically so much stuff integrated that i am only now figuring out that if i look at it in terms of physical events it appears shorter, buy way longer in terms of experience.

I don’t know if I had a crush on day 3. Oh Was it the violin girl i walked past in the city she dressed nicely for a show…

Day 4.

We went to the Tor.
2 routies so we split up.
We walked up.
Nice route up
Meditated in the tor, meditated outside of it on the grass.
Saw a girl with some flower of life backpack. Potential for crush of the day but i didn’t see her face etc. And then right after a nice chinese one, but did not label her as the crush of the day
Went down.
Saw then the new real daily crush, a hot fitness girl mentioning how nice it is there. She deserves the title of that day.

Then there was lunch and Dream gave us each some top secret classified rare items.

I Was contemplating then how to get mine through the borders. Considered option of Hugoberg mailing it to me, but eventually found a way to get it through.

Last seminar (idk if that was its official title or not) was done and it was time for another campfire night and then said final goodbyes with people who were leaving the next early morning. Then there was some more freestyling in the sofa room. And some more goodbyes.
And then I went to sleep. Bed as always was very cozy and I fell asleep right away.

Then woke up in the morning, went downstairs with Hugoberg this was the first time we had breakfast made by kitchen chefs. The french toast was amazing and also some cool juice, a mix of fresh orange juice, carrot and beetroot?

Went to the bus station to check when my bus will be leaving. Met Luke and Flower on the station, said some more goodbyes. Returned back and more people woke up and came to the place for the very last discussions and goodbyes.

The journey continues though, this was just the beginning of something more, something so great which we cannot name nor imagine, only experience over continuous momentum of growth and virtuous development

It was the anchor for that indeed. And yeah it feels like it happened for a few years, I am only now catching up and processing everything. (I think i am at the first night energetically only lol, maybe thats why i feel the bartender girl so intensely., just walked into my room part.

Meaning it is time then to meet you all fellow friends once again soon, energetically from the past in the present.

Thanks Sammy and Dream for making it happen and everyone for the awesome time spent together.


Godlike Review :trophy: