The Way of the Tree / Rooted like a Tree (Public NFT Idea)

Hello fellow Sapiens Forum members,

the goal of this public available project would be the following:

Smart Therapeutic Earthing/ Grounding/ Energy Work/Field Integration accomplished by a highly intelligent Tree Servitor. I think the tree with the deepest roots would be the most appropriate, like the Sycamore Fig tree

Earth Element Therapy

Negative/ Unusable Debris Energy Cleansing

Smart Energy Distribution through Acu-Automaton Abilities

Smart Energy Integration due to a forced break of the natural homeostasis.

Development of our natural Energy Conversion Ability regarding speed, ability, scope through Minor Blueprint of Power Field

Nervous System Healing/Restoration/Balancing
Blueprint of Life and Max Heal Potion specifically targeted to the Nervous System including the ZNS
Crystal Alchemy targeted to the Nervous System
Trees own intelligence and makeup to balance nervous system

Nature Immersion. Automated Tree Hugging. Barefoot walking.

Earth-centered rituals and ceremonies: Engaging in rituals or ceremonies that honor the Earth can deepen your connection to the element. This can include practices like creating an altar with natural objects, performing rituals for the changing seasons, or participating in Earth-centered celebrations and festivals.

Connected to the collective consciousness of all trees in the world to gain knowledge, wisdom and healing abilities.

Knowledge and Help of the Gnomes (Earth Elemental): Gnomes are often depicted as small, earth-dwelling creatures associated with the element of Earth. They are said to be guardians of the natural world and possess knowledge of the earth’s secrets.

Further ideas and work needs to be brought to the table.

Are you interested?

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0 voters

Please leave a comment if you want to help realising this project. I can’t see the names of the voters.

best regards



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Anyone who wants to participate in creating this concept, please leave a comment. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience


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