The Wisdom of The Dying

:slightly_smiling_face: :heart:


That just hit home different bro. All my life, I never really asked anyone for help. I’ve been extremely hesitant to ask any help fearing that people would end up not helping which would further hurt me. Even to this day and being in this forum since I joined, I never really asked anyone for help when I had something in my mind. I just searched for the answers myself by searching for it. But something wonderful happened today which I hadn’t realised until I read your post, yes, I reached out to @_OM for a help regarding something that happened yesterday and felt happy to have received his advice. Thank you @_OM

A few weeks ago I was listening to a Neville lecture in which Abdullah says to Neville “May I tell you you’re going to die, but you surely will not die”. That stuck in my mind and I’ve been seeing posts like “You have die to your old self to give birth to a new self” “You have to bury your old beliefs” etc for the past few weeks. It was a reminder to me really.

You know what, I’m really happy for this audio. I didn’t notice any thing while listening but it really did what it says in the description without me knowing it. It gave me a closure in a literal sense. I’m slowly letting go of my old self that no longer serves me and that starts today. You’re right @Dr_Manhattan, I now have a voice that can speak my heart out and I now know that my voice will be heard with appreciation.

Thank you for this dream


What a wonderful idea :heart:

This reminds me of the famous book “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying”.

This will go very well hand in hand with Conceptual Realizations :partying_face:

I can imagine that many folks here will switch their life priorities and values after listening to this for sufficiently long amount of time.

When this happens, many will return back to their initial incarnational life plans and no longer waste their life time, sedating themselves with mass media and fast food…

Guys, please post your newly acquired insights and wisdom here that you get downloaded into your mind from this field.


This music is beautiful, so are the visuals! Definitely my favorite music of a field so far. On my second listen, will listen to Ancestral Knowledge, which I’ve only listened to a handful of times period, alongside this.
I listened to Aura Clearing, Ego, Torsion, Plasmatron and Superhuman genius before this


This puts me into an unconditional love state, like nothing else matters :heart:

It pushes me to focus more on relationships and taking care of any living things from that place of unconditional love.
Enjoying fully the present moment and not worrying about the future so much.
Spending my time on things that truly matter and be of service, being a pure channel of love, peace, forgiveness.
Getting back to that childlike nature and experiencing the delight of the nature of things around here.

The Substratum of Life album is truly incredible, could hardly listen to anything else for the day. Most of my stack felt unnatural compared to it, even Shatachandi.

Once I put it on pause, the ego pattern comes back after a bit, but as indicated into the Inner Pillar of Power I believe this could get permanent with consistent use.


This field seems to be the key to somewhat tapping into “collective consciousness”. This field is knowledge from all walks of life, ever growing. There will always be new takeaways from this one!

Along with Ancestral Knowledge

And A Dream of Purity would be the cherry on top


Both the concept and music are beautiful


Awww i just realized this was released on 9-11 :slightly_frowning_face:

Sooo many lives unexpectedly lost
Unnecessary lost
So many people full of dreams
Probably lots of them wanting to change the world
Perhaps some were close to discover new important information


Just like that.

What was felt and thought in the last moments among all the stuff im sure were
“I cant just go like this, what about all things i want to do for me for my family etc”

Those very last moments of feeling a life of learning and growing going to waste, leave behind, forgotten about…

And every day, every year as much as we say “we will never forget” the memory fades away little by little or its just surpassed by a worse case of injustice and war.

But we know we just move places when we leave this plane and things go on but all done here, all learned here remains somewhere, in the universal collective consciousness untouched, just one of many.

9-11 one of many daily cases of dreams cut before they could become real. Every where, all the time.

But now we can not only grow through the process of others

But honor somehow even a tiny part their lives and dreams stolen away in the blink of an eye, it wont go to waste… it will fulfill purposes across the globe, across the universe, we now have the chance to finish what they started, we can keep pushing for changes that were silenced, we can allow then to live the life they wanted through us.

Plus all the ones that lived a good life, enriched every day, those that worked hard for months, years to being light to the world, we can access theirs now too.

Endless possibilities here.

Endless ways to take advantage of it

I hope we value this amazing huge gift, handled to us just like that!!! And free :nerd_face:🥸


Omg this is one of my favorite movies even if ppl laughs at Me. I get it.


Thanks for saving me the trouble of figuring combo for this gem. Let me try making it a dedicated stack
-Ego disolution
-Alchemical oil
-Wisdom of Dying
-Ancestral knowledge
-Conceptual realizations

Maybe I would use oil followed by ego audio, cuz the bastard wakes up not too long after playing the audio.
Wisdom and Ancestral should be played in whatever order someone feels it is best for them. If someone has more suggestions, fire away. Lets make the best Knowledge Download stack👌
Edit:animal empathy/telepathy during the day would definitely help as well


That’s a great stack already! Only things I can think to add would possibly be
Light and Vibrational Guidance:

Or Imaginarium Devine, based off of this testimony:


Here is my testimonial. I used Alchemical oil and Ego audio beforehand to prepare.
I dont have any dead relatives I know except grandpa, who passed away when I was maybe 2 years old so I dont remember him.

At the beginning I planned to lay in bed during the whole session, but after about half a minute I felt this enourmous urge to get into lotus position, so I did it.

I got incredibly emotional, like way more than I would expect. At one point, I felt like a lot of people are behind my back, became aware someone is holding their hand on my shoulders. I couldnt explain why, but I felt so much love and support coming from them, sending me that “feeling” we got ur back. Felt more support from them, than the living(I am aware it is messed up thing to say, it is my perspective and I have my reasons)

This feeling of love was way stronger than during/after my session with Inner Pillar of power, which again didnt make sense.

Only explanation is that I dont feel that ones close to me truly care about me and hope I will suceed in life (dad and grandma probably have the purest intentions), rest of the family is like-Sure it would be nice if he did it, then I can brag to others, but even if he doesnt oh well I am sure he will manage somehow.

I might have exagarated but I am certain that I rarely cross their minds. So this mental blockage prevents me from truly benefitting the field(Inner Pillar of power) I guess? All I know is that I felt immense support from the dead and I am grateful for it, as for the explanation of how and why…

Edit: Oh yeah I believe I managed to make some contact with grandpa, but this part of the experience is personal, all I can say is I was crying in gratitude to the man who gave us the most intimate gift we could ever ask for, and the one that we will need for the rest of our lives, for better or worse that is. And it is FREE


:pray: Thanks Dream, this one sounds “up my alley.” :slightly_smiling_face:


…maybe we should all stop calling the passed-over “dead”?
It implies they are somehow gone, but in reality there is just a veil of perception that is limiting us, not them (!), to see and communicate with them all the time. And after all they are pretty much all alive on the astral plane, most of them even more alive than people here on physical earth.
Ironic, I know… :joy:
And from their perspective we might even look like half-frozen zombies walking on a sphere in space (because they can teleport, fly, time travel etc. while we are bound by the physical limitations of 21st Century earth).

Mastering astral projection will also enable live visitations with the passed-over since one can then simply visit them, hug them and exchange concepts telepathically.

This maybe because we as souls have soul friends and soul relatives and those can be different than physical earth genetic relatives.
Very often soul relatives incarnate also a genetic relatives or other close constellations (wife and husband, boss and employee, best friends etc.). But not all genetic relatives are also one’s soul relatives.
Which explains why there are always some people in your earth family with whom you feel very connected while others feel like strangers or neutral people.

About the wisdom of the passed-over themselves:
This new field seems to combine the wisdom of EVERYONE who has ever passed-over (on this planet?) and thus, this collective wisdom may be far greater than tips from your single favourite passed-over relative :wink:

That’s a very interesting hint here by the Captain. Maybe this even includes the wisdom of passed-over Hyperboreans, Lemurians, Atlanteans, aliens, alien-human hybrids etc. ? :alien: :mermaid: :genie:



OK, I’ll play.

Because when I read this line, I thought of how at one time in my country, we got into a mode of calling the “physically handicapped” the “differently abled.” Which got me to thinking here, instead of “dead” we call them “the differently existing”?

Just one idea…


I see what you mean.
My suggestion was not motivated by any political correctness dogmas.
Rather focussing on the fact the those souls are still fully alive :wink:

Maybe we can call them the “ex-earthers” or the “next level residents” :laughing:


PS: Is your country by chance Germany? Because we had and still have the same polictical correctness over-reaction here too.


Oh, no, I didn’t mean to suggest that you were doing any political correctness-stuff! I got your intention and what you were going for and I wanted to play (in the fun sense of the word), too.

I went with the “existing” angle because of our friends’ reports here connecting to or experiencing their various loved ones. Since they were connecting to them or experiencing them, my logic said to me, “well, since they’re connecting, there must exist something to connect to.”

I like your suggestions, too.


Aha, I see now what you meant :slightly_smiling_face:

I guess everyone is free to call the “dead” as the like.
In the end it is not about the shortcomings of our human languages, but having the awareness that these souls are not really “gone” and that we should not write them off, but rather work on lifting this veil of perception between all of us :v: