The Wisdom of The Dying

reread Mao’s testimonial


1st review :hushed:

But not from Me :)

All my sisters and Mom use lots of fields, they are energy sensitive for the most part.

But there is one of them that never feels anything haha, i know as a fact that actually she out of all the rest have strong skills asleep, and we keep working on blockages etc but uh hmm, i always tease her and say i sometimes want to crack open her brain and see if something goes inside it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

We were all close to my Dad, but she was like the most protected one, not in a bad way but my Dad would always have this feeling of how could we help her, shes done ok in life but in all matters just ok. And she seemed ok with it but he always sensed that wasnt the case.

Anyway, she dreams often with him, he always tells her or shows her stuff but she never remembers or understands no matter how much she tries…

The night this was released after what i felt with both fields and how much i cried i messaged 2 of them i wanted them to listen to them before bed.

Me: blah blah blah so wow omg ive never cried so much listening to a field, if you dont feel anything or cry with this you really are a brick :laughing:

She was like aiight i take the challenge.

Played each x 3

Came back to me.

Me: so???

Uhm… nothing lol i didnt feel anything, and i didnt cry but i felt super relaxed tho.

Me: :roll_eyes: ok i guess thats something.

Her: so now what?

Me: keep listening to them x 3 or more up to you.

Today (2 days after) she messaged me:


She had super vivid dreams with my Dad and (my hair is all up about to type what he said)

He was inside a Tv and said : imagine this is a movie, i will show you things i want you to see, like a movie youll understands watching it from outside not from here.

And then he showed her things (too personal to share)

While she was there watching him in the movie understanding the plot!!!

She told me, seriously, it was so real, it was that moment of illumination you always talk about right before waking up, ive never felt this thing, its crazy. He was here, there or i was there i dont know.

But i completely understood the message.

And i will apply it

Ugh. Me cries even more- :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I am absolutely grateful for this. This field is gonna change her life i can already tell.

And btw shes been looping BoL for like 2 weeks now.

So i guess she is finally embracing and remembering who tf she is :face_with_hand_over_mouth::smiley:


Just beautiful, LunaMoon. I’m so happy for her! and you! :smile: :heart:


Thank you :blush:


You’re welcome, sweetie :slight_smile:


I was just talking to my sister then went to check FB and i saw this in my memories: (i know lots speak spanish around here)
Something my sister shared 7 years ago like just 3 days after my Dad passed.

It says:

“Save his image in the memory
So one day
While crossing the stars
You will recognize him fast among the angels”

Her caption:

“Daddy! I want to wake up from this nightmare”

I went and showed her this, the message is clear…

the nightmares can turn into beautiful dreams if she embraces him in them.



Is this because souls clump together? This kind of stuff is bloody intriguing :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Yes, souls often cluster together (on the physical and on the astral) for various reasons, most common of them being:

  • Love
  • Friendship
  • Coming from the same Higher Self, Soul Monad, Higher Self family etc.
  • Proven track record of past successful collaborations (in the earth game and other matrix games)
  • Reliability of one onto another (e.g. fulfilling certain life plan contracts to enable certain experiences and constellations while incarnated)
  • To learn/experience specific things from each other
  • [put in your reason here]
  • …and many many more

I was given one clear message:

With what felt like loving but regretful smile

“Love more. Love with courage”


Yes that is really true.
Actually I believe it’s the key to everything in our existence.

For real.


Agreeing with your statement.

I found that as we continue to rise in perspective, you learn to love (pure acceptance) of the new perspective and when integrated, you love from that perspective.

“Your capacity of love and to love will determine your power and happiness.” As I was told when I broke through one of my dark nights.


I’m pretty sure this brought up a very important piece of information for me - but it’s from a past life- and I am very confident it’s not a past life recollection tapped into from the Akashic records or collective consciousness , but the thing I keep getting snippets of since I was like 10.

Can someone please verify if this field can do that

V distraught :/

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Just being in a meditative state can bring up past life memories regardless what your listening to, so…

Maybe you picked up some knowing/wisdom from your own transitions/states between incarnations, or some others.

And you connected it with your past life…


But I wasn’t in a meditative state :( is that bad? And thank you :)

What do you mean with bad?

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Here is another related conceptual realization I had. You might see it differently but that’s how it was explained to me by my Higher Self on how consciousness expansion, free will and one’s capability to love go hand in hand:

…and your capacity to love will depend on the amount of true free will that you have.

Because in order to truly love, you need to make a proactive conscious decision to love unconditionally.

Otherwise your “love” will only be a conditional reaction to external circumstances.

Hence, for true love one requires true free will, so that one can make the decision to love someone or something independent of the conditions.

And to have true free will, you need to have awareness and consciousness.

The more conscious you are and the more aware you are, the more you are able to make a different decision. Because with more awareness you can see other options. And you see a bigger wholer picture.

That’s why expanding your consciousness and understanding of the world, allows for more free will decisions.

And the more you are capably to perform such type of free will decisions the more you are able to proactively decide to send your love to others, independent of the conditions.

Amount of consciousness/awareness → Amount of true free will → Capacity to truly love unconditionally

Which means only beings with true free will can love unconditionally.

And that’s why we are in this challenging matrix game:

To expand our consciousness and out of free will to decide to love others, despite all the conditions and imperfections that are dictated to us by the system.

To become like the sun.

Pure sources of unconditional love and understanding.



:heartpulse: Thank you two for the lovely message :pray:


Good question
Honestly, idek what I meant when I wrote that hahah.
…anyways brain spazz aside, thanks again girlie! xo


So far, the lessons that seem to have been integrated on me are:

Love more, be more joyful. I’m expressing love in a more intense and vulnerable/brave way. I’m also feeling more joyful, laughing much more at little things that happen in everyday life.

Be in the moment, appreciate the details. This one is the most incredible effect so far. Time is also running slower now, and extremely slow when I’m minimally focused on something. Took me days to get used to the fact fields I was playing weren’t on their second loop. Not only that: they usually were at 70~80% of their total playing time. Days are now weeks for me, and I’m grateful for the opportunity of experiencing more of life through the lens of this incarnation.

Something worth saying is that this effect can only be attributed to this field since Slow Perception of Time wasn’t able to make time that slow for me. Not even close, actually. My brain has a cap on how slower time can get with Slow Perception of Time because things start to get weird and out of sync with it.

The two lessons above made me remember this.

And the last one as far as I’m aware: Don’t be afraid to unlock your astral senses and explore them. Not much to say. This meme says it better.

This field is Wonderful with a capital W. Thank you Dream for that.


That movie (“About Time”) is awesome! :white_heart:

Folks who have not watched it, should not click the link as it is a spoiler :wink: