The Zen Lion

how are you? I’ve read that hurricane Beryl is the strongest in that region in 174 years.


Now it has calmed down a little on the city side. 2 days ago the rains and wind were very strong!


Sorry for being too present with my messages and my excessive enthusiasm on the forum for a while .

I would just like to have a feeling on my pendant to know if my servant Lion Zen is indeed present, I have doubts.

It may seem stupid but...

Wasn’t the servitor impregnated on the pendant in the store photo? On several occasions I looked at this photo on the site and I said to myself “this is what I want to put on my servant Lion Zen, I can see myself wearing this pendant”.

If among you there is someone very sensitive who can see and feel the servitor contact me by private message .

Usually when I wonder about a subject or a decision to make I have angelic confirmations with mirror numbers but since yesterday nothing, no confirmation, even by feeling.

I think..

that if the servitor would have been present with me I would not have had his thoughts of doubt and this useless chatter which is always present. All the effects described in the description as well as the testimonies I did not feel on my side.

I admit that I am a little disappointed that it does not work for me as I thought, a lot of waiting and enthusiasm.

Maybe it takes more time…
If there is a change and it works on my side I will share my experience with you .

After that I will be discreet on the forum.

I wish everyone a great experience with these servitor

Thank you :pray:


Have you tried calling The Zen Lion and trying to engage or communicate with him ? Lately i haven’t had much communication with my Zen Lion but i know he’s there but sometimes it feels like he doesn’t want to listen to my command. When i first activate him the presence was strong but it did seem to fade and i’m not sure if he’s still there are like you say i might not be energy sensitive.

But it may also be because the Animal servitor may not resonate with us. i might try out the Phoenix Sage to see if i have better connection with it. Or maybe you could also try the Starter Servitor to see if that affects you differently.

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Hi ! Thank you for your message :pray:

Yes I tried to communicate with him. ,I installed Health Stat and Dimensional Pocket. I did some tests activating a few fields, I didn’t notice anything.

I don’t understand, based on previous testimonies it seems that there isn’t much to do. You just have to wear it and let it happen to get the effects of the servant’s personality.

Members who have no experience in the energy servant worlds get results. The fact that it is public and easily accessible clearly shows that it is easy to use and within everyone’s reach, even for novices in the energy field.

No, really, I have a part of disappointment in me which means that I do not wish to invest in another servitor or skills until I have resolved what is wrong. I will invest a little more on energy audios ( next Dotto Ring )

My ego takes over ,sorry to those who read my messages .

I admit that I am impatient sometimes. I want to get everything quickly, this is not the right way.

This has a big impact because...

I rely heavily on these servitor, for myself personally , to care for people and later as gifts to my family members and close friends.

This reaction on my part is revealing, I need to work on detachment . Don’t stay in this pessimistic state .

A journey towards resilience.Inner peace

Well… I hope it will get better with time.

I hope that you get results for your part VK311


Captain confirmed to me that it was correct, the pendant is indeed in his presence.

When there is something new, we are often skeptical and head into the unknown. For some people like me, reassurance is necessary. I am not sensitive to energetic beings. Deep meditation might allow me to feel them, but it is difficult for me to reach that state. I rely heavily on the zen lion to help me in this aspect and, in parallel, I will use energies to provide support.

The first servitor that I discovered were created with a mandala on which the object was placed. The soaking process lasted between one and three hours, it seems to me.

Now with these new generation servitor and audio it only takes a few minutes. A very important improvement work from Captain :hushed:

I’m doing some tests with the dimensional pocket. I put 20 energy fields there. To test, I chose energy fields that act on the face (easily noticeable for me ) ,hair and Health.

After listening to each audio fields to save in the pocket dimension, I felt strong sensations in my face all last night.

I also had a headache and had difficulty sleeping.

Is this due to the energetic work of the audio or is it the work of the zen lion servitor who broadcasts energy fields according to my instructions? I also thought it might be a calcium deficiency. When I have a calcium deficiency I feel it a lot in my teeth and a little in my jaw.

I’m going to do a test for a week without listening to the audios that act on the face. If every day I have sensations in my face, this will mean that the zen lion servitor is diffusing the energy fields on me automatically.

All instructions are noted on my phone.

I defined three types of instructions in order of priority:

P1 (Priority 1): Lion Zen use your Health State healing abilities to improve my health to the highest level. If it is useful and beneficial to improve my health you can also use the energies in the dimensional pocket as well as those present in my bag.

P2 (priority 2): Lion Zen, in the dimansionnal pocket activates Automatically and intelligently the energy fields 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at the right time and for the ideal duration.

I added a note for each category to indicate my wishes. For example, for hair: have healthy, beautiful hair, and find lost hair,improve the structure of my face (bone and muscle) improve the health of my beard etc…

P3 (priority 3): Lion Zen, I hope that you manage the energy fields present in my bag in the best possible way so that I can benefit from the positive effects of each of the energies.

I also took the time to tell him verbally while thinking of him with intention.

If there are any results I will keep you informed.


I kinda feel the same… For the first week I felt strong presence… I even had it learned something and then infused it when I ask for it… It worked like a charm… But recently, I just couldn’t sense it anymore… Nor could I ask it to do energy work.


My relationship with other became very healthy and I find myself having more self-love and taking care of myself way more. It’s been so long since not buying myself new clothes, new wardrobe with a new style, I feel valued, confident and in phase with my clothes now.

My mental sphere is so peaceful now, things hardly enter my internal space without being redirected outside asap.


Last night, around 5 p.m., I went to the beach to swim. I wanted to clear my mind and swim a little to stimulate lymphatic circulation, to help heal my pharyngitis. This helped me a lot :ok_hand:.

Before leaving, I called my father to see if he wanted me to drive him home. he was also at the beach.
He told me there was someone who wanted to talk to me. I got out of my vehicle and walked towards a group of local musicians. When I arrived, I felt that some eyes were on me,public and musician (a lady especially with a smile :blush:) . My father introduced me to this person, a very nice lady. she knew me when I was very young. We talked for several minutes. During our conversation, two people I knew came to greet me. One of them, a childhood friend, wanted to chat with me. Seeing that I was busy, he told me he would come back later.

Anyway, all this to say that I felt like I had an added attraction. However, I wasn’t in the best shape with my sore throat and cough, lol. I kept a distance from people to avoid infecting them.

I only had my Lion Zen pendant with me. All my other energies remained at home. I made this choice to observe the effects of Lion Zen in interaction with other people :slightly_smiling_face:.

Another thing I noticed was my overall pretty calm state of mind, despite the recurring neck pain, fatigue, bad sleep and coughing.


So far I’m having great results with my new Zen Lion Servitor! I feel more calm, focused, even when pushed outside my comfort zone. I also feel an increase in physical strength and endurance. Noticed this strongly at the gym and while doing outdoor activities.

I always had a sort of fear of the ocean and swimming with waves or in open water. With the Zen Lion I ended up staying 2 hours swimming, diving and snorkeling and felt completely at peace. This a big step for me! I was able to finally practice free diving for the first time ever. Before I was too intimidated and too nervous to try it.

Absolutely loved the experience with my new found confidence and boosted energy!

My friend took this picture during our free diving. She has an under water device to take proper videos and pictures with your phone. I was sooo happy when we spotted the Clown Fish!! I love Nemo hehe


Congratulations @Siria for discovering diving !!

I spent big amount of time scuba diving and must say one of the best times ever nothing compare to 🫧 underwater world :tada::revolving_hearts:


Thank you, it indeed was a very unique experience and such a different world. Almost magical with all the colorful fish I spotted.
Can’t wait to improve my free diving skill and explore more, now that I was able to conquer this fear with my Zen Lion! :blush:

  • Health Stat :ballot_box_with_check:
  • Dimansional Pocket :ballot_box_with_check:
  • Gluttony :ballot_box_with_check:
  • Overclocker :ballot_box_with_check:
  • Magic Stat :ballot_box_with_check:
  • Dimansional Pocket (2nd). To move to 40 location.
  • Dimansional Pocket (3rd) or other capacity proposed in the future.

I continue to experiment. I will keep you informed :wink:


I think Zen Lion made me smarter . I never was setting up new phone and transferring data from the old phone never ever .
But today I was in situation where I need to do it . I watched couple times video on YouTube and did it . Yes I know is not complicated at all but truly I surprise my self today :sunglasses: was easy and fast :sunglasses:


Nice, Andromeda!

Gratz jade


Too early to ask, would there be a sale on ko-fi ? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I’m not sure if it worked. I placed my Zen Lion pendant on the Healing servitor mandala nft and asked if it could transmit all its knowledge on health and healing to my servitor Zen Lion. I left it there for a few minutes before picking up my pendant again.

I will also try this with The Nestling :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ok, ok :ok: I don’t know what’s up really!!! 🥸:nerd_face:

But last 3 days I can’t stop cleaning :broom: :soap: drawers, old stuff , rooms etc .

Yesterday got again big attack was literally feeling something going on , on the right side of the head that mysterious thing that still didn’t find a way to break some sort of a chain :chains: and it’s painful today physically.

But still I’m cleaning, sorting out stuff , washing, meditating :broom:🙆🤷:dancer: no idea what’s up at all but I’m active, I think is :fast_forward: Lion + Shorse , very nice combo ! Lol :laughing:


It took me some time to understand certain things with Lion Zen, especially the acquisition of skills, which turned out to be a lengthy process.

Since I simplified and modified the interpretation of mirror hours (or numbers), I now receive clear answers to my questions, whether they concern Lion Zen or other various topics. I make sure to note and validate each query on my phone.

For the past few days, I’ve started listening to the Higher Self Connection and Imaginarium Divine field again. I think it has helped.

There are many interesting things to accomplish with Lion Zen :grin:. Perseverance and experience always pay off :+1:.

I have one last slot available to install a new ability.

I’m hesitating between a third Dimensional Pocket ocket or a skill that might be offered to me soon. Ideally, it would be a third dimensional pocket. However, this will depend on Lion Zen’s ability to manage multiple energy fields. The installation of the second Dimensional Pocket already took time, as did the storage of the energy fields.

Before making this purchase, I will consult my guides and Lion Zen. For now, there’s no rush, as I have other priorities, such as Phoenix, followed by Griffon.


I edit my message several times because I regularly translate my texts and I correct spelling mistakes ,grammar and errors to make my message more understandable (thanks chatgpt lol)

Among the six abilities I wish to install for Lion Zen, it seems that two of them may not be fully realized. I asked for confirmation and requested a mirror hour to clarify the situation:

“Has Lion Zen fully mastered all six abilities at 100%?”

Hours passed without a response.

According to my pendulum, Lion Zen has mastered four of the six abilities: Health Stat, Overclocker, and the two Dimensional Pockets. Gluttony and Magic State remain unconfirmed.

Since the pendulum can sometimes be misleading, I prefer to get additional confirmation, such as a mirror hour or a specific number.

As I mentioned in my previous messages, I encountered some difficulties installing the abilities. The most easily detectable ability is the dimensional pocket: you just need to set up an energetic training field (for the face or another part of the body) and wait to feel the muscle sensations. That’s what I did with the HIIT energetic field.

The question I asked my higher self, my angel, and my guides is:

“Can the Phoenix learn the abilities of Gluttony and Magic State?” These are the skills that Lion Zen was unable to acquire correctly for various reasons.

Exemple of an answer that I could have

if I am awakened during my sleep by the urge to check the time. I will then have the answer to my question. “Yes” if I see a mirror hour, “No” if I do not see one during the night.

I will continue to ask questions and clarify my doubts to understand what is happening.

In summary:

  • Gluttony: I don’t feel a significant difference in my vital energy, maybe a very subtle one.

  • Magic Stat: This one is a bit harder to feel in terms of energy circulation and manipulation in my body.

  • Health Stat: I can’t be certain as I am also using other healing energy fields in parallel.

  • Overclocker: I have said “overclock activated” several times at different moments, but I haven’t noticed any difference in the energy boost.

  • Dimensional Pocket 1 ::ballot_box_with_check::+1:

  • Dimensional Pocket 2 ::ballot_box_with_check::+1:

I am referring to signs and synchronicities to get answers to my questions, which may take some time.

Energetic and psychic sensitivity and not very developed, so it will take some time to sort this out.

Nevertheless, I am very confident and happy with the experiences so far. :relaxed::heart::muscle::arrow_double_up:.

Currently but my thoughts are positive, I am very relaxed despite my slight pain in the kidneys.

Speaking of the kidneys and my health in general I notice since I have Sage Phénix that I am enven more involved and more determined to find the causes that harm my health. I regularly do research in order to inform myself.

I will explain and develop this in another message later.

Zen Lion + Sage Phénix :sunny:

Very soon Panther Mercurial :grin::muscle: