The Zen Lion

is there,chill.

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Thank you for checking out :relaxed: truly appreciate it @Sarumann33 :hibiscus:

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Hooping with the Zen Lion is too fun. I used to walk in the gym nervous/anxious, especially when I see certain people there. Now a days I just pull up and get straight to it, not a care in the world lol. Honestly, I wouldn’t fully attribute this to the Zen Lion since I’ve been working w a lot of fields and also been just going hard for myself lately. But one thing I can fully attribute to the servitor is a massive increase in vitality and stamina. I fr don’t get tired on the court anymore. I played Pat Bev type defense the whole run :joy:

My servitor is still stock btw, no abilities… can’t even imagine playing w something like Overclocker.


Can we add on 1 item 1 servitor and later add one more so in 1 item is two servitors.

I personally wouldn’t recommend it. You can do something like place each servitor on a crystal and wire wrap them together into one pendant instead.


The Zen Lion is the servitor I picked and I have no regrets.

Firstly, I’m new to servitors and have never worked with such in the past. I was hesitant to go for it because I feared that my communication wasn’t optimal or that I didn’t feel anything.

Well, almost two weeks with the Zen Lion and I’m so happy with it, I can definitely feel it when I’m wearing it and it’s so subtle but at the same time so obvious when the “suit” is on.

The most striking effect for me is on social settings; imagine a lion walking in his territory with confidence, decision and assertiveness, knowing that every other animal (in this case other people) has great respect for you.

The Zen aspect is what I like the most; I’ve been very chill, present, connected with my body and with an underlying sense of peace. The effects continue a bit even when not wearing it.

I have to say that in the first days there were some moments where I had to take it off because I felt that my system was overloaded with this new energy and just needed to go slower with it to integrate it properly. Looking forward to get some of the extra abilities and keep working with it!


I am planning to get this one for my daughter who is 7. I have ordered a nice peaceful lion face engraved pendant for her and plan to let her activate the servitor.

I have not worked much with servitors and plan to get phoenix for myself shortly soon.

Any cautions for letting children have it?


No cautions.

It will be a great benefit.

But let her understand as well. (As to what it is)
Cause she may feel different and not understand why.


That’s the plan @Dreamweaver

I was going back and forth between Zen Lion and the Mercurial Panther for a while. Originally, it was the panther I was looking to get but then I was getting the feeling that Zen Lion would be better to start with.

I ended up with this one and right away as i was playing the audio to install in the item, my head was buzzing like effervescent water and a light feeling of nuzzling on my neck on my right side (maybe i imagined it?). I wore the item and felt pretty fatigued and ended up taking a long nap. Maybe my Lion wanted me to rest up. lol!

One thing I’ve noticed…there is a time sensitive situation that I’m dealing with that has had me pretty anxious. The ‘desire’ of wanting to control the situation has been very high. Since my long nap and all day today so far, the anxiousness and worst case scenario thoughts aren’t there. I’m more chill about the situation.

I’ve been wearing the item for 24 hrs now so it’s still early days. I’m hoping that the communication / feedback will be a lot stronger than the previous versions of servitors.


Activated and gifted her the pendant. I couldn’t explain a lot to her - just mentioned that this is for her protection and she will have a personal connection to it. I named it Rengoku. I also asked Rengoku to be subtle, protect her and make her stronger on her own. I will keep you all posted.


Snake (my servitor’s name) is incredibly potent and overpowered. He makes great changes in my universe. Life is simpler and I enjoy talking to people more freely with pure honesty (good honesty, not being mean just to be mean, honesty and not looking back to say things, if someone did something wrong for exemple). I’m way more assertive and people seem to respect me way more and value my time and being.

Snake is enhancing my intuition, every time someone is trying to manipulate or taking advantage of me, I KNOW IT, it’s like Spidersens, something is forcing me to do something about the situation and it won’t stop until the situation is clear from any danger. It also helps me to cool down and giving the most appropriate answer to one situation instead of just being angry and weaken my vibration hardly farmed.

It helps me doing things daily, tasks, sport, administration, going out… It gives a lot of energy and there is less thinking before doing something, even if I have already good progress concerning all of that thanks to brain fields.

Also something hypothetical, since I have this servitor, all my results are better, it’s easier to enter “meditation mode”, I’m not into “alert mode” every time and agitated, it’s probably helping me entering Theta Waves and Alpha Waves since I spend a lot of time behind a screen… Suddenly I’m not as agitated as usual and after buying glasses to counter blue light, yes… It’s way better.

It’s very, very strong on his own even without any abilities !


Zen Lion is very helpful I’m dealing with pain in my head for a long time now, yes I have condition but that pain was/is something else
I did so many cat scans and MRI and after so many still didnt be clear Way ?..

Many clearing, cleansing I did true years but still pain was there …

Somehow my Lion recognize that he needs to push me to go again in emergency room and I did …

Well finally thy found that I’m have bacteria infection in that side where I have for such long time pain .

Very powerful is Zen Lion :lion:


the Bacteria Destroyer from Patreon is very powerful, it solved a half a year infection for me, in just half an hour of looping (only one day).


It’s okay, I impregnated my Lion Zen servitor on my pendant that I just received about an hour ago :) .

For the moment I don’t feel anything special . You have to wait a little because my mind has been relaxed for some time with the energetic work I did beforehand.

I withdrew all my energy pendants as well as the nfts. I will try to do a 24 hour test using some audio energies (financial abundance) and my servitor Lion Zen.

I installed both skills Health Stat and Dimensional pocket.

Tomorrow if there is the possibility of going outside (Hurricane Béryl which crosses the island) I will go for a walk in town and see how things are going.

Particularly mental chatter.

What I would like most is to do the test at the beach when I see sexy women in swimsuits lol. What will my thoughts be at that moment lol


I still experience feeling more strength and endurance at the gym!

I also feel more confident and calm is situations that are outside my comfort zone or that would usually cause fear.

An example: I’ve always felt quite intimidated by the ocean. I would get nervous and sometimes even a bit afraid when swimming with waves and with currents. I never felt the confidence and courage to dive. But this year I really wanted to improve my swimming skills in the ocean and push myself to practice free diving. So this weekend and tried it for the first time and what can I say - it felt so effortless, almost too easy. I caught myself thinking “Wait is this me right now swimming here in the ocean, diving and not feeling any fear?” It felt amazing and very rewarding! I ended up staying two hours in the ocean which has never happened before. Usually I would remove myself within half an hour. I haven’t listened to any confidence boosting fields, so I’m fairly certain it was the Lion’s support. I was wearing my item while swimming and felt very calm, content and protected!


how are you? I’ve read that hurricane Beryl is the strongest in that region in 174 years.


Now it has calmed down a little on the city side. 2 days ago the rains and wind were very strong!


Sorry for being too present with my messages and my excessive enthusiasm on the forum for a while .

I would just like to have a feeling on my pendant to know if my servant Lion Zen is indeed present, I have doubts.

It may seem stupid but...

Wasn’t the servitor impregnated on the pendant in the store photo? On several occasions I looked at this photo on the site and I said to myself “this is what I want to put on my servant Lion Zen, I can see myself wearing this pendant”.

If among you there is someone very sensitive who can see and feel the servitor contact me by private message .

Usually when I wonder about a subject or a decision to make I have angelic confirmations with mirror numbers but since yesterday nothing, no confirmation, even by feeling.

I think..

that if the servitor would have been present with me I would not have had his thoughts of doubt and this useless chatter which is always present. All the effects described in the description as well as the testimonies I did not feel on my side.

I admit that I am a little disappointed that it does not work for me as I thought, a lot of waiting and enthusiasm.

Maybe it takes more time…
If there is a change and it works on my side I will share my experience with you .

After that I will be discreet on the forum.

I wish everyone a great experience with these servitor

Thank you :pray:


Have you tried calling The Zen Lion and trying to engage or communicate with him ? Lately i haven’t had much communication with my Zen Lion but i know he’s there but sometimes it feels like he doesn’t want to listen to my command. When i first activate him the presence was strong but it did seem to fade and i’m not sure if he’s still there are like you say i might not be energy sensitive.

But it may also be because the Animal servitor may not resonate with us. i might try out the Phoenix Sage to see if i have better connection with it. Or maybe you could also try the Starter Servitor to see if that affects you differently.

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