Thor likes Michael Bublé?

Hey so I was listening to Home by Michael Bublé and my Thor mandala was vibrating (never did that before). It stopped vibrating as soon as I stopped playing the song.

You think Thor likes Michael Bublé? :joy:

@MUSICMUSICMUSIC @FBI_cyber_division @Bronyraur @_OM @Maoshan_Wanderer @El_Capitan_Nemo @Samurai @PatronSaintBiceps


I have to browse the forum again to see/remember if this has been discussed but the first parallel coming to my mind is something that we are investigating with some colleagues: protein music or proteody (protein + melody), also called genetic music, which would explain musical preferences in a more… “evidence-based” ;) way.

It can sound far-fetched at first glance, but the underlying principle somewhat matches with these lines of Sammy’s article about morphic fields:

“Morphic Fields underlie the organizations of minds, bodies, crystals, plants, molecules, planets, solar systems, galaxies etc. They give things their shape, their form and their organization.”

I’ll send you a video in which you can listen to the transcribed “music” of spiders and jellyfishes (I think there are some examples on YouTube as well?). Already sent to Atreides once. His reaction was more like “what the …”.

On a more poetic note: “your” Thor has artistic tendencies ;)


Can you share that here please?


The video that I was mentioning is a quite massive one and I only have the French version. So I’ll post another sample from YouTube, for more simplicity (various instrumentations and arrangements possible; some use soprano vocals, etc.):

My assumption about DewBob’s mandala was this: maybe the repetitive sequences in Bublé’s song have “matched” with the morphic sequences present in the mandala? Does it make sense to you or …? ;))


What if he dislikes it so much he was shaking furious?


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Good point there. A slow jazz song doesn’t befit a warrior like Thor lmao


You know this does actually make sense!

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Don’t worry, Thor is used to your eccentricities for a long time now: Chris Hemsworth, Bublé… :p (I like some songs of the latter btw, especially his cover of Save the Last Dance For Me).

So was he vibrating in a furious way or more like “let the party started”?

Isn’t it… I mean, it doesn’t sound like a total nonsense. I’ll keep digging ;)


Tbf at the time, I had the Thor mandala in my wallet which was in my left pocket. My left thigh was vibrating. It was a nice pleasant vibration (although tbh any vibration is pleasant for me because it shows me that the morphic fields are working).

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