Thoth The Scribe NFT

Thoth The God of Wisdom and Knowledge

The ancient Egyptians highly valued the wisdom and knowledge that one acquired throughout his life. But these merits were not only the pride of their possessor, but also the gift of the great god Thoth. The god of wisdom and knowledge taught men to write, gave all kinds of discoveries, and patronized scribes and scholars. Ancient Egyptian texts tell a mythological story according to which the god Thoth was the great ruler of the world in times immemorial. He ruled during the Age of Deities, possessed secret and great knowledge, some of which he gave to people. The Egyptians considered him one of the most important gods in Egyptian mythology, superior to many other great gods in power and wisdom.

Thoth is sometimes called Atlantean, which is a direct reference to the civilization of the enigmatic Atlantis. According to the legends, it was this god who taught the people of this mysterious land the sciences and arts, in which the Atlanteans reached unprecedented heights and progress. Following this legend, the god Thoth is an Atlantean, one of the Archangels of the Earth, who oversees the Sirius system.

In the notes of Plato (who first mentioned Atlantis) we can find information about the legendary tablet of Thoth. The ancient Egyptians believed that in it is written all the wisdom of our universe. It is on it the symbol of Atlantis. According to one legend, Thoth became one of the most famous priests and kings of that very Atlantis. Perhaps that is why the ancient scriptures say that Thoth was one of those who participated in the creation of the world, relying on his own wisdom. Legend has it that Thoth possessed knowledge that was inaccessible even to Ra.


Analyzing various sources, it is obvious that the god Thoth is associated with all that is good in this world. Thoth invented the celebration of people’s birthdays and deathdays, kept records, created writing and taught it to people, he also taught people how to count, taught them mathematics and medicine. Absolutely all the scribes enjoyed the patronage and favor of Thoth. Thoth taught people to follow the 365-day cycle of the year (previously only 360 days had been calculated). He commanded knowledge, gave wisdom and enlightenment to people, and helped with intellectual work.

If we talk about the lineage of the god, his father was the supreme god Ra himself, and his wife was the patroness of judges and the goddess of justice Maat. Thoth and Maat symbolized the unity of honesty and wisdom, which must inseparably coexist in harmony. Also associated with Thoth is Seshat, the goddess of writing.

Thoth was a powerful patron not only of scholars, but also of magicians. He was identified with the moon, the so-called night sun. Because of this he was opposed to Ra, the solar god of day. Despite this, Ra and Thoth are often depicted together, and the Egyptians referred to the god of wisdom as "the heart of Ra. Nighttime and moonlight in ancient Egypt were identified with magical mysteries and sorcery. Later on, it was not only magicians, but also healers, astrologers and astronomers who came under Thoth’s power. After the long confrontation between Seth and Horus, after the judgment of the gods, diplomacy became Thoth’s strong point. He enjoyed boundless authority and was one of the most important persons at the divine court. He was the chief secretary and carefully recorded all divine decisions. There are many mentions that it was Thoth who had the ability to solve problems and conflicts that arose between the gods.

Thoth was credited with creating an incredible library of scrolls in which he recorded all information concerning science, magic, the arts and progress. This library was said to contain alchemical knowledge as well as the knowledge to control the forces of nature.

It was considered the lord of the Tree of Life. According to legend, on the leaves of this tree were written the terms in which the Egyptian pharaohs were to rule, and these records were made by none other than Thoth. Thus, this god was also given the position of ruler and guardian of destinies.

Individual visions to work with the NFT

  • Teacher / Mentor / Protector (from negative influences / creatures)
  • Access to any knowledge, in any area of science, craft
  • Guide, which will help to achieve certain goals, to understand the meaning of life, destiny
  • Openening and expanding consciousness
  • Wisdom and knowledge of all things: science / magic / knowledge of ancient civilizations
  • Comprehensive helper during astral travel / guide for astral travel / for meditations
  • Blessings of Thoth (advantage in all disputes)
  • Divine inner equilibrium
  • A resource for predicting the future
  • Energetic connection to all egyptian and thoth related pyramid/secret/sacred temples/shrines around the world
  • Connection to the real beings that represent the Gods of Egypt/ Connection to the Egregorian Gods of Egypt
  • Improved intelligence/psychic processing/understanding of aspects of being
  • Neutralization of any self-created thoughtform
  • Improved Higher Self Connection/Communication
  • Holistic understanding of human systems (physical, energetic body) - and the ability to effectively self-help when needed
  • Expanding Awarness/Knowledge into function of Reality/Quantum Reality
  • Knowledge about all the writen Words/Symbols and full understanding of these by Thoth
  • Guide/Help for Developing Energetic Body and Energy Body System/Chakras/Meridians/Energy
  • Opening and expanding consciousness
  • Development of psychic abilities
  • Constant and continuous learning of Thoth himself, self-improvement, expansion of the knowledge
  • Base and unrestricted teaching for the NFT owner
  • An access of Primordial guidance, mentoring, and higher vibrations from the beings present in the Halls of Amenti where the beings actively build a connection with us, acting as a mean of
    consciousness transmission, mentoring, and teaching of all their knwoledge.
    The NFT provides the user with an active connection to Halls of Amenti, a constant consciousness transmission from the beings and masters as well as a constant primordial guidance

this was a group project NFT

Thanks Captain_Nemo
Thanks to everyone in the group


congratulations, that is super beautiful.

when i had my kundalini awakening back in 2015 i remember for like 3 months i had half asleep half awaken vivid dreams or visions i dont even know where among other stuff he was in them consistently and tho, i was always intrigued about Egyptian anything, never really dived in to learn about it, after that time, i did for a bit but not much tbh. lol

i hope one day i get the chance to exchange this for something :slight_smile:




Thoth the Atlantean…


I feel a sense of … delight, a sense of hope; that magic can exist in the air. Some pleasant feeling bubbling inside me that remains in the background, nonetheless consistent- middle of the chest, heart chakra I suppose you’d call it. I feel safe within my own body after a very, very long time. I feel grounded. A bit confident even.
Also, my resting face today has been inclined to a subtle smile; Less gloom, more bloom :sunflower:

Captain you are just so perfect. Thank you so much, for allowing me to encounter him, words are so futile with wanting to thank you. You are literally so - gah I cant even :green_heart: Thoth comes as a close second to you!


This looks amazing :grin::love_you_gesture:

Congratulations to everyone who got it.


I didn’t have much attraction to the Egyptian Gods, to be honest. And I’ve always associated them with the movie Stargate 1994. I wasn’t planning on being involved in that project. I just didn’t feel a resonance with him (I didn’t at first)

Next, the leader asked for help with technical - management issues, and invited me into the group. And the first few days I really had no plans to buy this product

But then the most interesting thing began.
I know what is personalized content (and algorithms of collecting information about the user from social networks, google and so on), how to adapt various information content based on search queries, history of visiting web sites and so on. But the “information gathering” for our project base was not yet on my part.

“Strange things” began to happen immediately when the leader plugged me into the group. For example, Facebook began to offer articles that were related specifically to this god. I went in - saw the article.

Next - more interesting: working on the text and summarizing all the information of the whole group, I really began to feel his presence. Thoth himself - he is very calm, sensible, he breathes freshness and night. This is my personal, perhaps simplified reflection when working with him for a month :) Certain signs, insights. Later, similar impressions were shared by colleagues even before we bought the NFT.

Each of us has his own vision of working with this God - we made that clear as a group. My personal expectations were not grandiose, but I realize now that he has actively helped (and is helping) throughout this adventure precisely in the intellectual process. I think he also helped to become more tolerant of each other in our closed group, where there were vigorous discussions about him…
I thank everyone, the whole group for this opportunity to have such a friend.


“Thoth the Scribe”

@Scribe…no relation


One thing i expirienced today was the stoppage or riddance of thought forms that i asked to be eliminated in general i had an awesome day also bc of other beings but this one i specifically asked of thoth and it happend so i had a really pleasent calm happy mind the whole day almost bliss in a way.
What i also noticed is that my mind feels sharper focus is easier but i am just scratching the surface i am very grateful :pray:t5:


Thoth plus Ascension tag…just feeling really good right now. Work events that occurred today would normally put me in panic, but nothing of the sort. I feel very calm, with an inner knowing that everything will work out just fine.


Very good/accurate wording an inner knowing of everything will work out just fine!


I will be putting the Scribe part to the test tomorrow as I will be doing a 30 day publishing sprint.


Looking forward to reading the experience you will have :)


do you print it?


Just scratching the surface as well here like @Baya but I will attest to the calm and dissolution of some thought forms that had been going rampant in myself. It’s almost as if things come up that I would be entertaining before and I would just dismantle them quick, not really knowing the impact of what it was creating. Really really seems to be helping me with those self imposed created stories I had going on like a movie reel playing.

I find myself being curious in a lot of intellectual endeavors and even research which I find surprising as a previous group member also stated earlier in this thread.

My inner knowing is sharpening and my energy is clearing up some energetic knots I have had for quite some time. I’ll probably come back with more information as I can’t imagine we could possibly capture the scope of these NFTs and their growth and potential we get blessed with in a mere day or so at least not for myself.

If there is anything I did notice as well was the diffusion of judgement and inability to take in feedback not so personally within myself.



Yeah, then if you want you meditate with it to have a better connection to Thoth so youre communication with him is improved or you simply go around with this NFT printed which does the same, but meditation is more fun. Its up to you, both ways work.

that applies to all the NFTs which connect you to beings


Hmmm interesting we had our kundalini awakening (the rush of energy: the serpent fire) in the same year.


Until now! :D


ok, thanks!


Please can you tell me what is going on here - is this some kind of field or how to use it ?